Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Mercury Direct and the New Moon

New Moon AngelScopes™ December 18, 2017

This new moon the angels remind us that gemstones help brighten our auras and levels of awareness.  Even lovely sparkly crystals enhance the vibrations around us, so wearing or carrying stones/gems/crystals can enhance every encounter.  The sparkle ignites memory of our soul light and helps bring forth our best selves.  More is not necessarily better, and color fuels your aura.  It’s the season of light, and the angels encourage all of us to brighten our inner selves.  Many blessings are occurring at this time, tiny and huge miracles are all around us.  These miracles are not unique to people of a certain race, location or belief system and are available to everyone.  Ask the angels to help you allow your miracle to occur.  It’s there for you.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – It’s a great couple of weeks for you, Aries, as Archangel Metatron strengthens you in all areas and brings your attention to the many positives of your life.  Unexpected gifts and blessings are all around you.  Mercury direct brings focus on your healing work - for yourself and others.  Answers previously unavailable will be revealed.

Taurus – Love is all around, Taurus, and Archangel Gabriel continues to help you, awakening you to fresh beginnings all around you.  Life is good.  As Mercury moves direct you may notice your intuition is stronger than ever.  Pay attention.  Self-care is highlighted and brings excellent results.  Be kind to you, get enough rest and feel better than ever.
Gemini – Archangel Tzaphkiel is at hand, helping you make an important decision.  He reminds you that not acting is in fact acting, and encourages you to determine what’s most important.  Focus your energy on your priorities, keeping distractions at bay whenever possible.  Mercury direct encourages your charitable side and you find that a focus on servicing/helping others without agenda adds a great peace to your life at this time.

Cancer – Archangel Ratziel continues helping you through life, especially when things seem upside down, or when you are unsure of yourself.  Take what you know is a definite and apply it to any situation/relationship that has you confused.  Logic wins out during this new to full moon phase.  Mercury direct may find you removing what creates stress from your life, increasing personal power.

Leo – Archangel Michael helps as you find major change closing out 2017.  Old ways end and a new beginning brings your heart’s desire closer to you.  Mercury direct may bring that love you’ve been dreaming of or draw you closer to your current love. 

Virgo – The end of a relationship is highlighted during this new to full moon, and Archangel Tzadkiel is working to make this change as easy as possible for you.  Loved ones and career are strong and stable through this end of year time.  Mercury direct brings to light the ways you personally manifest your life.  As your awareness grows, so does the acknowledgement for change. 

Libra  - Archangel Haniel is lending a hand in all you do, ensuring success in everything from prayers answered to purchases made.  Your inner light shines through in all you do, so bravely go forth.  Mercury direct offers all the info you need to proceed with a precarious situation.  Keep your angel close and watch miracles happen.

Scorpio – You may be wishing someone special was closer to you during this new to full moon phase.  The angels remind you that love is all around, open your eyes.  Fun times with loved ones are highlighted.  Mercury direct may have you choosing a new course of study.  It’s a great time to expand your circles of friends and knowledge.

Sagittarius – Family changes have you hopping during this new to full moon phase and the Shekina is encouraging you every step of the way.  Your personal life will also experience growth and expansion.  Mercury direct reinstates your natural “wishes come true” ability and you find yourself content and excited about 2018.

Capricorn – You are working hard, Cap, and some of those extra activities are tiring you out.  St. Padre Pio is your guide, encouraging you to keep going, for success is near.  He says, “Keep it simple.   When you are tired, take a nap.”  Mercury direct finds a renewal of magic, raising your happiness quotient quite a bit.

Aquarius – It’s a time of wishing for you, Aquarius.  Unexpected changes lead the way for dreams to come true.  Now is the time to ask and continue asking.  Jesus is a best friend who reminds you that love and kindness open all the doors you need.  Mercury direct help you “clean house” of negatives – clutter, people and especially your own denigrating thoughts.  This is a great time to take stock of yourself; all pros and cons and then reduce the cons.

Pisces – Your mastership year (2018) starts early, and you are called to think before you act.  Archangel Kamael works with you to bring love and balance to all situations.  The spoken word is creation and you are asked to temper your comments.  Mercury direct opens your intellect and may bring speaking/teaching opportunities; both at home and out in the world.  2018 may have you embracing a new concept previously foreign to you.

Mercury Direct Friday, Dec 22, 8:51pm
FULL MOON – Jan 1, 2018  9:24pm

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year 2018 everyone!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde

Full Moon AngelScopes™ December 3, 2017

Because the full moon and the Mercury Retrograde fall on the same day, this month there’s a bonus for each sun sign.  The angels remind us that the happy times of the holidays can also be stressful.  When you find yourself getting caught up in the chaos take (SCHEDULE) some downtime in.  Even a few minutes can rejuvenate.  Take time to daydream, to meditate, to do something physically fun for yourself.  Groups that work together are able to achieve more than expected, even with the Mercury retrograde!

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The Christ light is strong around you, helping you recognize your light within.  This is a great time to focus on your positives and release your negatives, be those negative traits, habits or people.  These vibrations will continue through the next 12 months as you make your way through our mastership year, 2018.  
            The retrograde may encourage you to drag your feet on new beginnings, but the angels remind you to stay the course.  Blockages and obstacles are ways of encouraging you to find a new route to your destination.

Taurus – Archangel Gabriel is strong around you as family events come into play.  Gatherings may be a bit more stressful than usual, and the angels remind you that listening sometimes can get you further than speaking.  Time is more precious than gold, and a kind word can sometimes soften even the hardest heart, including yours.
            The retrograde actually re-activates your strong intuition.  Messages and signs will be all around you during the next 21 days.  If you are honest with yourself you will interpret them correctly.
Gemini – Your guardian angel is very busy helping you, and reminds you that even if your family is in a tizzy, you don’t have to be.  Geminis looking for romance may find it.  Take things slow if possible, a full on relationship at this time may put too many restrictions on you, causing you to release what may turn into a really great thing.  Committed Gemini is reminded to notice and appreciate their partners to increase bonding and good times. 
            The retrograde may bring up insecurities and the angels remind you to work through, release and DO NOT RETURN to those insecurities.  Following your joy brings great rewards.

