Tuesday, November 24, 2015


PEACE ON EARTH – Article One

Pilgrimages, Shrines and Pope Visits

Those of us who are drawn to special places, be they religious or wondrous, are actually called to go there.  My spiritual path has led me many places, and today’s article is about the religious spots I’ve been inspired to visit.

The first “call” was to Conyers, GA.  Blessed Mother Mary had been appearing there to a woman named Nancy Fowler.  People were traveling to “the farm” from all over; busloads even making the trek.  Rosary bead links were changeling color from silver to gold, people were leaving with sparkles on their faces and bodies, the sun was seen spinning, and photographs were filled with orbs.  My call was received when the book, Wake Up America: take my heart take my hand by Ann Marie Hancock manifested itself to me.  I had run into the local stationery store just as they opened, I needed paper for the newsletter.  I saw the book and decided to purchase it since it was the only copy there.  When I went to the register the clerk asked me where I found the book.  “In the back, on the middle bookshelf.  But it’s the only copy that was there,” I added, thinking she might want a copy for herself.

“You don’t understand,” she said.  “We did inventory this morning and I inventoried the books.  This book was not there.”

Ah, the angels are up to their usual and a strong message of taking pilgrimages was headed my way.  Somehow that book then led to Medjugorje, where the Blessed Mother had appeared to children in 1981.  (She still appears to them now, in 2015.)  Medjugorje is located in the Bosnia and Hertzegovenia area, close to Croatia.  Driving through the country you would see remnants of buildings without roofs, bombed or burned during the war that took place a good 10 years earlier.  The small village of Medjugorje (when I visited 15 years ago) was welcoming and peaceful.  The natives were kind and loving, and stopped whatever they were doing everyday at 6:25 to go outside and say a short prayer while Blessed Mother Mary appears to the visionaries.  It was quite interesting to see shopkeepers, restaurant workers, tour guides, etc. just stop and stand still, heads bowed for a few minutes.

Another “call” was to Mexico, where I was lucky enough to see the tilma of Juan Diego.  We traveled like royalty, and were treated well by all we encountered.  The many stories of miracles through the towns (and not small miracles, like someone was healed; but huge village/town changing miracles) were abundant, and the joy radiating from the faces of those in close proximity of the many miraculous areas was tangible.

As I write this, I think it is very synchronistic that our center is home to a print of Our Lady of Guadalupe that was blessed by Our Lady of Medjugoje.  That story is for another day.

The “call” to Italy was filled with shrine/church visits, Mass in unique places, lunch at the Vatican’s seminary and beautiful people all around.

Each of these pilgrimages was amazing in its own right.  There was an air of excitement and expectation around the pilgrims.  The grounds we visited all had a tangible energy.  You could feel it in the air:  peace and awe, excitement and anticipation, and of course, the tourist vibe was strong.  Once you go to Medjugorje, you won’t want to leave.  (One of my customers went a year or so after I did, came back, and planned to retire there, in the caves, helping the homeless.)  It’s simply an amazing soul-changing experience.  Guadalupe was also an unbelievable experience, watching the faithful crawl on their knees to the altar.  The sound of so many different languages, all with the same tone of excitement, to see the kindness many would share especially in large crowds is always heartwarming.

What I noticed about the visits to these far away places is that while each of them is known for something different, they all carry a certain vibration, maybe even an aura of the miraculous.  Whether you visit the village of Medjugorje or the Shrine of Czestachowa in Doylestown, the vibration is the same.  The people may be different, but the energy of the land is phenomenal.  This is true of whatever shrine you visit in whatever land.  Many miracles occur at Czestachowa in Doylestown and when I have a special request, that’s where I head.  St. Katharine Drexel’s Shrine in Philadelphia has you forgetting you are in the middle of a city as soon as you enter the grounds.  Saint Pio’s shrine in Barto carries a special peace.  But you can duck into a shrine in the middle of downtown somewhere (like St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC) and experience oneness.

Any trip to a far away holy place or a nearby shrine often is accompanied by excitement, expectation and awe.  The participants are so happy to be attending a special place, renowned for its miracle making energy.  None of my trips to Italy, Bosnia, Mexico or any of the shrines in the USA could compare to my pilgrimage to see the pope.

Much like that first pilgrimage, I was called.  But, believe me, I wasn’t listening.  I thought it would be an interesting trip, but I’ve been on mobbed religious expeditions and figured I would sit this one out.  I could watch on TV or online, have a better view, and be much more comfortable.  The angels obviously had a different plan and when I wouldn’t listen to them, friends, family and everyone I came in contact with seemed to have only one question for me.  “Are you going to see the pope?”

Between tickets being laid at my feet, my work for the weekend cancelled, the many people asking me, and being in Philly on Friday night anyway, I decided (you like that?  “I decided” like I had a choice) to go to see the pope.  Another reason I didn’t want to go was because I kept “seeing” a bomb.  Thank goodness that energy dissipated.

It was over a month ago, and it seriously took weeks for figure out the correct words to describe the energy of the pope’s visit.  Finally, I had it.  Reverence.  The people in Philly exuded a reverence I had never encountered before.  Not at the Vatican, not in Assisi, not in Medjugorje; but here in Philadelphia the energy was one of deep reverence.

Many people heard the call and just traveled to Philadelphia with no set plan, no hotel room, no idea if they would even be able to get into the city.  I am still amazed that people from Canada decided to drive to the Warminster train station to go in to see the pope.  An entire family from Alabama did the same.  And there were thousands of other similar stories.  Busloads came from Michigan, and even as far as California.  They all descended upon Philadelphia, and they all carried vibrations of reverence, humility, honor and deeply privileged to be there.   The vibration was holier than all of my pilgrimages with the cardinal, the parish, and Medjugorje all together.  It wasn’t the fanatical event the media worked hard to portray, it was people being kind to each other, almost childlike in silence, hands clasped and eyes wide, ready to see what’s not been seen before.  We were so very blessed to have this man come to bless our country, to walk upon the streets of our capital and two biggest cities.  The pilgrims in Philly understood that we were a part of history beyond what eye could see, ear could hear and heart could feel.  Any of us in that vibration carried it home with us to all those we are in contact with:  the folks from California took it with them, the family from Alabama carried it home.  The peeps from Canada went back and shared it there – and so on.

