Thursday, April 30, 2015

Full Moon Scopes

I am using an unfamiliar computer to post these, please excuse if they "look" different.

This full moon the angels remind us that we are all greatly intuitive.  We have been given a gift that helps guide us in our own lives and is the communication pathway between ourselves, our angels and our guides.  Over the next two weeks pay attention to gut feelings, little “knowings” and prophetic dreams.  If you are receiving messages about the world or others, just send up a prayer or send out some healing light.  The more you use your intuition, the stronger it becomes.

Ask the angels mentioned to help in all you do.

Aries:  Brilliant ideas may be presented to you during this full to new moon phase.  Which idea to act upon is your decision, and discussions with a partner can help.  It’s time for action and your guardian angel leads you to all things beneficial

Taurus:  Love from a youngster cod upon.  Blessed Mother is helping you learn to give in a less selfish manner.  Easing others struggles can help ease your own.  Social activities are loads of fun. 

Gemini:  Family bonds are strengthening all around you as more and more get-togethers are planned.  Being in the moment rests your busy mind long enough to allow answers to appear.  Meditating can help, but so can anything that takes all your focus, such as reading.  St. Gabriel helps keep the party hopping.

Cancer:  your indecisiveness over the past few weeks lingers, making you wonder if you made the right decisions.  Haniel is helping you acknowledge your successes and Kamael works to ease temptations.  The work ahead of you is nothing compared to what you’ve already accomplished.  Things WILL get easier.

Leo:  Someone may tray and come between you and a beautiful relationship.  This is out of jealousy.  St. Michael is ready, sword out to move things along.  Focusing on beauty and engaging in a beloved hobby can help you remain calm, even when you want to roar.

Virgo:  There’s a sense of unity as you work toward shared goals with others.  Uriel lights the way to what is best for all.  Be sure to allow time for resting, as you are going to be extra busy once the new moon rolls in.

Libra:  A project takes more time and manpower than you expected.  Meditating can bring time saving solutions.  St. Raphael brings extra angels to help as needed, remember to ask for assistance.  Romance heats up.

Scorpio:  you finally have some down time – forced or chosen – and it is a wonderful respite.  Anything out doors is soothing to your soul at this time and the elementals are ministering to you.  You may even see a faerie or two.  Quan Yin adds a reassuring vibration to your inner soul.

Sagittarius:  You may hear about or experience an unexpected new beginning or new life.  This changes some family activity and adds excitement all around.  The Creator brings ideas to help whenever you feel stuck and also gives you the energy and confidence you need to move forward.

Capricorn:  Oh, it’s an exciting time Capricorn, as you give your all to your heart’s desires and also receive all from those around you.  Happiness surrounds you and love is plentiful.  Responsibilities may dampen your spirits, but not enough to bring you down.  St. Gabriel, St. Raphael and St. Michael are all slapping you on the back with congratulations!

Aquarius:  This is a great time for a little trip, or to pick up a new hobby.  Life is changing and you see your future easily – including how busy the last part of 2015 is going to be for you.  Jophiel is close by, bringing joy to anything you ask for.  Share your light through smiles.

Pisces:  Change is all around you as you are planning to almost re-invent yourself.  You are ready to release struggle and make life easier, maybe even forging out alone.  Tzaphkiel helps you gather info and then make informed choices.  Love and money improve by the new moon.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

New Moon Today!

New Moon AngelScopes™ April 18th, 2015

This new moon the angels remind us that there often needs to be an ending to have a new beginning.  We can come closer to finishing what needs to be done by communicating our needs.  This includes not just saying what we need to, but also listening to what others say.  Wearing a shade of blue between the shades of sky and cobalt will help with all aspects of communication – speaking, listening and even silent messages.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Your words are meant to create change during this new to full moon phase – so be careful what you ask for.  You are ready for action and may even lead the way for others.  St. Michael is your champion during this time.  If you feel stuck or inhibited, meditation can bring the answers you seek. 