Cancer – Archangel Ratziel supplies you with wisdom of life as the retrograde has you reviewing choices made over the past few years.  You may find yourself with more downtime than usual, as your favorite female relative/friend/lover is extra busy.  Using alone time to increase your knowledge will be quite rewarding.
            You may find you need to re-assert yourself during the retrograde and the angels are right by your side, helping you stand strong.  This is especially true for parents.

Leo – Archangel Haniel is in your corner and victories are continual.  This is an excellent time for you, Leo, and a great time to put finishing touches on ideas.  This energy remains with you through June, so expect a lot of victories!
            The retrograde reminds you that on your own you are unstoppable.  Old feelings of a lack in self-confidence may pop up, more so to help you overcome them than to remind you of things you lack.  Continued forward movement helps you achieve your dreams.     

Virgo – Archangel Michael is close by, giving strength when needed.  You are able to tie up all loose ends during this full to new moon period.  Prepare for a new way of life come January.  Love from a youngster gives you the confidence you need.
            The retrograde brings opportunity to heal past hurts.  As they say, it takes two to tango, and you are not without fault in these situations.  Forgiving yourself and the other party goes a long way and can bring much clarity to your life.

Libra  - Archangel Raphael ministers to you as your health or the health of a loved one becomes a concern.  You are reminded that adding love to every interaction creates healing on all levels. 
            Negative thought patterns may be repeating, and the angels encourage you to look at how far you’ve come.  Watch your words with others, this is a time when Libra can break relationships. 

Scorpio – Archangel Kamael is putting in some OT with you, Scorp.  You are pulled between letting your ego run amok and being extremely considerate and loving.  The angels remind you to just take a step back when you are revved up.  Actions taken now may reverberate well into the new year.
            This retrograde may have you distracted with worry.  Being present in the moment will remove doubt and fear, as well as help you avoid mishaps.  Stay alert.

Sagittarius – This full to new moon has you stopping and going and going and stopping.  Your ascended master guide is working with your guardian angel to help you move forward without an overdose of stress.  Single Sag may find romance around every corner – get their phone number and reconnect in January.  Non-single Sag may contemplate singledom, but this too shall pass….
            The retrograde has you revisiting the effect of your words and the angels are working hard to help you slow down and speak kindly.

Capricorn – The Shekina is working closely with you during this full to new moon phase as it seems the females around you are all in control.  Personal power takes a back seat, but not for long.  By mid-January you’ll be quite in charge once again.
            You may recall your deepest desires during this retrograde.  If they are within your reach, great!  If not, you may find yourself redirected, opening doors to past loves – those loves including not only romance, but projects, works and friends.

Aquarius – Archangel Tzaphkiel is helping you make very important choices during this full to new moon, and you are reminded that not making a choice IS making a choice.  This mode of action may remove all choices, leaving you without options.  Life in general will settle by May, but til then proactive actions can bring unforeseen and welcomed victories
            The retrograde may have you wanting to shut down, as misunderstandings in communications can leave you feeling stuck.  The angels remind you to open your heart by sharing love – including with yourself and those you think don’t deserve love.  These small actions can produce big results.

Pisces – Love is headed your way, and the Holy Spirit energy helps heal all past resentments that may keep that love from you.  Singles may be reminded what it’s like to be in love, and those already in relationships find pleasure in simple things.  Trust and patience bring you to your desired year-end goal.
            Take extra precautions when traveling, stay aware of what’s happening around you.  Endings may seem to take longer, but the retrograde is a chance to get it all right before you move one.

NEW MOON – Monday, Dec. 18  1:30am ET
Meercury Direct Friday, Dec 22, 8:51pm

Thursday, October 19, 2017

New Moon

New Moon AngelScopes™ Oct 19th, 2017

The new moon brings in reminders from the angels that they are always near, ready to help whenever we need it.  Staying true to yourself keeps them close.  Our world is what we make of it, and the angels remind us that positive throughs and positive wishes yield the best results.  We are entering a time where our wishes/desires manifest more quickly than ever before.  Every thought is heard and created.  The angels also ask that we be mindful of others and wish them well, bless them in every instance.  This is how we participate in keeping light in the world, strengthening it with every thought and action.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Archangel Metatron helps you as you carry more than your load (by choice.) Request his help when you feel overwhelmed. Emotions may be strong and contribute to the added burden you place on yourself.  Friends are willing to lend a hand if you allow it.  Love is close by, so single Aries get ready, committed Aries your relationship will deepen over the next six weeks..

Taurus – Archangel Haniel is close by, assisting in all relationship issues.  You may feel too busy to focus on your significant other, and this can strain your relationship.  Just a little extra time spent with loved ones can make all the difference in the world.  In the bigger picture, small family get togethers are very pleasant.  If you feel you are in need of a victory, Haniel helps with that too!
Gemini – Archangel Gabriel is clearing the path for your new beginnings.  It’s up to you to walk the path.  A younger co-worker makes plans tomove on and may take you into their confidence.  Their exit opens the door for a more experienced and dedicated person.  You are entering a time of self-empowerment.  Stay strong and true success will be imminent. 

Cancer – The Shekina is close by, strengthening you when decision time arises.  Stay true to your heart, show the great love you carry within to others and you can’t lose.  Ideas are plentiful and if you’d like to make a change in your life, now is a great time to create a plan.  It will finalize and be in place by year’s end.

Leo – St. Michael the Archangel has your back and is ready to fight if need be.  Trust in the Divine energy that is always within when faced with any dilemma.  A child of yours, or someone you love like your own, is struggling with their identity.  Building them up with honest praise can change their entire world in a most positive way.    

Virgo – Archangel Raphael is surrounding you with the green light of physical healing and abundance during this new to full moon stage.  Opening your heart opens the doors to an amazing future.  Allow time for rest as needed.  Single Virgos may discover new admirers entering their lives.  Pay attention. 

Libra – Talks of money are all around you, Libra, as you decide which purshcae you’d like to make, or where you are going to invest some funds.  Angel Jophiel helps brighten every conversation and you can expect to laugh a lot during this time frame.  The life you’ve wanted is about to blossom. 

Scorpio – Family times are highlighted, Scorp, and you’d like them to go on forever.  Archangel Tzadkiel is sending people your way, encouraging new friendships, more social activities, and all around feel-good times.  Gifts from above continue to flow throughout the next two weeks.  If you’ve been making wishes, remember they sometimes come in disguise.