If you want a little bit of peace, if you want to experience the vibration of the miraculous, if you just want to sit still and be ONE with all of creation – take a short drive to your local holy shrine.  Sit and Be.  Allow the healing energies to permeate your being.  You don’t need to subscribe to the shrine’s religious mode of thought – energy has no religion.  Just go, sit and Be.  Then watch your life change....

Next Article in this series – Vortexes and Wonders


Full Moon AngelScopes™ November 25, 2015

This full moon the angels remind us not to let worldly concerns thwart our inner generosity.  Motivation fueled by fear creates hardened hearts.  Link into your inner enchanted self, and allow that enchantment to be your motivation.  When celebrating with family and friends take a moment to send peace to those who are far from home, and ask that they too will know the warmth of a loving and safe haven.  Try and do this not just on Thanksgiving but every day.  When you feel fear creeping in, ask your angels to help you discern true danger from fear.  At this time the angels are working with all light spirits – Ascended and Galactic Masters, Elders, Saints and other angels to bring each of us a content and peaceful heart.  When you join them in this work, you change the light of the world.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The holiday season is upon us and family is a big part of your focus now, Aries.  There may be many demands on your time and you would like to just do your own thing or maybe have everyone do your own thing with you.  Decisions are being made and Jesus is your guide in every area from home to career.  You are well synced with your partner or best friend and the two of you are making fun plans.  Those younger than you may need advice; they also need encouragement towards self-sufficiency.  Explain the many benefits to them when making your points. 

Taurus – It’s a blessed time indeed, Taurus!  The Creator is sending you all you need for a happy home as well as a full heart.  Feeding your spiritual self will expand your physical life.  If you are single you may be asked to or decide to commit to a monogamous relationship.  Answers come quickly now, and Archangel Ratziel is helping the Creator open your heart and increase your knowledge.  More blessings arrive the more you simplify your life.  This full moon ends one major life cycle and begins another for many Taureans.  Remaining open allows extra blessings to surround you.
Gemini – Patience is a virtue but you’ve had enough of the waiting game, Gemini!  You feel stuck, and the angels indicate that’s due more to your outlook than your actual situation.  The angel Jophiel is working with your guardian angel to help you “see” more clearly.  A short trip away from your usual surroundings could be just what’s needed to help you move forward on a significant new endeavor.  Your will see big changes for those around you through the end of December.  There is a very good chance your renewal will happen in the next six weeks, sooner if you open to angelic guidance.  Yellow flowers are your signs of angelic help.

Cancer – Change is on the horizon and you find yourself about to embark upon a journey, leaving behind many of your unproductive habits.  Small epiphanies occur almost daily, and St. Gabriel is waiting to lead you to the next adventure of your life.  You will find yourself more in tune with your soul than ever before.  It’s a great time for financial planning.  You may find yourself seeing more of the positive and less of the negative in others. 

Leo – It’s your time to shine, Leo!  Those around you aren’t particularly happy that they don’t get to spend as much time with you as they once did.  Family may try to distract you from your path, but staying true to yourself and your mission brings more rewards than ever before.  Your closest loved ones celebrate your successes with you.  It’s a time of illumination as you act upon your inner guidance.  Your guardian angel leads you to winnings as well as to opportunities to share. 

Virgo – Family activity is highlighted as spirited conversations take place through to the next full moon.  Excitement is building and ideas are flying.  St. Michael is busy clearing obstacles and removing debris that blocks your advancement.  It’s a great time to share plans so you can get some feedback.  Money may be a concern and decisions on major purchases are best held off for processing until after the new moon.

Libra – It’s a cozy time as you and your significant other draw closer together, agreeing in many areas and almost even thinking as one person.  Marriage is good during this full to new moon time frame.  Mentoring works wonders – whether you are the mentor or the mentored.    Plan romantic evenings as often as possible, soon there may be little time to be alone with your lover, as family needs increase once the new moon rolls in and increase through the New Year.  Blessed Mother Mary adds a soothing love vibration all around you.

Scorpio – A financial change may be heading your way as you make a commitment unlike any you’ve ever made before.  Holy Spirit is busy helping you clean up loose ends and heal leftover hurts.  It’s a great time to ask for all you desire.  The answers to how to get what you need are readily available.  Mini miracles are highlighted for those around you as well as yourself.  Ask often. 

Sagittarius – You may feel as if you are starting all over again from the beginning, Sag.  You are also juggling many activities at once, and those around you are waiting to act until after you’ve made some decisions.  Frustration will be short-lived, allowing the newest adventure to present itself before the New Year.  St. Raphael smooths ruffled feathers, adds balm where needed, and brings answers in your dreams.  (You aren’t hearing him during the day.)  Your intuition moves into high gear by mid-December and is active throughout the first quarter of 2016.

Capricorn – It’s on the road again as travel and new beginnings are highlighted.  Your past experience serves you well and you may see yourself progressing professionally.  Respect for your opinion / knowledge grows as loved ones see a side of you they missed before.  Metatron helps make a way where there is none, so the sky’s the limit for you as you plan for 2016.  Aim high.

Aquarius – Love is accented and you feel well taken care of by those around you.  A private endeavor brings success, and you are laying the ground work for many improvements: spiritual, physical and financial.  Those with children will feel an appreciation that previously seemed lacking.  Self-worth contributes to success and more acceptance from others.  Haniel expands your victories, and presents you with choices you missed before.

Pisces – So many choices (some easier to make than others) present themselves during this full to new moon phase.  Family weighs in and your angels remind you that you can’t make everyone happy so focus on making yourself happy.  Your guardian angel and master guide are working together with you to help determine a specific path for the upcoming year.  You can feel the shift coming all around you, even if it is months away.  Looks like 2016 is going to be one great year for you Pisces!. 

NEW MOON – Friday, Dec. 11th 5:29am EST

Good for all you love class students! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Change the World

As we prepare to enter a season of love and joy we are sobered by the attacks taking place on the other side of the world with our allies.  These attacks by the Islamic State ignite within us a myriad of emotions, and bring to mind the serenity prayer of St. Francis… “Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace… where there is hatred let me sow love….” It’s not so easy to look at the Islamic State with loving eyes, and practically impossible for most.  During this time of unrest around the world (and make no mistake, daily attacks are occurring around the world) try and catch your own thoughts of fear and loathing and divert them to thoughts of love and peace.  Everything is energy, and with focused effort we can, as a collective unit, change the vibrations of these terrorists.

