Friday, March 27, 2020

New Moon AngelScopes  3/24/2020

Aries- The angels remind you to ask and you shall receive during this new to full moon phase.  The suggestion is to “connect with heaven.”  You can do this through prayer and contemplation.  Blessed Mother Mary is close by to soothe all your fears.  Answers are revealed by the full moon – so if you are wondering, keep asking for revelations.

Taurus – This new to full moon phase has those around you asking for help.  Choose to be love and offer a helping hand, free of conditions and judgement.  The help you give will come back to you over and over again.  Your guide through this time is Quan Yin, she will help you nurture yourself and others.

Gemini – the new moon to full moon brings a sense of awakening for you, Gemini.  Being aware of how others’ energies effect you is important now – use your light shields daily to cleanse and clean what comes to you as well as what flows from you.  The universe has your back, and Master Jesus is by your side in all things.  It’s an excellent time to strengthen relationships with your physical and spiritual friends.

Cancer – Miracles are within reach, Cancer.  Archangel Michael is heling with all you need, including clearing cobwebs that block your sight.  Work with him when you feel stuck in any situation.  Release your worries and watch Divine Magic happen.

Leo – This new moon has you being called to be your best self, Leo.  Leos are natural leaders and now is the time to lead, even if you have no followers.  The angels remind us that each thought, each action we take is an energetic vibration that is shared with all of the universe.  During this new to full moon phase mindfulness is key.  Your guide during this time is Holy Spirit, guiding you with words and actions.

Virgo – this new to full moon phase has you being called to recognize the good, the fun and the blessings that are all around you.  Your sacred self is asking to e recognized, even in the midst of uncertainty.  Trust that you are well guided as the energy of the Shekinah works through and with you.  Take some time for simple pleasures.

Libra – the light you have been seeking is already around you, Libra, and this new to full moon phase has you reaching beyond the darkness.  You may not be aware but you are right on the edge of success.  This success may come from years of planning or as a total surprise.  The universe is speaking to you helping you choose love over fear.  Archangel Ratziel is working with you to lift any veils that hold you back from seeing your soon-to-be-here success.

Scorpio – this new to full moon has your psychic senses working OT, and cosmic gateways are opening up.  You may believe are standing still, but the angels, guides and masters are working in the ethers to help manifest the miracles you have been waiting for.  Your Egyptian guides are helping you remember your power and manifest what’s needed both for yourself and others.

Sagittarius – this new to full moon phase brings opportunity for family healing that has been sitting at bay.  Master White Eagle is working with you to heal all wounds, so pathways of communication can be open and clear.  Connecting to / asking for your ancestors to help is beneficial.  It’s also a great time for you to connect with nature, all of it speaks to us in many ways.

Capricorn – This is a time of transcendence for you Cap, and Master Lord Shiva is helping you find your advanced place in the world.  Being true to your soul helps and if you are unsure of how to achieve anything, no worries – the angels will bring the answers.  Specific steps will be given for achieving this connection to your higher self and your next level through many signs, friends and inspirations.

Aquarius – The new to full moon brings many opportunities for forgiveness – for you to give or receive forgiveness from yourself and others.  Father forgiveness is especially strong at this time, and encompasses all father figures from the God-head, to your physical dad, to you as father, to the father of your children.  If you find you are hard-hearted anywhere, this is the perfect time to work with Jesus, Mary and the entire White Light Brother/Sisterhood to remove those bonds of destruction from yourself.

Pisces – this new to full moon phase brings oceans of inspiration for yourself and others, Pisces!  Share your ideas in the kindest manner possible, encasing your words in love.  The grace of the heavens is upon you and you may see an easy flow to your days during this time.  Your guardian angel is strong around you, whispering encouragement and ideas for all you are questioning. 

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