Sagittarius – You are stronger than you know, Sag, and Archangels Michael and Raphael are both at your side, encouraging you to see the positives of yourself that others see.  It’s just about time to make your mark, so stay focused.  Remember, you can make your own fortune – keep on top of all ideas that pass your way, one may be the answer to your prayers. 

Capricorn – The hard part is coming to an end, and the angels are indicating you can ease up on yourself.  Archangel Kamael is bringing peace and centeredness to all areas of your life.  You may want to be patient a little longer, the results you’ve been asking for are on their way.

Aquarius – Divine energy is working with you and through you to bring the successes you seek.  You may be in unchartered waters for yourself as you navigate the path to your treasure.  Well-meaning friends and family offer advice, listen and determine if you are the one in your way.  Keeping your ego in check brings more help  than you expect.  The Creator offers a helping hand through ideas aimed at helping you help yourself.  A child may request help to advance their education in some area. 

Pisces – Archangel Sandalphon lays gifts at your feet, the gifts you’ve been asking for.  Some positive results seem to fall in your lap, especially where career or education is concerned.  Pay attention to ideas as they can be stepping stones in any/all areas of life.  Money concerns ease up over the next few months.

FULL MOON – Nov 4, 1:23am ET

Monday, October 9, 2017

First Friday - Here's What You Missed

First Friday October 2017

Our October First Friday was all about energy; particularly how our personal energy shapes our lives.  We were blessed to have Alison Sahoo Kritzer as our guest speaker who educated us on many of the scientific studies regarding metaphysical vibrations.

Were you aware that there are scientists who are measuring energy healers?  I wasn’t.  They gather data on how the energy affects the healers’ as well as their clients’ lives.

We discussed how thoughts are energy, and how thoughts align with universal energy to manifest situations.  “Elevated thoughts align with other elevated thoughts,” said Alison. 

This made me think of the power in numbers and how prayer/healing energy is so much stronger when there is more than one person involved, and there is a common goal and pure intentions.  It’s also been noted that emotions emit stronger energy than thoughts.  We encounter this when a mom raises a car off her child; the strong emotions manifest the adrenaline needed to increase strength for those few moments.

Another interesting finding is that your hands emit more energy than anywhere else in the body that is measurable at this time. 

One of the tools for using energy to crease success in any area of your life is to focus on the smaller goals first.  Each small goal helps you achieve your end result.  Many people focus on the end game, forgetting about all the steps it takes to get there.  Focusing on each step creates a straight path to victory. 

For more information, check out Alison’s Playing with Light FaceBook page.  https://www.facebook.com/WeArePlayingWithLight/

For personal interaction, come on out to Alison’s course, Models of Reality, where a different form of energy work is discussed each week.  Wednesdays beginning Oct. 18th, 7:30pm, $20/class  Sign up here….

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Full Moon

Full Moon AngelScopes™ Oct 5th, 2017

This full moon the angels remind us that we either feed the chaos or we feed the calm.  No one is idle.  The angels also remind us to listen to the messages we are receiving from our hearts.  The veil is thin and it is easier to connect with your higher self and your angels.  Trust your intuition and watch life get a little easier.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Archangel Tzaphkiel is helping tie up loose ends and bring in the information you’ve been seeking.  Your “why” will be answered, and action upon that why will determine your next phase you will enter in this life.  Ego-centered actions will create a struggle, humility centered actions will usher in peace.  Keep yourself open to love – singles can meet someone special, married will strengthen their bonds.  Positive speech brings very positive results during the next few weeks.

Taurus – King Solomon helps with time management as well as rational decision making.  Keeping your emotions at bay can help produce smoother days with better, easier forward motion.  Apologize as necessary.  You may be considering changing jobs.  Moves made now are fraught with uncertainty.  December and January will bring better opportunities.  If you can hold off, do. 
Gemini – Archangel Kamael is close by, helping you speak softly when you’d like to scream and yell.  Work may take more time than you like, and communication is highlighted.  Keeping everyone in the loop is paramount to success.  You are reminded that asking for what you’d like in a kind manner will bring happier results than demanding does.  Money may be tight right now but doors are opening.

Cancer – Jesus is your guide during this full to new moon phase – helping you to stay true to your soul no matter what is placed in front of you.  If you find yourself needing strength, call upon Him to help hold you up.  Aside from what you are tossing and turning in your mind, happy social activities are indicated.  It’s a great time for get-togethers.

Leo – Gabriel is close by and Haniel helps with victories.  You are aware of the veil and the coming and goings of souls at this time.  In your life, thorugh the next full moon, goals are met and a long awaited victory arises.  Blessings are all around and the good vibes continue through at least April 2018.  Looking for love?  You may meet your match soon, at least before February of next year. 

Virgo – St. Michael the Archangel is helping you move forward and release fear.  You don’t be able to drag your feet much longer if you have been procrastinating.  The end result is truly in your favor.  Family is highlighted as fairness comes into question with regards to legalities such as estates, wills, pre-nups and marriages.  Read everything you sign your name to closely during this time.

Libra – St. Germain the ascended master is close at hand, helping you create the new beginnings you desire and inspiring you where you feel stagnant.  Income changes are indicated in a small yet positive way.  A younger person may take a stand and go off on their own.  This could be in your place of work.  Wish them well.

Scorpio – The Shekina helps you find your sweeter side, bringing love and nurturing wherever needed.  Remembering to ALLOW positive occurrences pulls them to you more quickly.  You feel the Shekina’s strength supporting you as you move through your days and pushing you when you are trying to dig in.  Romance may be active this month, especially if you are open to travel.  Current relationships deepen, and new ones can begin.  Love is definitely in the air!

Sagittarius – Archangel Haniel is helping you recognize true victories, not just surface wins.  He reminds you to emit love to pull more love to you.  Whether you believe you can or believe you can’t, you are correct.  Choose your path carefully.  Haniel helps you remove the blinders of fear.  You may find yourself on the road when you would much rather stay home.  Talks about money can go either way. It’s time for a reality check, and the angels remind you that this is about your reality, and not anyone else’s.