Taurus – A partnership is front and center – be it business, romance or friendship, there are details to work out.  Success is imminent, and Haniel helps all involved reach new understandings and re-commit.  You will need to make a choice when the full moon rolls around, now is the time to weigh your options.
Gemini – The angels remind you that NOT choosing is actually choosing, however, you can lose more at this time by not acting than you can by waiting things out.  St. Raphael shows you which path to take and brings the love you need closer to you.  If you are stressing over a decision, ask your guardian angel before you go to  sleep for help.  The answers may come through your dreams or upon waking.

Cancer – You are about to embark upon a very lucrative partnership or project.  A special someone supports you through this innovative time.  Career and business opportunities are highlighted. Uriel helps you hold your treasure in your hands as well as acknowledge exactly what your treasure is.

Leo – It’s a very active time socially, and you wouldn’t mind a day off.  St. Gabriel helps you as new people enter your life and some acquaintances leave.  Take time to tune into your soul if you seek direction.

Virgo – It’s a very happy time for you during this new to full moon stage, as romance, family and spirituality are highlighted.  The Holy Spirit brings many true blessings during now and mid-May.  Take time to enjoy, no agenda needed.

Libra – Sometimes it’s no fun being the boss.  You need to keep your emotions in check and show a brave face to the world.  Kind words take you further than anything else, especially when shared with a smile.  You seem to be in a waiting game, but after the first week of May its full steam ahead.  Ratziel reminds you that this is a page from your book of life and you can write it any way you choose.

Scorpio – You can be hard on others, Scorp, but this new moon you are hardest on yourself.  This is an excellent time to open a new door to learning or to experience a new adventure.  Your guardian angel invites you to self-examine but not self-incriminate.  A special relationship shines more brightly than usual.

Sagittarius – There’s always so much to do and you want to do it all.  You have been given all the tools you need to make your own way.  This new moon is the perfect time to step forward on your chosen path.  The Creator helps you decide where to spend your energy.  Great strides can be made in any area of your life that you focus on.

Capricorn – You may be experiencing relationship struggles, but realize this is a part of your growth.  If you have more than one lover, it’s time to take a look at the entire situation and determine if any truly fills your needs.  St. Michael helps with all types of temptations associated with career and relationships.  Don’t fret, by June all will be well.

Aquarius – Family concerns are at the forefront as you watch those you love make decisions to help them move forward.  The angels remind you that you can’t decide for your loved ones, they need to do that themselves, but you can support and educate along the way.  Personally there are some fun times during this new to full moon phase.  Your guardian angel’s got your back in all you do.
Pisces – You are talking about money and getting your wishes come true.  This new to full moon phase may be filled with pleasant surprises all around.  The Shekina brings inspiration and gifts.  Social activities are quite fun!

FULL MOON – May 3rd  11:42pm ET

Friday, April 10, 2015

Mind Stretch - Open to New Possibilities

Mind Sretch Meditation

Close your eyes.  Get your body into a comfortable position.  Begin by inhaling through your nose as deeply as you can, filling your lungs to capacity.  Exhale through your lips, pushing every bit of air out of your lungs.  Do this three to five times.  Inhaling as deeply as you can, exhaling as much as you can.  You are inhaling positive healing energy, and exhaling and releasing all stress, all anxiety and all negativity.  After you have finished your three to five good, deep breaths, continue to breathe normally.  Every breath you take puts you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.  You begin to feel your body relax with each breath you take.  Your toes, your feet, your ankles all becoming more and more relaxed with every breath.  Your calves, knees thighs and hips all relaxing with each breath.  Every breath you take puts you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.  Your mind is focused and your body relaxed, as you continue to inhale positive healing energy, and exhale all stress, all anxiety and all negativity.  You feel your buttocks, your lower back, lower torso, middle back, midsection, upper back and chest all relaxing.  Every breath putting you deeper and deepter into a state of relaxation and focus as you feel your shoulders, your arms, your elbows, your wrists, your hands and fingers all totally relaxed as you continue to breath, inhaling positive healing energy and exhaling and releasing all stress, all negativity and all anxiety.  Your neck, your jaw, your cheek and your brow – all totally relaxed.  Your head totally relaxed.  Continue to breathe normally, inhaling positive healing energy and exhaling and releasing all stress.  Every breath putting you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.

