Thursday, July 30, 2015

July Blue Moon

Full Moon AngelScopes™ July 31, 2015

This full moon the angels ask us to make amends in our hearts or in person with our soul mates.  Share love, forgiveness, and compassion to help ease and release karma.  This pertains to soul mates around us in the present and those from the past. Examine your common reaction and its effect on the other person.  Are you lifting both of you up with every interaction?  If not, the angels suggest working on change within yourself to help all of your personal interactions bring positive and uplifting vibrations to all involved, even during tough conversations.

August first is the most powerful day of the year, and this year it carries a triple power vibration that will carry through until 8/1/16.  Take some time to clear yourself on this day, the healing vibrations will be much stronger than usual.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You’re in a holding pattern and not liking it one bit, Aries!  Rest assured better times are around the corner.  Resist temptations with the help of archangels Kamael and Tzaphkiel.  Things will be different by the new moon and you will be experiencing the freedom you desire.

Taurus – Balance family stress with walks in nature, boat rides on the river, or swims in the sea.  Remaining calm on the outside during times of chaos is one of your talents, but when your innards are in a tangle, it’s time to take a sabbatical from it all, even if only for ½ a day.  Blessed Mother Mary soothes and calms, call upon her as needed.  Time in nature will strengthen your spirit, especially during times of upset. 
Gemini – Surprise opportunities and doors opening unexpectedly are highlighted during this full to new moon phase.  Archangel Gabriel is by your side, encouraging you to move forward as quickly as possible.  A female inspires you to exciting and possibly lucrative new beginnings.

Cancer – Truth continues as the main focus, and your personal power is rising to the forefront when you are honest with yourself and others.  Directing your energy to your most sincere desire will yield success.  Deceitful actions will bring the house down upon you.  This is an excellent time to decide what you want and to start moving towards that in big ways.  St. Michael helps on both ends – clearing a path for your positive moves, and holding you back from mistakes.  Focus your energy on your sincere intent and watch magic happen.

Leo – Music soothes the savage beast, so listen and maybe even dance once in a while.  The angels remind you to lighten up, no matter how serious your life may seem.  Those in their own businesses will see increased activity there, while other Leos will be contemplating the nest outlet for accentuating their natural talents.  Haniel offers support in all areas, and can lead you to a few nice victories.

Virgo – Virgo parents find their children center stage during this full to new moon.  They are your focus now.  It’s a time to take what you hear with a grain of salt (meaning cleanse it) and not to involve yourself in others’ chaos, no matter how tempting it may be to get involved.  The goddess Diana helps in any battles, while your guardian angel assists in setting priorities.

Libra – The world is yours for the taking, Libra, if you could just focus and act on inspirations.  You have all the archangels in your corner, helping you battle fear.  They remind you that free will got you where you are, and free will will take you where you desire to go, especially when you step out of fear and into the possibility of the most positive outcome.  Miracles happen every day – just ask for help.

Scorpio – You are growing spiritually, Scorp, and the angels ask you to research and understand information being sent to you.  Continued communication is the way to clear misunderstandings, and there is lots of talk in the air.  There may be a change in the peeps you hang with as your direction has slowly been changing these past few months.  Uriel guides you and reminds you that sometimes being a catalyst helps others achieve their destiny.

Sagittarius – Big changes are around you, Sag, and the angels remind you that sometimes letting go is the way to receive.  You are working on perfecting your life and nay decisions you make put you on a path of destiny.  Luck is high and you can’t make a bad choice.  Archangel Jophiel brings sunshine and joy.

Capricorn – This full to new moon phase is an excellent time to voice your intentions, especially on the career front.  It’s a happy time for you and short trips are joyful.  Teaching and leading are highlighted, your guidance may even save a soul.  Holy Spirit smiles on and works through you during this easy going time.

Aquarius – The angels ask you to focus on harmony, especially with immediate family or those you live with.  Small gifts come your way, and insight to the workings of those closest to you is highlighted.  This is a bit of a laid back full to new moon, with mini miracles occurring daily.  Your guardian angel is close at hand and helps whenever you ask.

Pisces – If you are feeling stuck, the angels remind you that you aren’t, it’s just an illusion, you do have options.  Take time to get away, even if only for a day to sort out your feelings and choices.  St. Raphael sends healing to every area of your life.  Things take an upswing around the middle of August.

NEW MOON – Friday, August 14th 10:53am ET

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

New Moon 'Scopes

New Moon AngelScopes™ July 15, 2015

As we enter this new to full moon stage, it seems quite a few doors have closed for many.  That vibration continues as the new moon brings the openings to the new beginnings to complete the cycle.  Some things may take the entire month to cycle through, especially with that full moon on the 31st

During this new to full moon phase the angels ask us to be open to learning new things and sharing our already acquired wisdom.  They remind us that when we support others, we support ourselves.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Got questions?  Your angels and guides are asking you to pay attention to the signs all around you regarding those questions.  Archangel Sandalphon helps you move forward in areas where you have been stuck, and your ancestors are helping with family concerns. 

Taurus – Miracles are occurring, even if you are not aware of them, as they may be disguised as something else.  Being true to yourself and forthright and honest with others keeps you in alignment, allowing life to flow much easier.  Tzaphkiel is close at hand, working on timing for you.
Gemini –  The angels are asking you to keep word, thought and deed in sync at all times throughout this new to full moon phase.  Your integrity may be at stake.  Your personal guardian angel helps you take the time to de-stress and relax.  Multi-tasking distracts you from important details, so a focused intent works best for you now.