When the terrorists place fear in our hearts they expand their power.  (They are changing the vibrations we carry.)  Last week I noticed a great sign outside a church, “Pray for the persecuted and the persecutors.”  To make a change, we as spiritual soldiers can reconnect with our souls and champion this fight by changing our thoughts; which in turn will change others’ thoughts.  Just as ISIS stages small acts of war in many places, we can wage small acts of love and victory within ourselves and our homes.  As we grow our love vibration, we will change the world.  Yes, even in our small circle of the world, every computer click we implement carries our vibrations out, each thought adds to the cosmic energy of the universe, each act of kindness reaches beyond us and all those we are attached to.  These acts of love reach out to the person we perform the kindness for and all of their circle of influence, all they come in contact as well.  Then these vibrations spread even further, to all who walk near us, all who pass where that act was performed, and all who come in contact with these strangers.  Everything we do, no matter how big or small is felt on a much larger scale than any of us are aware.

The bombings of Paris are now a few days behind us.  We are watching as the world powers are doing what they know or what they feel they can do to handle this group; a group that emanates hate and fear for themselves and all those around them.  We can ask for angelic help as well.  We can work with the angels (or universe or God, whatever you work with) to keep our hearts clear and not become hardened by fear or hatred.  We can request help for the misguided who join the terrorist community.  We can ask for armies of angels to aid in this fight.  These little acts, this little bit of time spent requesting help can grow the peace vibration. 

Other things we can do to change the world vibration includes clearing ourselves and keeping a higher love vibration around us.  We can be kinder to ourselves and our loved ones.  We can be kinder to strangers.  We can change our words to a more positive vibration.  Try saying “LOVE!” instead of “F#ck”.  (This makes me really laugh, especially since a lot of my family seems to think that particular f word should precede every other word and definitely precede everyone’s name.)  When I picture someone yelling “LOVE!” instead it just makes me giggle.  One of my best friends takes a walk and repeats 26 positive words over and over while walking.  She says this helps clear her head and puts her in a better mood, even when she’s in a good mood already.

Each of these little actions that raise our vibrations also raise the world vibrations.  You may be only one tiny drop in the sea, but one more drop is what makes a dam break. 

Thanks for reading!  Wishing you a wonderful rest of November.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Heart Drop Meditation

Seems like a good time to repeat this meditation.  This is one of my favorites, do it for all of the world and help remove excessive negativity, fear and hatred/loathing.

Make yourself comfortable.  Sitting in a favorite chair, laying down, whichever helps you to relax and focus on the meditation.

Close your eyes.  Get your body into a comfortable position.  Begin by inhaling through your nose as deeply as you can, filling your lungs to capacity.  Exhale through your lips, pushing every bit of air out of your lungs.  Do this three to five times.  Inhaling as deeply as you can, exhaling as much as you can.  You are inhaling positive healing energy, and exhaling and releasing all stress, all anxiety and all negativity.  After you have finished your 3-5 good, deep breaths, continue to breathe normally.  Every breath you take puts you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.  You begin to feel your body relax with each breath your take.  Your toes, your feet, your ankles becoming more and more relaxed with every breath.  Your calves, knees thighs and hips relaxing with each breath.  Every breath you take puts you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.  Your mind is focused and your body relaxed, as you continue to inhale positive healing energy, and exhale all stress, all anxiety and all negativity.  You feel your buttocks, your torso and your arms relaxing.  Your shoulders are totally relaxed as you continue to breath, every breath you take putting you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.  Your neck, your jaw, your cheek and your brow – all totally relaxed.  Your head totally relaxed.  Continue to breathe normally, inhaling positive healing energy and exhaling and releasing all stress.  Every breath putting you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.

Begin by seeing a bright white light sun over top of your head.  This is a giant ball of energy, a brilliant bright white light sun.   A beam of that sun comes down and goes through you as if you are a hollow straw, filling you with white light.  Another beam comes down and surrounds you, totally covering you with white light.  As you inhale, you are inhaling that white light, breathing in positive healing energy and as you exhale releasing all stress, all anxiety, all negativity.

In your mind’s eye you see your guardian angel standing next to you.  Your angel has a basket of glowing hearts, the hearts are made of gold light.  The angel hands you a basket that is full of glowing hearts as well.  You feel yourself begin to lift off the ground, and with the speed of thought realize you are flying above the earth, with your angel next to you.  You are over the town you live and you drop a heart out of the basket.  You watch as the heart descends and is absorbed by the earth.  The area where the heart landed seems a little brighter.  You and your angel begin to travel, with the speed of thought, around your community, your town, your state – dropping hearts everywhere.  Even though you are dropping hearts, the baskets never seem to empty, there is a never-ending supply of gold light hearts, ready to be dropped upon the earth.  With the speed of thought the two of you continue traveling, dropping hearts everywhere, and watching as the light of those dropped hearts joins and spreads over the earth.  The United states now has a golden glow.  You and your angel cover Canada and Mexico, so all of North America is covered with golden light.  You continue on to South America, where with the speed of thought, the hearts are dropped and the continent is glowing golden.  You approach the Atlantic Ocean and drop the hearts in, with the speed of thought the entire ocean is a beautiful gold light, and you continue on, covering Australia, Europe, Africa and Asia.  All island nations are also covered with light, and when you have dropped your hearts over the Pacific Ocean, you notice the energy has reached the North and South poles.  You and your angel continue to rise above the earth, heading into space, where you look down and see the earth as a beautiful shining planet, the colors of the ocean sparkling, the color of the land healthy. 

Your angel hugs you, you hug back, and with the speed of thought you find yourself back in your chair.  Take a couple of deep breaths and when you are ready, open your eyes.