Capricorn – Uriel is assisting with placement: placement of you, your things, travel plans, etc.  If you are wondering where in any instance (i.e. where should we go on vacation, where should I hang this picture) ask Uriel for help.  He’s also helping with increasing your knowledge in both the physical and spiritual worlds.  Family is highlighted as they seem to be less together and more separate than usual.  This will pass, it’s personal goals that are priority as the year ends.  There’s a regroup by the November full moon.

Aquarius – Your guardian angel is close by, filling in the blanks for you and leading you to where you need to be when you need to be there.  Small wins happen daily; acknowledging them leads to bigger wins.  Happy Karma heads your way before November.  Past life friends can re-appear, lost loves re-ignite.  It’s a time of blessings in many ways.

Pisces – The goddess Diana is in front of you clearing obstacles, beside you helping with projects, and behind you to give that extra push you sometimes need.  Keep your emotions at bay to accomplish more than you believe is possible.  Family upsets may create legal dealings.  Wills and estates are highlighted during this time through to the November full moon.  Time near water soothes your soul.

NEW MOON – Oct.  19th  3:12pm ET

Thursday, September 21, 2017

New Moon AngelScopes™ Sept. 20, 2017

This new moon the angels remind us that our light extends far and wide and is felt by many, expanding beyond our regular circle of influence.  Each of us can change the earth vibration through loving thoughts and offering blessings to all we come in contact with.  We are here to evolve and to help others to evolve.  Not through condemnation but through love.  The angels ask that we each keep our personal light bright and to follow the words of Saint Padre Pio:  “Pray, hope and don’t worry.”

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Metatron is close by, helping you step (sometimes he helps with a little push) forward.  Reconnecting with your goals and heart’s desires helps slow down the pace and increases confidence.  News of a change at work has you surprised. 

Taurus – Archangel Kamael reminds you that while you know what’s best for you, you don’t always know what is best for others.  Take a step back and lend an ear or helping hand, but keep the advice to yourself for now.  You may be considering a move, this move will produce smoother and happier times with loved ones. 
Gemini – Archangel Jophiel is helping you find your joy, expanding your thoughts and helping you see opportunities that you have been ignoring.  Social activities help you gain new friends that may stay for life.  A young admirer may show his/her love for you.

Cancer – Blessed Mother Mary is close by to soothe all hurts and help with family concerns.  The information you have been seeking will be available by mid-October.  Concern over a father or father figure is indicated.  His decisions may be met with adverse reactions.  You are reminded they are his decisions to make, not yours, and to add love to the mix whenever you can.

Leo – Master Enoch is close by, offering wisdom in all areas and helping you connect on a deeper level with your angels and guides.  This is an extremely busy time for you, Leo and you may notice a new path open, creating a new direction career wise.  Victory is at hand when you work from a state of balance.  Don’t forget to rest.

Virgo – Archangel Raphael has your back and is offering healing to your wistful soul.  Memories may be knocking, and you are asked to acknowledge them and then move on.  Virgos in love discover a relationship deepening in many ways, possibly moving forward to strong bonds and even commitments.  Work can be productive, and income may increase at this time.

Libra –  Love is in the air, Libra, and your guardian angel is helping you focus on your most important relationships.  Happy times spent with loved ones open your heart.  You find your true self during this new to full moon phase.  The angels ask that you allow yourself to be happy.

Scorpio – Archangel Gabriel will be helping you this entire moon cycle – from new moon to full moon to new again.  The excitement of change is moving through your energy field and manifests in your physical life.  Group activities are both exciting and bittersweet.  You are reminded to carry the positive with you and leave go of the negative or what makes you sad.  October brings many happy times and a feeling of belonging that has been elusive for some time.

Sagittarius – Archangel Tzaphkiel raises the bar while reminding you to keep the Ego in check.  Learning more and then gleaning the wisdom of those who came before you helps in every area of your life from self-improvement to family to work to relationships.  It’s time to toe the line.  You’ll be stepping across it by mid-December.  Talks about finances are very successful.

Capricorn – It’s a time of decision making and Archangel Ratziel is at your side helping you every step of the way.  When you need information he brings it to you, so be sure and ask for help whenever unsure of something.  The end of an era in your life is approaching, and the angels ask you not to fret or obsess about it.  They have your back and all will go better than you expect.

Aquarius – St. Michael the Archangel is with you, helping you with all your battles and alerting you to where to best place your focus at this time.  There are many helping hands and your gratitude produces even more help where you need it most.  Something you’ve been waiting for arrives.

Pisces – Archangel Haniel stands beside you, pointing to your successes and helping you release what weighs you down.  Choosing which door to step through creates a major change in your life.  There’s no looking back.  Your child or someone you consider a child has an excellent idea.  Support them in their endeavor. 

FULL MOON – Oct.  5th 2:40pm ET

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Full Moon - Mercury Direct!

Full Moon AngelScopes™ Sept. 6, 2017

This full moon the angels remind us to be honest with ourselves and others.  There is a place inside you that ALWAYS knows the truth.  Sometimes discovering that truth means slowing down, being quiet and listening to the whispers of your soul and your angels.  As Mercury goes direct the truth of what you worked through in August comes to light.  Embrace your lessons and walk into the fullness of your soul purpose at this time. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Marriage is in the air, be it romantic or business, a commitment joining you to something is about to be made whole.  If you are single and looking, “the one” may appear.  If you are business oriented you may find an expansion of your roll which requires a greater commitment.  If you are an adventurer, Aries, you may discover both.  This undertaking is good for a few years at the least.  Your guardian angel helps with all decision making, and archangel Kamael steps in if you get confused.

Taurus – Someone around you (maybe even yourself) doesn’t recognize the treasures they have at hand.  This can be frustrating if you see it in them, or it could be self-restrictive if this trait is yours.  Archangel Haniel helps with recognizing success as well as letting go of grudges.  Money may seem tight, but there actually is more than enough if you can curb the spending for a week or two. 
Gemini – If you’ve been waiting for a champion, she may be right around the corner.  A newcomer or benefactor may suddenly appear, helping you move forward in areas where you feel stuck.  Archangel Gabriel brings good news, although action on your part is required to receive the highest abundance from this news.  Putting a little money away helps when the holidays come round and you want to travel.

Cancer – Family is accented during this time and the angels remind you that everyone needs personal space now and then.  Be sure to rest between gatherings as there may be a lot of them over the next couple of weeks.  Doors are opening and your guardian angel will guide you through.  Archangel Uriel helps with direction – both with travel and decision making.