You realize that you are surrounded by angels.  You feel secure in this knowledge and are happy to have these angels standing by.  You begin to focus on your mind.  With the speed of thought you see your mind as a pliable mass.  The angels that were surrounding you now surround the pliable mass of your mind.  The angels touch your mind on all sides, and begin to pull and stretch your mind.  It grows in all directions as it is stretched, allowing for more and more positive information to fill it.  Every breath you take fills your mind with white light.  Your mind becomes brighter and brighter.  With the speed of thought your mind has been stretched to 10x its size, and has been energized by the angels.

You thank the angels and begin to focus on your brain.  See your brain as a gold energy.  The angels have now gathered around your brain, and they are energizing your brain cells, establishing a direct connection to the realm of heaven for you.  Follow this connection and receive information on what/who/where you are to be.  Let the angels fill you with the gold light of heaven, inserting ideas and notions in your brain, showing you possible successes you were not aware of before.

As the angels stretch your mind and energize your brain, you may have questions – such as “Am I on the right path?”  or “How can this situation reach a peaceful resolution?”  Communicate these questions, one at a time, to the angels.  After you have asked a  question, wait for an answer.  If you do not understand the answer, ask the angels to give you the answer in the simplest form that you will understand.  When you have your answer, thank the angels again for helping expand your mind.  When you have finished communicating, take a deep, deep breath.  Feeling refreshed and renewed, exhale and open your eyes.

Guided Meditations:   available at,

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Your Master Soul

     Our bodies don’t last, but our souls do.  We are eternal beings and as such are multi-dimensional.  This is why when people meditate comments such as, “I didn’t want to come back,” or “I was pretty far out there” or even, “from this point on I don’t remember anything,” are shared afterwards.  As multi-dimensional beings, we are working on many levels at one time.  This is why you can sometimes “feel” that your best friend is right next to you though they are miles away, you can “hear” your ancestors speaking, or you sometimes experience déjà vu.  Because we are multi-dimensional, we can tune out where we are and be focused somewhere else.  We can “get lost” in a moment.  Time can stand still for us or pass in the blink of an eye.

     As multi-dimensional beings, we have many purposes.  In our physical lives, we may use the term “many hats.”  Just as we have multiple duties in our physical lives (spouse, parent, employee, etc.) we have multiple duties in our souls; duties that span lifetimes and even millenniums. We realize we have a purpose in this life (though it sometimes eludes us) but we also have a purpose on all dimensions.  We often hear the terms “over-soul”, “higher self” and “master soul” to label the non-physical part of ourselves that resides in the higher realm.

     Let’s face it – there is no way to gain all the knowledge and experience we want in just one lifetime.  Child prodigies are examples of souls who carry with themselves a talent gleaned in another time and place.  This talent may be this life’s soul purpose – to completely master that talent.  Sometimes the talent doesn’t show itself until a bit later in life.  I’ve seen this with quite a few of my professional spiritual comrades (Rayka and Simona Manenti come to mind quickly) – suddenly this talent grows, they are “called” and the door to another dimension opens for them. The master soul purpose is always to help others heal by sharing your talent, whatever that unique talent is, with the world.  When we share our talents, when we give them to the world, we help the world to heal.

     Just as we go through out physical life’s ups and downs, our souls go through ups and downs.  Our soul is where we carry our life to life, dimension to dimension joys and disappointments.  During this life we often acknowledge and give attention to the areas that need healing – physicals woes may include broken bones or disease, emotional woes can include loss of a family member, and mental/spiritual woes may include rejection.  As humans, we encounter these this life maladies and work on healing them as soon as they appear.  Few of us know, or even work with, our master soul, the place where the hurts of lifetimes reside.  The master soul is the place where the bigger picture reigns, the area where our “why” of existence resides. 