Cancer – Truths about yourself and others around you are rising to the forefront.  Digest the facts (make sure you have all of them) before reacting to any situation.  If something seems off, it probably is.  What you learn will be very useful in the near future.  Haniel leads you to success where  needed.

Leo – The big guys are working to get you what you need in answer to your prayers, Leo.  Holy Spirit inspires you with creative answers to seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  It’s a great time to ask for what you want, but be sure you truly want it, because you will receive.

Virgo –  Responsibilities may be interfering with your fun, Virgo!  The angels suggest some time management practices may open up your calendar for more interesting escapades.  Get outside as often as possible to feed your natural good nature.  St. Michael the archangel steps in whenever needed, ask him to help with any problems you may encounter.

Libra – Your love of beauty is well fed during the next two weeks or so, as you feel the pull to be in nature a bit more than usual.  The earth elements of fire, air and water help you release negativity more quickly than any meditation or healing session will at this time.  Blessed Mother Mary encourages you to look to the outdoors for answers.  It’s time for some body and soul nourishing.  Once September comes you are going to be busier than you ever imagined.

Scorpio – You are reminded that you are a unique and remarkable being, Scorp!  Accepting all aspects of yourself and then changing whatever you may not find so pleasing is going to move you up the ladder of success quicker than you can imagine.  This is true for all areas of your life: work, home, relationships, etc.  Archangel Ratziel fills you with wisdom in all areas.  It’s  not a time to make any major decisions.  If possible, wait until after the full moon.

Sagittarius – You may find yourself being as active in your dreams as you are during your waking hours, Sag.  Pay attention as your subconscious is filling you in on details you may have missed in all the goings on around you.  This is a perfect time to fine-tune your goals.  St. Gabriel helps you realize what you can let go of and what is worth hanging on to.

Capricorn – Abundance is on its way to you, Cap, and Archangel Jophiel is at your side, pointing out all the reasons you have to be joyful right now.  You may find you need a little extra rest, or at least some downtime.  Friends are close at hand and help with work and play.

Aquarius – Your angels, guides, and ancestors are all close by helping you as you contemplate the changes going on all around you.  The best you can do for others is pray.  The best you can do for yourself is be thankful.  It also seems a personal prayer is about to be answered, as Jesus is working to maneuver things in your favor. 

Pisces – The more time you spend in or near the water, the happier you will be Pisces.  Meditation brings peace and answers.  Family time is very important for you now – your success and growth stem from your positive relationships.  Your master guide, who is one of the world’s great thinkers, leads you to exactly where you need to be when you need to be there. 

FULL MOON – Friday, July 31 at 6:43am EST

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Vortex in the Woods

Across the street from where I live there is about a ¼ mile stretch of road that leads into a development.  On either side of the road are wooded areas for that ¼ mile.  These woods stretch across for a ways, and the wooded area on the right side has a vortex in it.  I am not sure what purpose the vortex serves, and why it is open on some days and closed on others, but I know it is there. 

During the winter it is really easy to see when the vortex is open.  It reminds me of something out of a Terry Brooks Shanara book, the area will be all sorts of misty rising straight up and obscuring your view deeper into the woods. It is so odd, because on the days when it is closed every branch of every tree or shrub is very pronounced.  You can see through the forest to the other side, where there is a home or building.  When the vortex is open, the area is just grey, the edges of the sleeping trees not so clear.  You cannot see the area where the building is.  In the summer it is not so easy to see because of all the foliage, but when it is closed you can see through to the other side of the wooded area in some spots.  When it is open, all you see is a forest.  In the summer it’s not all misty like in the winter, but the woods are nowhere near as sharp to the sight as they are when it is closed. 

The vortex area is fairly large, maybe 40 or 50 feet wide.  I can’t tell how deep it is because when it is open the area looks like it goes on forever.  In my mind, it seems to be circular.

The wooded area on the left walking from my house doesn’t have a vortex.  Every day I look and it is just plain old woods, stretching deep to the left. 

Perhaps I am using the wrong word here, and it’s not a vortex.  But like a hurricane or a tornado is a vortex. They are not constants, they form and un-form.  I am not sure it’s a magical occurrence but it is a mystical one.  Maybe it’s a portal.  I haven’t been brave enough to just walk into the woods up to the area yet.  Maybe next winter I will enter the area.  In the summer there are too many bugs and ticks in the area for me to just dive on into the woods.  There are no paths through the wooded area either.  A little bit on the outskirts where the deer make their way to the clearing, but nothing that seems to go any deeper than a couple of feet. 

I haven’t noticed any particular goings on when the vortex is open.  It’s not more silent or more noisy, the birds are still chirping and the chipmunks are still running around.  I haven’t seen any UFOs when it is open, but I will keep my eyes out for intergalactic beings.  Yesterday I did see two beautiful baby fawn.  I have noticed that when the deer run back into the forest on the right side, they do not go near the vortex area. 

I am going to try and remember to bring my phone with me when I walk Charlie over there so maybe I can get a picture of this phenomena.  I am also going to start charting when it is open and when it is closed and see if there are any patterns. 

Anyone have any similar experiences or thoughts on this?  I’d love to hear them!