Leo – A strained relationship has your attention as you are deciding to work at it or set it free.    The angels ask that you recognize the truth of the relationship and if it is one sided.  Knowing the work it will take to keep it going is a deciding factor.  This is a free will choice and will not affect karma.  Angel Jophiel helps raise the joy in all other areas of your life. 

Virgo – You may find yourself doing a lot of travel over the next few weeks, Virgo.  No matter the circumstance, happy or sad, you find yourself busy and on the road.  If you are single you can expect an admirer to pop up.  They have the credentials needed to be worth your time.  Archangel Raphael helps keep your energy high, especially in the love and family areas.

Libra – It’s decision time, Libra.  While usually a middle of the road, sway in the wind non-decisive person, you are called to make a choice.  You can do it!  Archangel Tzadkiel is by your side helping you stand tall and create a happier life for yourself.  Projects will be nearing completion at this time.

Scorpio – The angels remind you that if you are feeling tight it’s been your own doing and you can change that.  Focusing on the here and now brings a stability that has been elusive lately.  Being honest about what brings you the most joy helps you truly move forward in areas where you’ve been stagnant.  A trusted friend explains where your stubbornness is hurting only you.  Archangel Gabriel is standing by, waiting with great news of new beginnings when you are ready.

Sagittarius – Oh, boy, Sg; there is so much activity all around you these days that you may not know which way to turn.  You feel as if you are in the middle standing still as everyone around you is running all over the place.  Stand your ground because a wonderful opportunity is on its way.  Keeping your place in the midst of chaos makes you very desirable.  Ratziel brings confidence and wisdom as you remain stationary.

Capricorn – Lots of happy social gatherings are indicated and you may find yourself in that happy/tired mode.  Family struggles are on your mind, and your prayers are heard and answered.  The end of the summer has a stronger than usual effect on you this year and the angels remind you that is can continue on with social activities.  King David offers wisdom as needed.

Aquarius – It’s an emotional time, Aquarius, as your loyalty is tested.  You have goals, stay true to yourself and you will come through this test stronger than ever.  You may be on the fence with regard to a friendship – only you can decide if it’s worth your energy.  Archangel Metatron helps you see where you’ve been heading and helps you adjust your sails if needed.

Pisces – It finally feels as if things are looking up – and they are!  A co-worker may lead you to an exciting event or relationship during this full to new moon phase so stay ready.  Archangel Raphael helps soothe anxiety as life falls into place. 

NEW MOON – Sept. 20th     6:06 am Eastern

Monday, August 21, 2017

August New Moon Scopes

New Moon AngelScopes™ August 21, 2017

This new moon the angels remind us that when we work together towards a common goal we can move mountains if we have to.  This applies to groups as small as two and as large as a nation.  Prayer, sending healing and physical actions remind us we are all connected, and energy can often change anything much more quickly than physical work.  Fear feeds fear, and the angels remind us that when we say, “I’m afraid” this will happen or that will happen, we are feeding fear and negativity.  Replace the I’m afraid by sending love – first to yourself and then to whatever it is you fear.  Results are often very quick.  The angels remind us we are all well loved.  This new moon opens a new phase for everyone, make it as positive as possible by taking a step (however small) towards a big goal.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The angels ask you to follow your bliss, even if it means there’s a “break up.”  You may find yourself distancing yourself from another person or from a situation (such as a job).  Any breaks from people or situations at this time are permanent.  If you aren’t “divorcing” someone around you may be, and you are the shoulder they need.  Archangel Jophiel is with you, helping you accept and acknowledge the joy within.  Happy times mid-September set your newest path.

Taurus – The changes around you during this new moon/solar eclipse call for courage, and you discover you are capable of achieving much more than you ever imagined.  St. Michael the archangel is at your side, clearing a path to truth.  You can feel the changes coming and while the battle may not be yours, you have a hand in helping things settle.  
Gemini – This new moon you find your ideas finally taking off.  Work and money go hand in hand, and finances take a turn for the better.  Archangel Gabriel assists in all new beginnings and brings happy news before month’s end.  Letting your spirit soar brings helpful connections both physical and spiritual.

Cancer – This is your time, Cancer.  Miracles are close at hand, appearing daily in your life.  You’ve found or are about to find your hearts desire, and love is strong; coming from you and to you.  Mother Mary opens doors, especially where relationships (of all kinds) are concerned.

Leo – Celebration is all around you and you may find yourself often among crowds of people – parties, concerts, etc.  In your professional life you find yourself exceeding your goals.  This is an excellent time to rejoice in life, and the angelic choir of Thrones helps you settle things quickly.  Your guardian angel celebrates with you and leads you to the right place at the right time.

Virgo – You may hear news of a young person leaving to go find themselves.  This move is career based, and while everyone seems unsure, it is a blessed occurrence.  This person’s change inspires you to create change in your own life and Jesus is your guide.  He helps with all decisions at this time, so ask and ask often.  Whatever you start now will be completed by spring. 

Libra – Communications may be strained as you prepare to make changes in your life.  Not everyone sees things as you do during this new to full moon.  You’ve ready to leave the past behind.  Holy Spirit opens your soul to bring forth and manifest your true desire.  Miracles happen every day.

Scorpio – As wisdom awakens in you (a wake-up call?) you are made aware of the life style you prefer.  A female around you may be having some problems – possibly alcohol related – and you must decide to go with or go it alone.  Archangel Ratziel is with you, helping you reach deep into your soul to communicate with the ancients.  You are reminded to trust your intuition.

Sagittarius – It’s an exciting time, Sag, and the sky’s the limit when it comes to joy and freedom.  An important male figure is highlighted during this time.  He loves you very much and may be making some changes of his own.  You job is to cheer him on.  Archangel Metatron helps align the starts so your pathway is clear. 

Capricorn – Conversations regarding finances are highlighted, and the angels help bring forth the truth of all situations.  Archangel Uriel aids in opening your eyes to your destiny and miracles are possible throughout the end of August and well into September.  Setting a budget eases worries. 

Aquarius – The angels remind you that removing clutter – physical and mental – helps you adjust when changes occur.  The solar eclipse ushers in permanent change, and you may find your entire life renewed during this time.  The Creator works beside you, opening your mind to His plan for you, as well as answering your prayers.  Projects started are completed quickly.