Monday, November 9, 2015

11/11 New Moon

New Moon AngelScopes™ November 11, 2015

This new moon the angels ask us to increase our love vibration by opening to learning and sharing.  The 11/11 vibration inspires us to speak (share) and listen (learn) to fulfill a master mission.  Romance may be highlighted, and the angels may speak through spouses and significant others when the direct-to-you course isn’t working.  (Meaning you aren’t listening or perhaps you are too busy to hear your angels.)  Taking time each day to recognize what you are thankful for will change your entire holiday season, imbuing it with light.  If you have people you are thankful for – let them know!  Each time you do it increases the light for you both two-fold, and increases the light of the world immensely.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Sometimes your impatience gets the best of you, Aries.  You know good things are coming and you just can’t wait.  Next thing you know you are burned out before the anticipated event arrives.  Take a step back.  Breathe.  Your angels are working on it all.  Relax – nothing you can do will move things any faster.  St. Raphael soothes you while St. Gabriel distracts you with exciting new projects.  Someone around you is leaving home and you will help them with their independence. 

Taurus – Money talks, and you really enjoy that sound, Taurus.  It’s a time to admire and acknowledge your treasures – spiritual and physical.  It’s also a time to be kind to yourself.  No matter what your life situation is or how you got where you are, you’ve done what you thought best all the way through it all.  Hope and blessings are on the horizon, your master guide is working with the big guns – Jesus and Metatron – to get you right where you need to be.  Negative Nellies may be close at hand, don’t get tangled in their webs.
Gemini – The angels are asking you to ignore people trying to pull you into their drama.  This may be tough, but in the end it could be you left on the outside looking in if you join in that game.  Your intellect is working overtime and you may have some truly brilliant ideas come through.  Take notes, the time to act will be after January first.  If you act now, everything will be delayed anyway, so make notes and refine plans so that when the new year arrives you are ready.  Blessed Mother Mary is close by, offering comfort, support, guidance and encouragement.  If you receive a rose, it’s really from her.

Cancer – The energy from the full moon continues, if you’ve been holding off on decision making NOW is the time.  Look at ways to improve your life and act upon them.  This doesn’t necessarily mean big changes (like relocating to a far away state) but could be as small as changing up the furniture setting.  Whatever you decide to do, Tzadkiel is helping, encouraging you towards the most healing and advantageous choice.  This coule be the time when you make the absolute BEST decision of your life.

Leo – Lots of movement and change is all around you, as decisions lead to wishes coming true.  Group activities are super-inspiring, and you may see your circle of influence grow.  Romance may end up on the back burner, but no worries, the flame there keeps it warm.  St. Michael is your champion in areas big and small through the full moon. 

Virgo – Make a wish, follow it up with a prayer or some type of thanksgiving, and watch your desires manifest almost instantly.  Wishes for yourself and others change the vibrations around you.  There’s an entire group of angels just waiting for instructions from you.  This is a happy time, and the angels also remind you that when you get stuck or confused, ask them for help and then forget about it.  They’ll do the work for you.  There may be a celebration of a loved one’s accomplishments.

Libra – Looks like you or someone you love will be moving by month’s end, Libra.  It’s a brave new world and there may be challenges ahead, but a little work can make the end result phenomenal.  A mother figure may seem overbearing at times, send her love and then do what you must to keep your life on track.  Archangel Sandalphon helps you put things in order.  Trust your insides and have a little patience – you may be very surprised at how things turn out. 

Scorpio – There are times when each of us can be our own worst enemy and your time is now.  Be kind to yourself, Scorp.  Have your papers in order, there may be a contract deal on the table.  The angels ask you to give them all your fears so you can see the positive aspects this deal brings with it.  The Creator is removing negativity and darkness so your path is clear to you.  A little downtime can be just what you need to refuel.  Schedule it in now. 

Sagittarius – You may be feeling a little less than your normal sun-shiny self, Sag, as you contemplate life changes you want to make and the work associated with those changes.  Look at the positives and take time to focus on exactly where you want to be.  Concerns about a female may be directing your path – be sure any help you give is good for all concerned.  Archangel Haniel opens doors to what you need – be it opportunity or peace and quiet.  Peach and salmon are great healing colors for you at this time.

Capricorn – You have all you want/need, yet new opportunity is knocking.  You may not be ready, and the angels want you to know that you do not need to decide right NOW.  If you want to put things on back burners until after January 1st, go ahead.  Romance is a highlight during this time, and interruptions will be the norm through the holidays.  Jesus will guide you – just open a book and read where your eyes fall.  That will be your message. 

Aquarius – Stress from the job can put a strain on your main relationship, Aquarians.  Drama with those not in your immediate household can also be a major stressor, let it go.  Sometimes focusing on your own life is the best course of action to pull you back into alignment with your soul and your angels.  A surprise gift lifts your spirits.  St. Gabriel adds light to everyday and reminds you that often laughter is the best medicine.   

Pisces – It’s quite an enjoyable time as you are led to increased funds and little miracles.  A trusted advisor shows you the way when you thought the road was closed.  Small victories occur daily during this new to full moon phase, and you are reminded that giving and receiving are equally important.  The Shekina energy is strong and fills you with a contentment and peace that seems to have been missing a while.  Rest and socializing are both excellent activities for you now.   

FULL MOON – Wednesday, Nov. 25th 5:44pm EST

Monday, October 26, 2015

Full Moon AngelScopes™ October 27, 2015

This week we celebrate Halloween and All Saints Day.  Aspects are great for Saturday, with family times highlighted.  Clocks turn back, and we get an extra hour to sleep or party.  

This full moon the angels remind us that music plays a big part in our healing process.  Songs often say what we cannot and convey feelings we may not know how to express.  Music alone can instantly change a mood.  As we enter this busy time of year, keep your favorite music close to boost your mood.  When you wake up with beautiful music in your head that you’ve never heard before, rest assured that the angels have been ministering to you while you slept. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – It’s a time of success and surety, Aries!  Pull yourself up and stand tall.  Trust your intuition and move forward.  You are stronger than you realize and Metatron is beside you, leading the way to success, putting inspiration in your mind, heart and soul.  Family times are very enjoyable during this full to new moon phase.

