Thursday, September 15, 2016

Full Moon AngelScopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ September 16, 2016

This full moon the angels remind us to “cancel, cancel” when our words and thoughts lean towards the negative.  The entire world is manifesting faster than ever before, and our thoughts become reality as the Law of Attraction is extremely strong.  Your angels can help clear the effects of negative thoughts and actions if you ask them to.  They may need some help from you, though in the form of an apology to the person you injured, willfully or unknowingly, once in a while.  The Mercury retrograde amplifies past habits that need correcting during the first half of this full to new moon phase.  Taking time to get thought, word and deed in alignment can make your days pass more smoothly, and finish karma that much quicker.  Once Mercury goes direct, revisited karma may fade to the background once again, ready to return with the next retrograde in December.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You may be contemplating moving on during this full moon, Aries.  The angels ask that you wait until the equinox to make final decisions.  If the choice to change seems out of your hands, you are reminded that your actions matter in your life.  Abundance is within reach during this full to new moon phase and Jesus works with your master guide once you’ve made your decision.  You’ll be testing the waters, be it in a new position or a new residence, ask your guides for courage that replaces fear.      

Taurus – The bull in you stands strong and the angles are asking you to stretch your mind to consider others’’ view points.  Decisions made now impact your future as well as the futures of those around you.  Your words can wound or heal, this is true for yourself as well as others you speak them to.  Counting your blessings lifts some of the weight off your shoulders as priorities shift.  Blessed Mother Mary offers you white roses, both as a reminder of beauty and a softening of the heart.
Gemini – Be ready, Gemini!  Your soul mate is at hand and you can feel the passion of love all around you.  The angels are singing and dancing, encouraging you to make a choice for happiness.  They remind you that not deciding can mean you lose the chance to choose.  You may find yourself with multiple opportunities where time is of the essence, and quick decisions must be made.  Haniel the archangel helps with all decisions, leading you to victory.  Do not hesitate in love and romance during this time.   

Cancer – Staying true to your heart helps in all areas, Cancer.  Going within and following your soul leads to happiness.  Be sure of your motives in all your actions.  You may wonder if your job/career is worth it, the angels remind you that this too shall pass.  Connecting with your higher self also connects you with your master guides and the Elohim.  This band of angels is helping you comprehend when it is time to manifest where you are or move on.   

Leo – This full moon may bring many endings, and you may find yourself in a brand new life without knowing how it happened.  Love and light fill each area of your life, encouraging growth and stability.  Actions taken now move you up a level both spiritually and materially.  St. Gabriel the archangel works with the Ascended Masters to help you acclimate to your new beginnings by the new moon. 

Virgo – Heartfelt discussions take place as you contemplate what was and what will be for your family.  Archangel Kamael strengthens you as you let go of past influences and focus on building stronger relationships.  This is a great time for a short trip or seaside venture.  Spirit guides are strong and encourage you to follow your intuition.  Abundance heads your way before year’s end.

Libra – This full to new moon phase has you appreciating the beauty of nature.  Your heart is full and you realize the amazing amount of love that is all around you.  A female may take precedence, or help you in some way.  Her help is offered with love for you, consider accepting the gesture with grace.  Fun times with family and friends are indicated as the summer winds down and cooler weather approaches.  The Shekina is around whenever you need her, helping you stay focused when unexpected visitors show up.

Scorpio – You are the master of your universe, Scorpio, but sometimes your confidence seems to be on hold.  Take stock of what you know to be true and make decisions from there.  Stubbornness is not helpful, but meditation is.  Calm your thoughts and allow Archangel Raphael to heal your insecurities.  You’ll be back on top of your game once the new moon rolls in.  Single Scorps may find romance in the most unusual places.

Sagittarius – Small gifts of love and abundance are heading your way.  Distractions are unavoidable as the Mercury retrograde pulls your attention to more fun than what is immediately in front of you.  Ideas need some fine tuning, and planning ahead will remove obstacles in business and pleasure.  Your guardian angel is speaking often through your loved ones, pay attention.    

Capricorn – You may find you are the focus of someone’s unhappiness, Cap.  This may have you wondering about your personal worth.  Keep your head up and your eye on the prize, personal rewards are just around the corner.  Owning up to mistakes can take you further than you realize, but bragging will get you nowhere.  The Creator helps improve your self-confidence and bring in success by month’s end. 

Aquarius – It’s a time of enjoyment with some smooth sailing in your personal life.  This is a good time to live in the moment, as happiness is all around.  Changes may be on their way, but the next month or so is status quo for most Aquarians.  Friends offer good advice and help you relax a bit, make time to spend with them.  Blessings are being sent from heaven, and the Holy Spirit sends energy of total healing, joy and happiness whenever you ask for it. 

Pisces – Social activities are highlighted as you spend time with small groups of friends or even have more one on one time with them.  Follow you instincts when dealing with others to avoid surprises.  A friendship may grow closer.  Look to a trusted female for advice when needed.  St. Gabriel the archangel guides you to new discoveries.    

MERCURY RETROGRADE  August 30 – September 22
NEW MOON – October 1, 2016  8:12 pm Eastern

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