Pisces – Are you ready?  The more you discover about yourself the more you open the doors to love.  Keeping an open heart allows you to experience success in many areas beyond romance or relationships.  Archangel Haniel is close by, adding Divine Light to all you do.  Overthinking or becoming too self-involved can backfire so ease up on yourself and those around you.  An adventure awaits and more will be revealed in the next few weeks.

Mercury Retrograde – ends Sept. 5th      6:29 am Eastern

FULL MOON – Sept. 6th     3:02 am Eastern

Monday, August 7, 2017

August Full Moon 'Scope

Full Moon AngelScopes™ August 7, 2017

This full to new moon the angels remind us to stand firm in our truth.  We are reminded that being true to ourselves keeps our light bright.  We are asked to be honest with ourselves and those around us.  We are also asked to pay close attention to our inner guidance.  The angels encourage us that if there is a twinge of doubt, check it out.  Personally we are asked to examine ourselves and to make changes in any area where we are not living in integrity. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You can probably feel it, Aries – there is a huge rebirth headed your way.   You are about to come into your own; it may take some time but it is starting now.  Lessons may be at the forefront as you complete this phase of your life.  Timing is crucial, pay attention to unexpected opportunities; they can push you forward in all areas.  Your personal strength grows and Archangel Michael removes all obstacles, so ask often for his help.  It’s time to not only reach for the stars, but to pull them to you.  Friends and family are extremely supportive.

Taurus – Family is highlighted and there is a lot of maneuvering going on.  Watching everyone move about and trying to get settled takes up your time, as you like to be included and involved.  Look for a nice job offer or money making opportunity to head your way later this month.  Archangel Jophiel lifts spirits as your responsibilities become lighter.  
Gemini – An influential man may have bearing on your abundance, and he is feeling generous.  In your world all systems are GO as life slows to a more regular pace and you can focus a bit more easily.  Projects are nearing completion at last.  Your guardian angel works closely with you to help wishes come true.  Kindness takes you further than you realize.

Cancer – Concern over a father figure may have all your attention during this full to new moon phase.  The best you can do is offer support and comfort.  Personally his is a great time to take a few days off to regroup and re-plan.  September will be extremely active and you may find it hard to catch your breath.   Archangel Haniel works hard to keep everything in alignment.

Leo – This may be a prosperous time, Leo and the angels suggest action on ideas.  Travel is indicated, and is very beneficial on all levels.  News of a loved one moving due to a career change bay be received.  Archangel Gabriel helps with all beginnings and endings and readies you for a fantastic December.

Virgo – You are the master of your own destiny, Virgo and personal power is strong during this full to new moon phase.  Any changes you wish to make in your life can begin now.  The Creator is leading you to a time in your life where dreams come true – when you put some effort into those dreams.  Nothing is impossible, it may take time, but it’s not impossible.  Knowledge is put to the test, and you can move forward at an amazing pace now.  Don’t forget those who helped you along the way, they have been and remain wonderful allies.  Call on them when you need advice. 

Libra – Changes you are contemplating will impact those around you, Libra.  The big picture opens you to decision making in ways you’ve yet to experience.  Staying true to your heart will reap rewards for everyone.  Happy gatherings are indicated and Archangel Sandalphon helps you find all you’ve been missing.  Ask for his help in all areas and watch as your life changes once again for the better.  No matter what you’ve been through you can trust this new path.

Scorpio – Archangel Gabriel continues to help you, Scorp.  Your intellect is strong during this time and you share many ideas and much advice with others.  This exchange of thoughts may create a project that will provide a more positive cash flow.  If you are considering a purchase, the answer is yes and please try and make it or at least make the choice before the 12th.  Happiness follows you during these next couple of weeks and you are led to the best activities available for joy and comaradery.  A change in location is indicated, be it short or long term. 

Sagittarius – Your wishes are coming true.  Some the way you’d like, some as surprises.  Seeking advice from an elder helps clarify and ready you for any changes you’d like to make.  Saint Joseph helps with patience and seeing the impact of your actions.  A windfall or the growth of a nest egg is indicated.

Capricorn – Balancing all areas of your life takes a bit of juggling, but success is at hand.  You’ve finished a time of uncertainty and are happy to have a set direction.  Archangel Tzaphkiel helps open doors, and gives you a preview of where you are headed.  You are reminded that you have free will in all areas.  Spending time in nature aids in decision making. 

Aquarius – A child or someone who has been in your care is ready to move forward in their lives.  Your responsibility is to help, but not to DO for them.  Even if you see them taking the hard or the long road, you are to step back.  In your life, prayers are answered as Holy Spirit helps you get out of the way.  Weekend activities bring lots of joy and you are reminded to slow down and just BE every so often. 

Pisces – The lesson has been learned and it’s time to move forward, Pisces.  Love and adventure await!  A trusted friend is by your side and you have a treasure of knowledge to get you through any tough times.  Archangel Ratziel indicates you have advanced in the Book of Life, and offers a welcomed surprise.  The entire next year will be filled with the fruition of your goals.  You’ve passed the hard part, venture forth to a grander success.

Mercury Retrograde – Saturday, August 12th
NEW MOON – Monday, Aug 21, 2017    2:30pm Eastern
Solar Eclipse – Monday, August 21 

Monday, July 24, 2017

New Moon

New Moon AngelScopes™ July23, 2017

This new moon the angels remind us that healing our past helps us move forward more quickly and with extra clarity.  In other words, leave the baggage behind, forgive and go forth.  This is an excellent time to work on your Ho’o Ponopono before the next new moon and full solar eclipse on August 21st.  At that time hidden things will come to light and any residual healing will be made clear.  If there is anything you are holding onto from the past, ask the angels to help you release it and heal from it. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Victory can be yours as long as you are willing to meet halfway or mend outstanding rifts.  This applies to any and all areas of your life.  The time is ripe for fixing what’s been broken, literally and metaphorically.  Archangel Metatron is close by, aiding in the process.  You may feel pulled in a few directions at once.  Working with your angels will allow you to balance responsibilities and get everything done in a timely manner.