Taurus – The love vibration around you is strong, and you feel the support of your family.  It’s a time to slow down a bit and enjoy all that’s around you.  You may be taking center stage.  Blessed Mother Mary softly encourages you.  You know what you need to do, go ahead – move forward! 
Gemini – Three’s a crowd, Gemini, and you may be feeling a bit strained as your desires are on the back burner.  The angels send mini blessings your way up until Thanksgiving, maybe even longer.  Your guardian angel is close by, helping with day to day activities.  The new moon brings exciting news to your circle of influence.

Cancer – It’s time for decision making, and your options are all GOOD.  Kamael helps discern between temptation and golden opportunities.  Money is highlighted and you may make a lucrative deal for yourself.  Spirits are high, and it’s a time of joy.

Leo – You may hear news of a beloved man, or suddenly find yourself with authoritative support you thought was lacking.  Keeping the channels of communication open is important. While roaring is not called for, purring may be.  The Creator is sending many angels to help with all you need.  Taking time to give back or share brings more rewards than you imagine. 

Virgo – It’s decision time, Virgo!  Things have been pretty good so far, but now it’s time to commit to one specific path, person, job, etc.  A trusted Taurus friend can help in the process.  Tzaphkiel lays all options in front of you.  Making a choice ensures success.  This will have impact upon your life moving into the summer of 2016.  Your choices change the lives of those around you and helps them move forward too.

Libra – Family concerns step to the forefront as everyone bonds together to achieve a common goal.  You may find yourself in a position as leader, and while you prefer to hang back and let others do the dirty work, you may need to step up and be heard.  The new moon brings answers you’ve been waiting on, and Haniel guides you in every part of your life.

Scorpio – It’s time to shine Scorp, and life is good.  A new love or project lights up your being, and family times are extra fun.  Inspiration from the Holy Spirit is all around you and it seems everything you touch is gold.  Sharing your good advice changes the lives of others.  Now is the time to act on things you’ve been waiting on.

Sagittarius – A relationship around you may be struggling, and if it’s not yours, it belongs to someone close to you.  This could be a romance or a work relationship.  If you find yourself struggling, step back and meditate.  Adding love and sunshine to all you do brings victory.  Your goals are being realized: maybe a bit slower than you hoped for, but staying the course assures success.  St. Gabriel brings happy news closer to the New Moon.

Capricorn – Hard work pays off and you find yourself in success mode.  Being open to hearing others’ ideas advances your cause.  Projects are moving ahead and you have plenty of help and support.  Changes at work are beneficial.  Ratziel brings knowledge and guidance.  A young person surprises you with their achievements and wisdom.

Aquarius – You’ve been busy remaking yourself and now it’s paying off.  A new phase of life is around the corner, and St. Michael is removing all obstacles to your success.  Following your heart pays off; and friends and family rally around you.  This full to new moon phase could create change in your life forever.

Pisces – Weigh your options, put your emotions aside, and state your intentions.  Justice and fairness are on your side right now, so take advantage and stake your claim.  Archangels Michael and Raphael lead you to the right place at the right time, removing all obstacles in your wake.  It’s a great couple of weeks to be productive.  Once the new moon rolls around your social calendar will be full, keeping you even busier than before.   

NEW MOON – Wednesday, Nov. 11th 12:47pm EST

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mediums and Seances

Séance: (noun) a meeting at which people attempt to make contact with the dead, especially through the agency of a medium. 

The difference between going to see a medium and hoping to get messages and attending a séance is that during a séance specific spirits are called upon.  A medium will give you messages from a ghost or spirit that shows up during your session.  For example, when people come in for a reading, sometimes they will have an ancestor or ghost with them.   The spirit has a message for the client and the message is given.  During a séance, the people attending have specific deceased folks they want to contact, whether the spirit wants to contact them or not. 

A lot of work goes into a séance.  It’s suggested the medium fast for a few days ahead of time.  Not a total no food fast, but a definite limiting of intake, to full fasting on the day of.  Often during a séance the spirit wants to speak through the medium, not just pass on a message.  (Think Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost when the spirits are jumping in and out of her body.)  It is much easier to remove the essence of the spirit from a body that’s been fasting than from one that hasn’t. 

When we hold our annual séance, the attendees are asked to begin thinking about who they may want to contact ahead of time, limiting communication to three spirits. This is why we ask people to sign up in advance.  The veil is getting thinner, and the attendee thinking of their ghost calls the spirit to the séance. Preparations are taken in the room, and the group assembles and holds hands.  The seating is set specifically to bring balance, and there are times attendees may be asked to move to a different seat.  We create a closed circle to block unwanted energies from entering.  The circle remains intact throughout the séance, however if there is an emergency and someone needs to leave the circle the attendees are instructed on how to make this happen without breaking the circle.    

Attendees are also given instructions before attending which include basic preparations as well as actions to take after the séance.  No one wants a ghost to follow them home or hang out in their car.  Well, some people do, but usually they want THEIR ghost going home with them, not some random spirit who decided to visit the séance. 

There are times when a specific spirit cannot or will not attend a séance.  Usually the spirit will, however, send an emissary in their place, sometimes an angel or a guide; to give answers to the person requesting the meeting. 

Seances are easier on everyone between October and November, but my suggestion is not to hold one on Halloween.  The vibrations of the many cults, covens and curious folks engaged in negative activity on this day can pull some extreme entities in.  November 1st is All Saints Day, and the day we hold our yearly séance. It’s close to the end of the opening of the veil, and the triple 1 (11/1) pulls in a positive vibration.  This year’s date is extra special, numerically coming to an 11, a mastership number.  Messages may be extremely potent delivered on this day.   

A séance takes place when you call in the ghost.  Messages from a medium come when the ghost calls you.  If you are looking for messages from your deceased loved ones and decide to go to a medium or attend a séance, please do your research and check for recommendations.  Remember, not everyone’s energies match, so a highly recommended medium may do wonders for your best friend, but nothing for you.  We are well blessed that mediumship has become so mainstream, and finding a good one is easier than ever before.  If you are ever uncomfortable with a medium, get up and walk out.  Better to keep your energy clear than take home some negativity. Your ghosts love you, and that message will come through loud and clear no matter if its through a medium or seance.  

Monday, October 12, 2015

New Moon and No Mercury Retrograde! Yeah!!

