Wednesday, May 10, 2017

AngelScopes Full Moon 5/10

FULL Moon AngelScopes™ May 10, 2017

This full moon the angels remind us that our bodies not only house our souls, they act as antennae, receiving messages for us.  When you have a feeling that doesn’t seem to make sense for the moment, it may be your angels trying to give you a message.  Acknowledge these feelings, then let them go.  This is just one of the ways your intuitive body works with your physical body.  The angels indicate that during this full to new moon phase intuition and psychic senses will be high.  Pay extra attention to “gut” feelings and “signs”.  The angels hand down divine decrees and give us advance notice of things to come during this time.  Thanking them is the only reciprocal action requested. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Someone around you has a great idea, Aries, and they’d like you to be a part of it.  This person may be younger or less experienced in life, and their efforts are sincere.  The thing is, you may need to put out a little money for this venture.  In other areas you are beginning to reap rewards for previous efforts.  This cycle brings completion and inspires surety for your next step.  St. Michael the Archangel helps you break ties and move forward on your path.  Anything you’ve been dragging your feet on totally ends or suddenly moves forward with gusto.

Taurus – There is a lot of love around you from a female relative or friend, and good times are soon to be had by all.  The full to new moon increases your fun quotient, and you are well loved (and you can feel it.)  Archangel Gabriel brings exciting news as you prepare for a significant event in June.  The ending of a relationship is in the background, leave it where it lies.
Gemini – Family struggles are indicated, as no one seems to be on the same page.  This is a good time for you to work one-on-one with others.  Blessed Mother Mary offers her support.  The angels recommend clearing your head with walks in nature: along a beach or through a forest.  Month end brings happy news, along with a small economic boost.

Cancer – Togetherness is key during this full to new moon phase, and Archangel Haniel is there to show you the love.  Social activities are highlighted and offer opportunities in all areas of your life.  Vacations are extra fun now; if you can’t take one, plan one.  Expect a deeper bonding of the family before month end.

Leo – Let the sun shine and leave your worries behind, Leo.  You are emerging from a difficult time where you’ve been your own toughest critic.  Allow (key word – allow) the good the universe has promised enter into your life.  The Creator leads you to unexpected success at just the right time.  Keep your eyes and heart open, you may be surprised at the opportunities that come your way.

Virgo – You are the master of your destiny, Virgo, and there’s no time like the present to manifest all you want and/or need.  Archangel Metatron is working with the Creator to help you rise during the next year.  It’s a time when past knowledge serves you well.  Suddenly everything makes sense and you know exactly what to do.  If you are creative this is a great time to pay attention to and even act upon your inspirations. 

Libra – You may find yourself involved with talks regarding finances; especially with a younger person.  The angels advise that you follow your intuition on this.  Your own abundance has a chance to grow, through ideas for the future or immediate action, possibly both.  Your words have the ability to heal during this time, and Archangel Raphael is by your side, helping you to reach those who need it most.  He will also help you with healings in any area of your life you ask him to.

Scorpio – An ending of a relationship is near, be it a romantic relationship, a friendship, a job or even a group membership.  A special friend is close by to help you through it.  Even if this ending is expected, the stress connected to it has taken a toll.  Your guardian angel helps you with rest and relaxation, and also opens doors you believed were closed.

Sagittarius – An admirer of your work makes themselves known and you can find yourself on a fast track to success.  If single, this full moon could lead to a fun romance.  This new person can be very persistent and will work hard to woo you.   Times spent in groups may be tiring, so be sure and get your beauty rest.  Jesus helps lighten your heart and your load at this time.

Capricorn – A third party may step in to try and lure you away from family or friendships.  Your mission is to be aware of this and decide your next move:  stay with what’s familiar or move into something completely foreign.  There is a lot of love all around you no matter what decision you make.  Your master guide helps as you take steps towards increasing your knowledge.  A surprise comes from a beloved family member.

Aquarius – Your wishes are coming true, even if not exactly the way you thought they would, or in the way you wanted them to.  The angels are working hard to help you make things easier on yourself.  Padre pio is close by, illuminating the best choice in all decision making.  Your heavenly helpers leave signs to guide you everywhere you look.  Pay attention to your intuition in all areas.

Pisces – Over thinking can stress you out, Pisces.  If single and looking, the love you desire is just around the corner.  Time to relax and rejuvenate is recommended and helps your body remain strong.  The illness of a loved one comes to light, the best you can do is offer support and friendship.  News of success for someone in your family lifts everyone’s spirits. 

NEW MOON – Thursday, May 25, 2017    8:15am ET

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