Taurus – Love and passion are highlighted during this new to full moon stage, possibly enlightening you to what is truly important to you.  Your angels, guides and even deceased loved ones are speaking clearly, guiding you to your next steps in life.  Archangel Jophiel helps you maintains joy and a sense of well-being at all times.  A short respite is in order before you are full steam ahead in August.  
Gemini – The angels remind you to think before you act and then make sure your actions are in alignment with your words and thoughts.  Meditation is very helpful during this new to full moon stage as you may find yourself second guessing your place in life, or reconsidering plans as they are now.  You may be tempted to be hard on yourself, instead try loving yourself as you would a dear friend.  Jesus holds your hand and offers insight to perplexing problems at this time.

Cancer – Travel is indicated, Cancer, and those travels may inspire you to take on a challenge or two.  This new to full moon phase is a perfect time to contemplate a new project or plan.  Traveling brings you in contact with people to network or brainstorm with.  Some of the travel is done alone, some with others.  Archangel Raphael is by your side, keeping your body strong and whispering inspirations as you go.   

Leo – The more you give of yourself, the more you receive back, Leo.  This new to full moon time is great for networking and creating a nice plan for your future.  The Creator is strong with you and helps you see your path clearly.  Work done now leads to a wonderful success in February 2018.  Learning is highlighted as well as staying true to your heart at this time.

Virgo – You may feel the need to create change, Virgo.  Trust that the angels are guiding you through this change, supporting your decisions.  You may feel concern for a man you are close to as he too is going through major change.  Trust your intuition as you release negative thoughts, habits and people from your life.  The beginning of September is amazing, possibly even miraculous.  Archangels Raphael and Gabriel help in all things as one heals and the other brings in your new beginnings. 

Libra – This can be a very prosperous time for you, Libra, as you are able to add to your nest egg – be that money, ideas or abilities.  You may find yourself opening heart and soul to those around you.  Love flows out and in.  Peace is encountered in the oddest places as life seems well aligned.  The goddess Venus leads you to all things beautiful and possibly even romance at this time.

Scorpio – It’s time to quite dragging your feet and get a move on Scorp!  You can’t serve two masters so make a choice.  Whether it’s a trip, a move, or some other huge change in your life, forward motion is indicated along with a bit of going it alone to make your mark on the world.  Once you are able to leave your past behind, love and adventure fall in place.  Archangel Gabriel hurries you along because he is so excited for your progress.    

Sagittarius – Every part of your life is or will soon be quite abundant.  The angels ask you to focus on the positives to grow that vibration as the universe is helping to create more prosperity than you are accustomed to.  Planting seeds (ideas) during this new moon phase creates a beautiful garden for the fall.   Travel slows down and work picks up.  News of an engagement or other joyful occasion may be cause for celebration.  Archangel Haniel helps with daily as well as long term success. 

Capricorn – You may find that a young person needs or asks for a bit of financial help.  This investment is actually worthwhile, and the angels remind you that you have the free will to say NO.  In your own life, you feel a bit more freedom than before.  Take advantage and experience something new.  Holy Spirit is close by, inspiring in all areas of life.  Trips to or near beaches have long lasting effects.  Any projects or new jobs you begin now help shape success in the future.  The angels say, DO IT! 

Aquarius – Decisions, decisions, Aquarius!  You are called upon to release “stuck” feelings (meaning you feel  you are stuck, but you aren’t) by making a choice.  Archangel Michael is by your side and shows you a clear path – it’s up for you to follow it.  Removing clutter clears space in your home and your mind.  Clutter includes people and things.  A life renewal is just around the corner. 

Pisces – You are the most intuitive of all the signs, and the angels remind you of that during this new to full moon stage.  Insight, premonitions and awareness all rise during this time.  Being fair with family takes you further than you expect, and allows for healing to take place without a loss of personal power.  Remembering to take time to rest can open doors to solutions that have been evasive for you.  Archangel Metatron has your back and helps you stand tall in all things.

FULL MOON – Monday, Aug 7, 2017    2:11pm Eastern 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

July Full Moon

FULL Moon AngelScopes™ July 9, 2017
(Happy Birthday Debbie Bruton)

This full moon the angels ask us to focus on positive thoughts and words as each thought and the spoken word are manifest creations.  When you think or say something negative, clear it immediately by saying, “Cancel, cancel.”  The angels are always around us, ready to help and remind us that working with them can keep you positive.  They will also help you clear any negativity that is left over from the pastduring this time.  

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The full to new moon phase may have you broadening your horizons, as you ponder the big WHY of life.  The angels are working to lead you to the mission which most grows your inner light, and that may be a different mission that you believe.  A young person around you has an interesting idea, but the cost may be more than you are willing to pay.  Archangel Haniel is working with you to bring you to success.  Shades of peach and coral sooth your inner being and strengthen resolve.

Taurus – The angels are helping you with the ever ending life cycles that take place all around us.  There is a time for letting go and the time is NOW.  Talks about acquisitions may not go as planned, and you may find yourself on the outside looking in.  Archangel Raphael offers comfort and peace as needed.   
Gemini – You may feel a little upside down during this full to new moon phase, but the angels remind you that all answers come from within.  Slow down enough to listen to your inner voice and discover what helps you shine.  Love from a younger person lights your days and can also inspire and motivate you.  Holy Spirit guides and heals you as needed, also helps when you pray or ask for healing for others.

Cancer – You are on your way and will soon be cultivating the rewards of your efforts in many areas.  Shades of pink and purple lift spirits and help maintain focus during this full to new moon phase.  You may find yourself playing referee.  When you keep your emotions out of the equation you have the best solutions for everyone.  Archangel Tzaphkiel opens doors when you think they are all closed.   

Leo – Summer is your time. Leo, and this full moon has you cementing dreams and goals from long ago.  Personal power is strong but not overbearing as you are confident in your works.  A new admirer may seem a bit flashy, even for you.  Archangel Gabriel helps with both endings and new beginnings, as the summer solstice energy takes you on the wave of excitement for the new year.

Virgo – The angels are all around you, embracing, lifting, reassuring and fulling you with love.  Working with them in all you do creates results much faster than you thought possible.  Someone in your “gang” may be exiting your life by moving away or moving on.  The angels remind you htat when we celebrate others’ successes we create more to celebrate for ourselves.  Your guardian angel is close by reminding you to ask and you’ll receive. 