New Moon AngelScopes™ October 12, 2015

This new moon fresh out of a Mercury retrograde, the angels call us to meditate and contemplate.  It’s a great time for thinking about what you want and meditation opens you to allow the answers you seek to enter first the soul, then the spirit, then the subconscious mind, and finally the conscious mind.  With the veil so thin, your angels, guides and ancestors are even closer than ever.  If you find odd electrical occurrences it may be your ghosts – we can’t blame it on Mercury retrograde again until January.  No time to meditate?  A simple meditation is to focus on your breath for one minute – “I am inhaling, I am exhaling.”  Then go about your business.  Your answers will rise to the surface. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You are ready to let go or purge yourself and your home, sending unused items and unwanted feelings on their way.  The theme for you is moving on during this new to full moon phase, and you may hear of others around you exiting jobs or changing locations.  St. Raphael is strong around you, creating breathing room where needed.  A younger person discusses independence with you.

Taurus – Someone around you has a great idea, don’t toss it out the door because they are or seem to be less mature than you are.  Breaching the comfort zone isn’t one of your talents, but try it and you may see some real benefits.   St. Gabriel reminds you that spontaneity can be a good thing.  Worries/fears around a young family member prove to be unfounded.  An ill female needs extra love and care, and the angels remind you that sometimes absentee healing is all that’s needed. 
Gemini – St. Michael reminds you that he helps you with all of your battles, and three is always a crowd.  You may feel left out of something, but it’s actually your pride at work.  If you are in a triangle situation, realize you don’t have to be and can move on alone.  It might be scary, but you’ll be happier in the long run.

Cancer – The family as you know it is about to change.  The angels remind you that you aren’t stuck, you are right where you wanted to be and can loosen those ties that bind at any time.  Metatron is busy making choices clear to you and giving you strength where needed.  Patience pays off. 

Leo – Feeling upside down helps open your mind to possibilities you ignored before, Leo.  Archangel Haniel is working behind the scenes to help bring the victories you seek.  Good luck comes at the end of the month.  Noticing the treasures you already hold helps increase abundance 10-fold.  Link in to your leadership talents and watch your world change.

Virgo – It’s a time of small gifts and happys throughout this new to full moon phase, Virgo.  You may receive a small raise or an unexpected visit that brings you joy.  Helping someone in need may put a small strain on you – but once it’s done you will feel like a knight in shining armor.  We all need to be one every so often.  Mother Teresa soothes your spirit and fills you and all those around you with peace.

Libra – A blessing in disguise is headed your way, Libra.  You may hear news of a new baby joining the family or a new project at work.  Your guardian angel guides you to the best decisions in everything from dinner to vacation to marriage to career.  An open mind brings great inspiration.

Scorpio – Your focus is on a female who may be ill or in a negative spot.  Offering advice can fall on dead ears; listening may be the only thing you can do at this time.  Tzaphkiel helps you stay close, but not so close the situation consumes you.  Healing energy and prayers help the most.  Once the full moon comes around, your life is your own again.

Sagittarius – Your busy social schedule can be tiring you out Sag, so be sure and squeeze in some down time.  Happy news comes your way and St. Gabriel is ready to party with you.  Family may take a chunk of your time, give graciously because your beautiful spirit lifts even the most negative of hearts.  The Creator is ready to send you a big WIN before year end.

Capricorn – Family is a focus for the next few weeks and you may find yourself wanting to be around them more than usual.  Blessed Mother leads your actions for all you come in contact with.  It’s a time to work on reserving energy if you can, once November hits you will be mad busy until the end of January.

Aquarius – It’s taken a long time, but you are finally in tune with your one true love, your greatest passion.  This may be in the area of career and you wonder what took you so long to figure it out.  Jesus is your guide, and reminds you that many people miss out on miracles because they don’t ask for them.  You are worthy, start asking and watch your life change for the better, no matter how good it is now. 

Pisces – A Leo helps you in all endeavors – sometimes offering you advice, sometimes helping you laugh at yourself.  The next couple of weeks have you going within, then emerging with amazing knowledge and wisdom.  The Creator reminds you that you can charm anyone when you are confident in yourself and have the facts to back you up; delivered with a loving smile, of course. 

FULL MOON – Tuesday, October 27th,  8:05am ET

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Choosing a Halloween Costume

This may sound like a crazy idea, but putting thought into your Halloween costume could change your life. 

We used to have big Halloween parties.  I remember my brother-in-law renting an empty warehouse for a huge shindig.  Deciding on a costume each year became trickier and trickier.  I remember when we were pregnant, my sister and I went to a party dressed as a Polaroid camera and a bag of jelly beans.  Those were the days.

As I began to pursue my current career, the Halloween Season was an important time.  The paranormal research group I belonged to had a very interesting take on Halloween.  One of the customs within the group was to dress on Halloween for how you wanted your year to progress.  At that time, no one had really heard about the Law of Attraction yet, though we were aware that what you emit from you returns to you. 

My first year as a member, one of our members was adamant that she was tired of being single and wanted to get married.  She dressed as a bride.  She met a great guy and while she didn’t get married before the next Halloween, she did get engaged, and married before the second Halloween came around.  This really stuck in my mind, and when I wanted to get married again, (and not to anyone, but to a Prince Charming) I dressed as a Cinderella bride, complete with glass (OK – see- through plastic) shoes.  Ed and I married before the next Halloween.  Ed could be very charming. 

There were many other well thought out costumes – a butterfly for change, a church to increase spirituality, a sun to have a bright and happy year, an author, and the list goes on and on.  Since we always had a party, a costume would be needed, and it was important to get just the right costume.  I’ve got my thinking cap on for this year.  Party or no party, I am ready to dress up to project my coming year.

Once I had observed that you drew to you what you dressed as, I made sure the kids didn’t wear monster or witch costumes.  We were quite creative and always made our costumes, so it was a fun time.  Then came the year Kati wanted to be the sun and the moon, I think it was third grade.  It was a lot of work to figure out how to make that costume, but we got it finished and she was very happy with it.  It was one of the most up and down years ever, Kati was either very happy or very sad most of the time.  I thought a sun and moon costume would bring a balanced energy.  What it brought was a full sun or a full moon vibration, no in-betweens.  Note to self.

