Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Change the World

As we prepare to enter a season of love and joy we are sobered by the attacks taking place on the other side of the world with our allies.  These attacks by the Islamic State ignite within us a myriad of emotions, and bring to mind the serenity prayer of St. Francis… “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace… where there is hatred let me sow love….” It’s not so easy to look at the Islamic State with loving eyes, and practically impossible for most.  During this time of unrest around the world (and make no mistake, daily attacks are occurring around the world) try and catch your own thoughts of fear and loathing and divert them to thoughts of love and peace.  Everything is energy, and with focused effort we can, as a collective unit, change the vibrations of these terrorists.

When the terrorists place fear in our hearts they expand their power.  (They are changing the vibrations we carry.)  Last week I noticed a great sign outside a church, “Pray for the persecuted and the persecutors.”  To make a change, we as spiritual soldiers can reconnect with our souls and champion this fight by changing our thoughts; which in turn will change others’ thoughts.  Just as ISIS stages small acts of war in many places, we can wage small acts of love and victory within ourselves and our homes.  As we grow our love vibration, we will change the world.  Yes, even in our small circle of the world, every computer click we implement carries our vibrations out, each thought adds to the cosmic energy of the universe, each act of kindness reaches beyond us and all those we are attached to.  These acts of love reach out to the person we perform the kindness for and all of their circle of influence, all they come in contact as well.  Then these vibrations spread even further, to all who walk near us, all who pass where that act was performed, and all who come in contact with these strangers.  Everything we do, no matter how big or small is felt on a much larger scale than any of us are aware.

The bombings of Paris are now a few days behind us.  We are watching as the world powers are doing what they know or what they feel they can do to handle this group; a group that emanates hate and fear for themselves and all those around them.  We can ask for angelic help as well.  We can work with the angels (or universe or God, whatever you work with) to keep our hearts clear and not become hardened by fear or hatred.  We can request help for the misguided who join the terrorist community.  We can ask for armies of angels to aid in this fight.  These little acts, this little bit of time spent requesting help can grow the peace vibration. 

Other things we can do to change the world vibration includes clearing ourselves and keeping a higher love vibration around us.  We can be kinder to ourselves and our loved ones.  We can be kinder to strangers.  We can change our words to a more positive vibration.  Try saying “LOVE!” instead of “F#ck”.  (This makes me really laugh, especially since a lot of my family seems to think that particular f word should precede every other word and definitely precede everyone’s name.)  When I picture someone yelling “LOVE!” instead it just makes me giggle.  One of my best friends takes a walk and repeats 26 positive words over and over while walking.  She says this helps clear her head and puts her in a better mood, even when she’s in a good mood already.

Each of these little actions that raise our vibrations also raise the world vibrations.  You may be only one tiny drop in the sea, but one more drop is what makes a dam break. 

Thanks for reading!  Wishing you a wonderful rest of November.

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