Libra – time to yourself during this full to new mon phase readies you for the whirlwind autumn about to happen.  Ponder all offers/opportunities and meditate whenever possible to achieve a centered and peaceful mind.  A surprise love affair is available if you want it – complete with breath skipping and heart stopping moments.  Archangel Kamael assists in all decision making.

Scorpio – Usually a magic maker, the angels are working with the cosmos to bring more spontaneous magic into your life.  This full moon may wake you from a slumber (aka denial) and get you moring by merging your heart and soul so that you are aware of your true desires.  As your soul gets louder and you listen more closely, life begins to change.  Archangel Sandalphon helps when at a crossroad. 

Sagittarius – The angels ask you to look within to find your happiness and set your goals.  Sacred geometry combined with gemstones are magical tools for you at this time.  A stubborn person around you (this could even be yourself and your own stubbornness) helps you master the art of patience.  The angels remind you to look around – all you need you already have.  Good luck around August 4th brings cause for celebration.

Capricorn – Focusing on the positive lifts your spirits and helps you rise above any nagging doubts.  Archangel Gabriel helps you remain strong and move forward even when uncertain, reminding you that this too will pass.  He also advises that everyone enters unknown territory at different times of their lives.  Concern for a or as a father may appear during this time, and the angels ask that you stay open.  Encouraging rather than demanding will bring you better results.  Archangel Metatron offers strength and removes obstacles when you ask for help.

Aquarius – Your journey is just beginning and the angels remind you that you have help every step of the way.  The full moon ends the old way and enters a new way for you.  A group seems to band together and while they may not always agree on how to reach the goal they do work together to achieve success.  Your ego may take a bruising if you need to learn there is no I in team.  Archangel Zerachiel, one of the seven, helps in all areas.

Pisces – You may be pulled to simplify your life and slow down during this full to new moon phase.  The desire to enjoy the simpler pleasures is strong, and the angels work with you to help in acknowledging the positive and the beauty all around you.  Group activities are highlighted and social events may be plentiful.  Opt for the backyard BBQ over pomp and glory events to maintain a balanced soul.  Haniel surrounds you with peace and love every hour of every day.

NEW MOON – Sunday, July 23, 2017    5:46am Eastern

Friday, June 9, 2017


FULL Moon AngelScopes™ June 9, 2017

This full moon the angels remind us that we are each magnificent.  When we embrace all that we are our inner light strengthens.  When we strengthen our light we help strengthen each other.  During this full to new moon phase, there may be many distractions, but the angels remind us to just pull ourselves back on task to accomplish what we set out to do. 

Jupiter goes direct today.  The planet of good fortune and hearts’ desires will reactivate forward motion in those areas of our lives.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – thinking of making a change, Aries?  It’s time to settle in, put some roots down.  The change may not happen overnight, but steps forward can be taken NOW.  Keep an eye on your words/temper, as waiting to speak and having patience can sometimes create better opportunities.  St. Michael the archangel helps you cut away the brush on your path so you can move forward.  A new chapter is about to begin.

Taurus – Love for a special man in your life is pulled to the forefront, Taurus.  Archangel Haniel is helping with all matters of the heart from family to romance.  This full to new moon may find you enjoying some extra attention.  Your thinking cap works best when you are calm and relaxed.  Put it on for some great ideas on updating your life.
Gemini – Double check everything that is going on around you, Gemini, to be sure you are seeing and understanding all that is happening and not just what you want to see in the way you want to see it.  A short trip closer to the New Moon can put everything in perspective.  Blessed Mother Mary guides you to hearts desires and opens doors for you.  If you feel stuck, get out in nature.  Your thoughts will clear and solutions will appear.

Cancer – Good times are at hand, with lots of celebrating and love to be had.  Social activities are accented and events abound.  Keep those you love most close by and wonderful memories will be made.  Keeping the past in the past helps you enjoy the present.  Archangel Gabriel joins the parties, bringing networking opportunities for all you desire in all areas of your life. 

Leo – Stay on course, Leo, and you will be well rewarded.  There may be times you feel you travel this world alone, but your angel is always with you.  The goddess Diana is helping you with any battles, removing obstacles and supplying an army if you need one.  The helping hand of a friend can lift spirits.

Virgo – You may be focused on a female in your life as she encounters trying times.  Talking things through helps, giving advice may not.  In your life, creating a life you love is in the works, and strides are made.  The energy of Quan Yin is all around, enhancing your intuition.  Pay attention to “gut” feelings to steer you toward success at this time. 

Libra – Words are lovely, but too many can cause problems.  Sit back and listen first, speak second.  A man who is important to you may be taking up your time.  These meetings can enhance your loyalty for each other.  Projects begun now will finish by September.  Archangel Tzadkiel helps you give and receive mercy.

Scorpio – You may be unsure of where your world is going, Scorp, and the angels remind you that all the answers are in your soul.  Making a decision and seeing it through can offer the security you seek.  Romance may be a concern as your significant other is pre-occupied.  Your master guide is helping with undeniable signs of what to do/where to go next.

Sagittarius – The angels remind you to be kind to others, especially if you are feeling stressed.  You are being called to be your higher self, and Holy Spirit is inspiring you while helping you get out of your own way.  Clarity will come during the new moon.  An extended weekend adds to your inner strength.  Remind yourself of your goals to calm nerves.  You are right where you are meant to be at this time.

Capricorn – You are ready to leave the past behind and embrace some new beginnings.  This full moon has you tying up loose ends and preparing for an adventure.  Love and support from an important female strengthens your resolve.  St. Gabriel the archangel smooths the way for any traveling you may undertake.  Friends applaud your achievements.

Aquarius – You may find yourself in need of help, and a benefactor comes to your aid.  Emotions may threaten to boil over and your angels remind you a little daily meditation or/with white light can move mountains in your soul. Archangel Haniel is ready to help with victories when you allow him to take control.  Fun times are highlighted for the end of June.

Pisces – You’re busy hashing things out, working through situations, making plans and coming to agreements with others.  It’s a busy, active time, and you are laying the groundwork for a larger future.  A few evenings off revitalize and reorganize your thoughts.  Raphael the archangel helps with all communication issues, including clearing the air on old concerns.  Happy times with a good friend are highlighted around the new moon.

NEW MOON – Friday, June 23, 2017    10:31pm Eastern