It’s only a few weeks left until Halloween and perhaps you have your costumes all set to go.  Take a look at them, think of the vibrations or emotions the costume evokes, and then go have fun!  Super heroes are great costumes to wear, they build confidence.  They can also keep you busy, superheroes often lead dual lives and have lots of work.  Unless you are Tony Stark.  I think everyone knows he is Iron Man.  You could dress as the millionaire version of the superhero – Bruce Wayne for example.  Villains – be ready for your not-so-nice side to come out.  Disney Characters – what’s not to love?  Group costumes (The Flintstones, Scooby Doo, the Avengers) pull a friendship vibration. 

The main thing to remember is that this is a fun time of year for most people.  When choosing a costume for yourself or your child, go for fun and trust your gut.   

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - WHAT????

Full Moon AngelScopes™ September 27, 2015

We have a special treat as the Super Full Moon also entails a full Lunar Eclipse, making the moon appear copper.  This hasn’t happened since 1982 and won’t happen again until 2033.  In the US, we can see this from late Sunday afternoon until early evening.  The effects of the moon may be felt a couple of days before, when the moon is in Pisces and raising the sensitivity of everyone.  Once the moon has reached its fullest point, it will transverse into Aries, when we are all back to focusing on oneself.  Full and new moons are always a time of change, the change being felt more intensely during a “super” moon when the moon is closest to the earth and full at the same time.  Historical events both personal and worldwide are usually highlighted during the new and full moons. 

This full moon the angels ask us to raise our awareness of our surroundings and to remember the lonely.  If you are single and want a mate, ask your guardian angel to talk to your soulmate’s guardian angel to bring that person to you.  If you are in a romantic relationship, the angels ask you to build that love, increasing it with kindness and loving thoughts/actions on a daily basis.  The angels ask all of us to pray for those who are lonely, that they and their mate/friend find each other, but also that their loneliness be lifted at the soul level.  We are never alone, our angels, guides and ancestors are always with us.    The angels also indicate that this full to new moon period is a time of interruptions for everyone, so put on your patience caps.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – It’s time for a party and everyone gathers together to celebrate and share memories.  There may be some travel for you.  Archangel Gabriel brings news and also lightens the load, helping you keep a positive outlook and let go of any negativity around you.  The full moon brings a combination of endings and beginnings, you may find yourself joining a new group or hanging once again with old friends.

Taurus – this full moon highlights an important female in your life, Taurus.  She may not be in the best of moods, so work your magic.  Be as comforting as possible without burning yourself out.  In other areas, choices need to be made, and before the next full moon.  The angels remind you that choosing to do nothing is a choice which removes all options.  Blessed Mother Mary is close, helping open your heart where needed.
Gemini – Secret relationships are highlighted during this full to new moon phase, and if you find yourself party to one, it can continue well into the spring of 2016.  You are being asked to make a decision, the quicker the better.  Tzaphkiel keeps you on track, and St. Raphael helps with any uncertainty, doubt or fear you may carry.  Decisions are best when made after Oct. 10th.

Cancer – Legal proceedings fall in your favor during this full to new moon stage.  Your personal power is strong and the sword of truth is active.  This means answers come more quickly than usual, leaving no stones unturned.  Impartiality helps your stance, and Kamael keeps your desires in check.  It’s a very good time to find a home or business, so shop now and sign after 10/10. 

Leo – Total change is on its way, Leo.  Stay aware when traveling.  St. Michael is defending you and strengthening you, clearing paths as needed.  A new beginning is around the corner and while the ride may be bumpy the end result is better than you expected.  Others may seem more erratic than normal, use your natural charisma to change the vibrations of any situation.

Virgo – Sometimes it feels like you are carrying a bag of boulders and barely making any progress forward.  Keep your eye on the prize and it will be yours before you know it.  Haniel, angel of victory, is right beside you, lightening your load.  New friends are heading your way, welcome them with open arms as they are souls you knew before.

Libra – Work and travel for work are highlighted this full to new moon.  You find yourself busier than usual, possibly making a trip to see an old friend.  Your guardian angel is working OT trying to keep up and help you when you are absent minded.  A day or evening of relaxation and meditation is suggested – or a little self- pampering to ease the stress of your busy-ness.

Scorpio – It would be so nice to just take the money and run, but obligations hold you fast.  The Creator is working to rearrange things to reflect your heart’s desires.  A family member may need some assistance.  Help when you can but not to the point where your own health is jeopardized.  Once the new moon rolls around, you will feel in control once again.  Planning a vacation is a great idea now.

Sagittarius – You are the epitome of a fair and just leader, keeping your emotions in check but not allowing anyone to forget who is boss.  It’s a great time to weigh the pros and cons of new or contemplated ventures.  Your calendar is full and it may be time to begin delegating.  Decide what only you can do and hand the rest out.  (No, you can’t do everything.)  Ratziel shows you secrets of life – for the general public and your personal experience.  Walks outdoors are refreshing and healing.

Capricorn – Happy times are all around as you become the star, shining with love and victory.  You have strong support from co-workers, friends and family, and are entering a time of expansion.  You may be making significant life plans which will bring much joy.  The master Jesus sends you all you need or leads you to all you need.

Aquarius – It’s the beginning of a new life cycle for you, Aquarius.  You may feel you’ve been in combat.  Your perseverance is bringing you to big changes: some are expected, some are not.  St. Raphael reminds you to take a breather now and then.  Once the new moon comes around you’ll have a bit more free time for fun and social activities. 

Pisces – Family and career place a bit of a strain on you now.  It’s easy to get off track, so the angels remind you to keep your priorities foremost in your mind.  The Shekina gives you strength when you falter, and helps you stand up for yourself.  Celebrations are joyful, and are helpful to your soul when you attend them.

NEW MOON – Monday, October 12th,  8:06pm ET

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mercury Retrograde

Thursday Mercury goes retrograde once again.  It happens a few times a year, and this is the last of the 2015 Mercury Retrogrades.  The next one happens around January 5th, 2016.

