Thursday, August 18, 2016

Full Moon 'Scopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ August 18, 2016

This full moon the angels ask us to be truthful with ourselves and others.  Clear communication now before the Mercury retrograde on the 31st will circumvent misunderstandings in the future.  Say what you must with as much love as possible.  Think love, feel it in your heart, “see” it encasing your words and imagine it leaving your lips.  The angels also remind us that when our thoughts, words and deeds are in alignment our forward movement will occur more quickly and easily.  This applies to relationships, career and purchases. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – New beginnings are all around you Aries, as fears and worries are removed and family togetherness starts to take precedence.  St. Michael has his sword out and is ready to fight with you and for you , even when the fight is within yourself.   Uncertainties are laid to rest as a new plan begins to form.  This full to new moon phase may include some emotional times, but all is smoothed out by the new moon on September 1st.      

Taurus – Family situations may be stressful during this full to new moon stage, especially when Mercury retrograde creates murky waters for communication.  Make sure you are getting enough rest during this extremely busy time, it seems concern for up to three others has you wearing yourself thin.  St. Raphael is close by, offering strength when you need it.  It’s not all bad stress as good times are plentiful over the next couple of weeks.  Enjoying the company of a younger person can invigorate and inspire!
Gemini – Your inner spirit is calling, reminding you of your true self.  It’s asking you to let your light shine.  Your work or home family are bonding together to create a stronger and more stable environment for you.  Your guardian angel calls you out when your less than bright side is showing.  Singles may be introduced to their next mate during this full to new moon phase.  A troubling situation reaches a satisfying conclusion. 

Cancer – Personal power is strong during this full moon, Cancer.  You have a distinct plan in mind to lead you to great success over the next two years.  Take time to daydream, imagining the unimaginable or goals you may you may think are impossible.  The Shekina guides you to an entirely new something by the new moon, and reminds you to let go and let God for your highest success.  Treat yourself at least once during this full to new moon phase, you do deserve.    

Leo – Your roar may not take you as far as you like during this full to new moon stage, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t getting what you want.  The angels indicate you are going to receive what you have been asking for, just a few days later than you expect.  Your leadership qualities are showing and you are called upon to use them.  King Solomon’s wisdom is yours for the asking in any and all decision making.  Talks about finances are very positive.

Virgo – There are times when you feel as if you are ready to take off on your own, Virgo.  You are aware of the challenges ahead and are very ready to move forward.  Abundance is close at hand and your ground work is stable.  Ratziel helps you by putting the information you need in front of you when you need it.  End of summer fun is well worth remembering this year. 

Libra – Emotions may be all over the place as new beginnings are at hand and change is imminent.  Staying focused on your day to day activities helps your mind process behind the scenes.  Timing is important now and rewards are heading your way.  The goddess Diana aids you in any battle you may face while archangel Gabriel assists with good news.  Trust your intuition when meeting new people or old friends re-emerge.

Scorpio – People around you offer to help lighten your load, and you may breathe a sigh of relief as restrictions are eased.  The more you allow others access the quicker struggles can end.  Love from a new admirer is on the horizon.  Take time to make time for some enjoyment, all work and no play leave Scorp by himself.  Metatron is working with you to bring you to the next level in your career.

Sagittarius – Appreciation is highlighted as you interact as a mentor.  Respect and love are gained as you steer your student towards success.  Family life is fun and playful during this full to new moon phase.  You may be contemplating a career or life change, the angels suggest waiting until the end of the fall.  Blessed Mother Mary smiles on you and offers an unexpected delight at month’s end.    

Capricorn – Removing the blinders you placed upon yourself allows you to see the many opportunities before you, Cap!  In some ways your emotions have been stealing the show, and it’s time to take a more objective view.  A trusted friend fills in the missing pieces so your puzzle is complete.  The Creator is supplying you with what you want, ask and you receive.  Group activities may seem stressful, bow out if you need to rest.

Aquarius – This full to new moon phase can bring a bit of relief where finances are concerned.  Big ideas turn into successful projects and the family reaps the rewards.  Try and keep your inner critic from speaking so loudly.  Results come faster when a softer tongue is used.  You may hear of much drama in the lives around you.  It’s time to just be an ear.  Listen.  Maybe nod your head.  Then let it go.  Jophiel brings joy to your heart and home.

Pisces – The angels remind you that most worries never manifest.  It’s time to move forward and leave your fears behind.  News of a major change heads your way, and you are reminded that you have the best fortune when you are decisive.  A friend shares a good bit of laughter with you.  Visualizing positive outcomes of any and all situations can ease anxiety, and take the same amount of energy as imagining the worst.  The goddess Athena assists in all areas. 

MERCURY RETROGRADE  August 30 – September 22
NEW MOON – September 1, 2016  5:04 am Eastern

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