     Our souls evolve, and each experience takes us a step further on our evolutionary journey.  As we evolve, we help those around us to evolve.  We are all made for magnificence.  We each have a soul purpose for this life and a master soul purpose for our eternal souls.  By clearing the mind, body and spirit we can reach this master soul.  We can discover our life’s purpose and our eternal individuality.  We can fine tune our talents and heal ourselves as well as those around us. 

Message me if you are interested in learning more,

Friday, April 3, 2015


Full Moon AngelScopes™ April 4th, 2015

This full moon the angels remind us that this is a season of miracles.  Archangel Michael and his legion are working strongly to help us release negative attachments to people, places and things.  Just ask that he help you with your struggles and you will see changes occurring within your life.  Ask with your heart and see quick results.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You may be involved with or hear about a separation/divorce during this full moon phase.  This break will bring about great change in your life.  Your guardian angel reminds you this may not be a specific relationship split as much as an ending.  The Creator helps wherever/whenever you need, so ask and ask often. 

Taurus – Concerns about an important man in your life are highlighted.  He benefits from your comfort, wisdom and unconditional love.  (Key word- unconditional.)  Jesus is strong around you, providing direction and guidance, even a calming of your emotions.  For yourself, you may feel a little overwhelmed but this extra busy time will slow down as April ends.
Gemini – The angels remind you that thoughts and words are creation.  Communication is highlighted as you are called to produce based on your word.  Haniel adds a bit of sugar to all interactions.  Roses and the scent of roses help you remain centered.

Cancer – Your eyes are being opened, Cancer, and you may embark upon an entirely new journey.  Lucky for you, you recognize the mistakes of the past and leave them behind.  A faithful friend guides you when you need it.  Ratziel helps create positive change in the book of your life.

Leo – Family obligations keep you hopping during this full to new moon phase.  There is plenty of work to be done to secure family matters.  St. Gabriel assists in all beginnings and endings, as one of the other will be strongly highlighted during this phase.

Virgo – The goddess Diana is helping you navigate what you feel are murky waters.  You are reminded to keep your eye on your goal, and not allow the opinions of others pull you off course.  A straight path leads you to victory and treasure.  Aquarian friends are fun during this decisive time.

Libra – Moving and change are in the air, Libra!  You’re looking for something new and the time is right.  St. Raphael gently guides you towards happiness.  Don’t want to move?  Plan a trip!

Scorpio – You really want to share your expertise, but find that people need to learn on their own.  While guidance may fall on deaf ears, there are other ways to assist a novice.  Tzaphkiel helps you accomplish your tasks quickly and easily, and then teaches you to teach others.  The new moon will bring new happiness.

Sagittarius – Sometimes we need to look at things with more logic than emotion.  This may feel like your wings are being clipped, but it’s actually helping you sustain longer periods of flight in the long run.  It’s time for planning and not for action – action will come in June.  Archangel Uriel helps you gain and store knowledge until the time for doing arrives.

Capricorn – Endings and beginnings are all around you during this full to new moon phase.  Blessed Mother helps you move forward.  It’s a busy time and your normal schedule may be disrupted unexpectedly.  Everything is back to normal by the new moon.

Aquarius – You may receive a boost in your abundance – a raise, an unexpected windfall or even just a new marketable talent.  The eyes of the higher ups are favorably upon you, and you may even secure a nice footing for your future.  The Creator has you wrapped in his arms during this time – bringing lots of success.
Pisces – Many blessings and possibly a marriage are headed your way, Pisces.  If you are single and looking, get out and look some more – your significant other is closer than you think.  If you aren’t single, your perfect job or home may be right around the corner.  Holy Spirit inspires you in all that you do.  An Aries has a significant effect on you.

NEW MOON – APRIL 18th, 2015 2:57pm ET