Sunday, March 12, 2017

Full Moon 'Scopes

FULL Moon AngelScopes™ March 12, 2017

This full moon the angels remind us that we have the power to make our dreams come true.  By working with our inner majesty, our unique spark of the Creator, we can define those dreams.  Once defined, ask your angels to help you manifest them.  Focused energy and perseverance along with patience produce the full desired outcome. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The sharp wit of a female has you wondering why you are the brunt of her sarcasm.  There’s a good chance she’s just blowing off steam, so ignore her and go about your business.  A male in authority stands in the background and is almost ready to come forth with a decision you’ve been holding your breath on.  Cutting ties during this full to new moon phase coupled with new beginnings starts you on a different path than expected.  Raphael the archangel handles all hurt feelings, inserting clarity where confusion lies.

Taurus – Advice from a successful man helps you develop a secure financial plan.  Time spent with an admirer brightens your outlook.  A trusted mentor leads you to awakenings.  Gabriel the archangel parties with you and helps you make choices.   
Gemini – It’s time for your wishes to come true, and it’s important not to let family drag you down.  It’s your time to shine and celebrate.  Love is close by if you are open enough to accept it.  Archangel Haniel leads you to heart-warming social activities.

Cancer – A loved one may make a choice that leaves you a bit disappointed.  The angels remind you it was their choice to make, wishing them well can bring blessings to you both.  Romance has you confused as your person of interest takes on extended family matters that leave you in the cold.  Time spent with friends lightens your mood and your guardian angel lifts your spirits with a new hobby or interest. 

Leo – You are connecting heart and soul to your dreams during this full to new moon stage.  Every little step takes you closer to your goal.  A beloved child makes strides in their life.  The Creator has eyes all over you, propelling you to success in an area close to your heart.  One year of work will reap decades of reward.

Virgo – Inner reflection brings knowledge to share during this full to new moon stage.  You may want to retreat but people around you aren’t allowing you to hide under the blankets.  A new start for you or someone close to you has you contemplating the positives of life.  Archangel Tzaphkiel brings insight and releases any sadness you’ve been holding onto.

Libra – Hard work has you feeling a bit restricted.  Someone around you shows their true colors.  The angles remind you to ask for help when you are overwhelmed.  Staying on the path close to your heart with determinations helps you navigate any obstacles in your way.  Gabriel the archangel brings news of new beginnings that ease your mind.

Scorpio – You may be feeling less in control than usual, and the angels ask you to be in alignment with your spiritual beliefs.  A man around you may be feeling less confident and needs your wisdom an advice.  Investments yield positive results, so move forward with your decisions.  Archangel Ratziel helps you see the big picture (meaning God’s plan) clearly.

Sagittarius – Family is a mixed bag of tricks during this full to new moon phase.  A happy event brings a myriad of emotions to those around you.  Keeping a smile on your face and your best foot forward calms the masses.  Archangel Jophiel is close to your heart, sending small sparks of joy that turn into big sparks by the new moon.

Capricorn – Family stress is heavy as you seem to allow yourself to be the scapegoat.  A trusted friend helps put things in perspective.  Concern about a youngster has you putting your mentor cap on.  Saint Pio reminds you to pray, hope and don’t worry; but mainly don’t worry. 

Aquarius – One of your children or a young person close to your heart makes you very proud, Aquarius!  This person has great ideas and follow-through, and is considerate of others.  They also help you find light where you saw only dark or shades of gray.  Springtime brings you a bit more strength and an ease of burdens.  Blessed Mother Mary assists in all you do, and advocates for you during this phase.

Pisces – You are ready to make changes Pisces, and deep thought is suggested when contemplating your next move.  You intuitively understand you are at the end of an era/phase and will enter another soon.  All will be clear by September/October.  A fun friend keeps you upbeat and encourages you on any quest you decide to take.  Metatron the Archangel removes any nay-sayers immediately, clearing your path to success. 
NEW MOON – Monday, March 27, 2017    10:57 pm EST

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