Friday, April 1, 2016

April AngelScopes™ April 1, 2016

With the unusual energies circling the globe, the angels remind us that we are all divinely guided at all times.  We may choose not to heed that guidance, but it is there for us.  When you are feeling especially confused or “off” they suggest you turn to a trusted advisor.  This person could be friend or family, mentor or clergy.  The angels ask this so they may speak through your advisor to you.  The angels realize that as humans we sometimes need to actually hear the message come from another’s lips.  The angels are working so closely with us all right now, they would love to answer your questions about yourself, your life, and even world situations.  They remind us to wrap up any important contracts before the end of the month when Mercury goes retrograde.  This includes home sales, new job contracts (you can start whenever) and even word of mouth agreements.

April is a month of awakenings and up until the 27th be prepared for all situations to become clearer than before.  Hidden agendas, illnesses and affairs will be brought to light, with guidance and healing for all.  If you’ve had something to say, let it be known before the Mercury retrograde, when communication may be released, but not exactly in a way you would like.  Old loves that come back in before the retrograde may be here to stay, but those that come with the retrograde could be here and gone when Mercury turns direct, coming in only to complete a lesson. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – April brings a letting go of people, places and things for Aries, as you declutter your life on all levels.  A recent disconnect completes itself, bringing light to the results of your actions.  You may discover that the actual event is a bit different than you imagined it to be.  Finalizing plans is highlighted, and the angels encourage you to continue on the path you set for yourself. With all these endings you may find yourself emotional as you reminisce about what’s past.  Continue forward, your rewards are closer than you realize.  An Aquarian may guide you to new successes, and your guardian angel encourages you to pay heed to your intuition, especially when it comes to meeting new people.  Jesus offers inspiration and opens doors when needed, and reminds you, “don’t forget to ask.”  If you are looking for romance, make sure you are truly free to roam before you do.

Taurus – Family or work (or both) has you all in a tizzy from start to finish this month.  You wonder what’s gotten into everyone, forgetting that we are all affected by the planetary and crowd influences.  Your personal power and mastership personality traits swing into high gear as you try and rally the troops.  The bull in you may come forth as you wish to get everything and everyone in alignment.  The angels remind you that prayer and healing energy are extremely powerful tools in situations like this – prayer for peace without agenda, healing for harmony without agenda.  Many changes close to your heart either commence or complete during April.  Turning a blind eye and diplomacy won’t help keep the inevitable at bay.  To keep yourself balanced, the angels suggest you head out with a group of friends at least twice during the month.  Put aside your worry for a few hours now and again and make time for enjoyment.  The worry will still be there when you return, but may not be as intimidating.  Tzadkiel helps keep yourself in check and out of the frenzy. 
Gemini – Time to move, Gemini!  Big or small, changes are coming and Haniel is by your side, ready to help.  You may find yourself traveling more than expected, especially as news of a blessing within the family arrives.  Free will is strong throughout April, and single Gemini’s may find themselves chasing down the person of their desires.  Your affections are returned, but you may want to take some time before forging ahead with a total commitment.  Intrigue can lead to a deeper soul understanding in all relationships this month.  You may be invited to visit an ill relative or friend you haven’t seen in a while – take time to make time.  If you aren’t expecting to physically move (home or office) you may hear of a major change heading your way. The vibration of change around you this month helps you understand all you’ve been contemplating about life in general.  Haniel is an angel of success and love, be sure to engage his help if you need either.  Mid-month brings a huge announcement.

Cancer – April is full of surprises and blessings in disguise, Cancer.  You may hear of a location change for yourself or a loved one, and there definitely is an over-worked and extremely stressed woman close by that figures into your decisions.  Family changes are inevitable and you may find yourself in the center of upsets which have nothing to do with you.  Politely back away then ask for some extra angels to help those in conflict.  Even though work has you busy, you seem to complete tasks more quickly than usual, allowing for extra free time.  Use this time wisely, finish projects or spend it with loved ones, because once May rolls in you won’t have that extra time on hand.  St. Gabriel the archangel is your best bud, leading you to fun social events, job opportunities, and even information before anyone else finds out.  He loves to help create change, enlist his help wherever needed for yourself. 

Leo – All work and no play makes for a grumpy lion, Leo.  You are always hardest on yourself, but it’s time to let go of some of the overly serious demeanor you’ve been touting and let the fun back in.  Get out in public, go to parties and events, and do things that lift your spirit.  All these activities will help clear your head so you are working smarter, creating time for joy.  Happy news from afar is about to come in, and will bring a bit of stability and relief through August.  For those with financial setbacks this is exciting.  Those looking for love will be setting in for a long term relationship.  Those looking for work will find something that inspires as well as supports.    The choir of Cherubim are working with you to lighten your load as well as your soul.  Someone close to you may be experiencing a major challenge in their life; give them a bit of that big heart of yours to soothe both their soul and yours. 

Virgo – April may be a challenging month, Virgo, and it’s important to stay as focused as possible when operating machinery or even just walking around.  Virgo is normally pretty observant, but for some reason April has you all in your head and unaware of your surroundings.  St. Michael the archangel is by your side, holding you up if you need it and leading you away from calamity.  You may find yourself helping a loved one come mid to late month.   A positive outlook changes everything, and the angels help you see the good in the bad, then have you sharing that wisdom with those around you.  Month’s end has Gabriel flying in to bring good news as well as a renewal of something you believed lost forever.   

Libra – You love it when things flow easily and really hate it when there are bumps in the road.  There are times this month when you will feel as if you are dragging the world along behind you and the angels remind you that aside from your minor children, you really aren’t responsible for pushing (or pulling) others to their destiny.  A kind word here and there, a smile and a prayer do more than you can imagine in helping others move forward.  King Neptune guides your every move and leads you to victory when you least expect it.  You have friends you can trust your secrets with, so unburden and heal.  There may be a separation or final ending this month that has you upset (bump in the road) but you quickly recover as more information is revealed.  The goddess Diana helps with any battles you feel you must fight, and reminds you that keeping your focus on your desired outcome brings success more quickly than any other method.  New beginnings are around the corner and May promises to be more exciting than April.

Scorpio – Warmer weather brings many social activities and most of them are good old times that will be remembered for years to come.  April is a good month for networking, and Scorps seeking a romance or career move make more progress by being out and about than any other method of contact.  Family responsibilities may keep you hopping, and archangel Raphael is your co-pilot in all you do.  There may be celebrations at your place of work this month, which boosts moral and boosts your career.  Time spent with a friend you admire is great for both of you.  If you have decisions to make and are finding it hard to come to a final selection, the angels suggest holding off on the decision and continue the path you were on.  There is more to be revealed, and mid to late month brings answers to help make your choice clear. 

Sagittarius – The Creator is helping you every step of the way and in all your endeavors, Sag!  April is a deciding month for you and many of you may contemplate making major changes.  Hold off on anything that can’t be wrapped up by the 27th, and revisit mid-May when more information is available and aspects are clear.  You may hear news from or about your dad or closest father figure this month.  He needs some cheering up.  In the bigger family picture, keep to yourself and out of the dramas.  This keeps you clear of becoming a scapegoat when they need to point fingers.  Mini blessings come through every day this month, and you may actually feel as if your soul is growing.  (It’s not, but it may be becoming much brighter.)  The best thing you can do for yourself is to get enough rest or schedule a little downtime.  Your prayers/focuses/wishes carry extra energy in April so spend time wishing/hoping and co-creating.

Capricorn – You may discover that your family is about to grow, Cap and can’t decide if you like that news or not.  Either way, it is exciting and once you get used to the news you let the joy sink in.  St. Joseph (Jesus’ earth dad) is close by helping you with all transitions (personal and within your circle) this month as well as acceptance of what can’t be changed.  In other areas, it’s a good month with lots of outdoor activities and fun times with friends.  You may be asked for advice, give freely.  Your friend may not take your advice but you will help them make some good decisions.  There is happiness in a larger group that you are a part of and when you can detach yourself from the busy-ness of life you find your personal power is strong.

Aquarius – It’s a great month for all Aquarians as self-worth grows and evidence of success from hard work is revealed.  Things are going smoother and you receive many thanks because of your efforts.  You can breathe easier, even though you realize there is still quite a bit of work ahead because the foundation has been laid and is secure.  The weekends are filled with family fun and love around you grows and grows.  Entrepreneur Aquarians will see success and forward movement.  Your guardian angel is working with Metatron to ensure continued success and financial stability.  An increase in funds is coming your way, if not April then in May.  Perhaps as a windfall.  Take time to celebrate with a nice dinner or evening out, you deserve it!  Personal relationships grow deeper throughout the month.

Pisces – April is a month when you weigh what you “should” do with what you want to do, which then leads to a contemplation on the meaning of life.  Ratziel has the Book of Life ready to share with you, so if you find yourself with a lot of questions, ask him for answers.  The angels in general ask you not to think too hard, Pisces, and to enjoy each day and each moment as it comes for what it is.  You may find yourself taking an unexpected trip towards the third week of the month.  Another’s misfortune comes to light and you may feel helpless to assist, the angels remind you that prayers and healing energy do more than anyone realizes.    Family change is indicated, possibly someone is leaving the fold this month.  You will be pretty busy with your own life between work and play through April.

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