During this last retrograde of the year, we may find it really, really hard to make a decision, especially if we are one of those people who waits to see what others might do before we know what we are going to do.  Mercury in Libra has us analyzing our situations and concerns and during the retrograde we can’t seem to make up our minds.  We want more information, and when that information arrives, we want still more.  When this communication planet goes retro on Thursday, expect to wait even longer for decisions to be made.  If you are waiting on a loan, it may take longer than usual to get your “yes”.  If you are waiting on a call – don’t bother checking your phone, the call really didn’t come through, and it’s not technology’s fault.  Phone tag may be the game-du-jour.  Though there will be plenty of glitches with our electronics.  Have a deadline?  It probably won’t be met. 

You may make plans only to have them change over and over.  You may have been positive about something, yet decide to take another look at it.  This is a time when we realize that no decision is truly final until the situation actually occurs.

Expect old injuries to re-surface as Mercury retrograde is always a chance to revisit unfinished business.  If there are any aches and pains you didn’t take care of because they went away, they may return.  This is not only in our bodies, but in our appliances and modes of transportation.  Old attractions that fell away may be once again at the forefront.  It is a wonderful time to practice forgiveness, as it will stick.

Starting something new during any Mercury retrograde always takes longer than expected, but this retrograde illuminates all sides of every story.  Clarification of mitigating circumstances rise to the surface quickly and easily.  Decision making takes on a new format even for those who are normally quick thinkers.  Wisdom grows during this retrograde, as we all expand our awareness to include all those around us.  Even those who truly live in their own universe will have eyes wide open to situations they remained indifferent to. 

The Fall Equinox occurs during this retrograde, and it is a great time to get a tune-up or healing.  Whatever you’ve been through that hasn’t been fully addressed will re-surface.  This is a chance to effect change where you haven’t before.  Everyone will be reminded of self-limiting past habits and given the chance to re-establish a healthier choice.  This is across the board, in health, relationships, and finances; both at home and at work. 

All the usual rules apply to this retrograde.  Read your contracts before you sign them, over and over again to make sure you haven’t missed anything.  Replace those lightbulbs ASAP.  This is good feng shui, but also good because it’s easier to have accidents during a retrograde.  Our spidey sense is asleep.  Be extra careful when driving, because everyone is distracted.  Keep your angels close by, they will alert you when you aren’t paying attention.

What’s the difference with this retrograde?  It helps us uncover every stone to find the lovely in even the ugly.  Open your heart and mind; relax because everything will seem to slow down anyway, and if you can, tune yourself up on the Equinox to remove old habits and patterns you would like to release.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


New Moon AngelScopes™ September 13, 2015

As we enter the New Moon vibration, the angels bring answers to our prayers, requests and concerns.  They assure us all our needs are heard, and the angels will help us through the most dire of situations when we ask them for their help and allow them to take the lead.  Ask for help as often as possible and with every little thing.  You may see pleasant and easy changes where you were expecting conflict.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You may want to be left to your own thoughts as you prepare for the fall and winter months.  The Leos around you are a good source of knowledge and are very helpful during this time.  Tzaphkiel helps pull plans and ideas together, and inspires you to happiness in the midst of groups.

Taurus – Personal power may take a back seat as family plans invade your space.  Share creative ideas with others, working together can bring you more success than handling things alone.  Blessed Mother Mary adds strength and support wherever needed. 
Gemini – Wishes are coming true so make lots of wishes between now and the full moon.  Thoughts of a certain male come to the surface as your questions are answered.  If single, you may meet your match during this time.   St. Raphael steps in to lead you to places of love and beauty.

Cancer – You may be struggling with relationship issues as this new moon rolls in.  A bit of uncertainty may surface and changes may be imminent.  St. Gabriel helps steer you away from chaos and towards a nice victory.

Leo – The future may seem a bit uncertain, but your connection to source is quite powerful these days.  Your angels remind you that you don’t need all the answers at THIS moment, and suggest you contemplate before taking action.  Things will be clearer within two weeks.

Virgo – You may find yourself at a crossroad, yet unable to make a decision as to which direction to go.  Think before you speak and realize that waiting things out may be your best bet.  You may want to leave it all behind, but its not time to make a move yet.  Archangel Kamael helps keep restlessness at bay.

Libra – While you love being part of the gang, you may find yourself drifting away from the crowd.  It’s a great time to pay attention to and act upon hunches.  Meditation can bring the answers you seek.  Archangel Ratziel leads you to the best possible outcomes in all circumstances; opening your mind to new possibilities.

Scorpio – Its time to stay aware of your surroundings as well as your footholds.  Even if you do know it all, there is more information to be gathered.  Metatron is beside you with every step you take, and knowledge gained during this timeframe stays with you.  A career move may be indicated and the angels remind you that an updated resume can be a resourceful tool.

Sagittarius – You may be surprised when an authority figure up and leaves, but this can become good fortune for you.  Silence is golden, and when we are quiet we can listen better.  Your home front is happy and busy.  Help from a nurturing guide leads you to unexpected pleasures.

Capricorn – You may be feeling a little overworked, and the angels encourage a short get away or spontaneous break to add vitality.  Hold off on relationship decisions until the full moon.  The goddess Diana helps with any conflict.

Aquarius – St. Gabriel helps you move forward.  This new to full moon may be emotional and changes are indicated.  Be kind to yourself and victory will be all yours.  Stay aware of negative thoughts, a positive outlook can make even the darkest of days a bit brighter.  The full moon brings welcomed joy.

Pisces – You are about to embark upon a journey, maybe even a whole new life.  A trusted friend stands by you, and love seems to flourish in your presence.  The Creator has opened doors to new pathways.  Your angels help you decide which road to take.

FULL MOON – Sunday, September 27th,  10:50pm ET

Thursday, September 3, 2015

More on Prosperity

More Prosperity

Earlier this week I sent out an email on Prosperity and received a slew of responses.  The most interesting one went something like this: “I have no clutter, yet still have a tough time getting paid from clients.”

Many of my friends are amazing healers.  Most need to work a “regular” job to survive because even though they pack the house regularly, and speak in front of hundreds if not thousands, the pay doesn’t sustain even a modest lifestyle.  Every one of these folks does “the work.”  They practice what they preach.  They lovingly and unselfishly give of themselves.  Yet they find themselves in need of other income sources.

This isn’t a problem confined to spiritual workers/leaders.  There are many entrepreneurs and small business owners out there, absolutely brilliant people who do outstanding work, who are having a hard time due to slow or no pays.  They are following their light, they are doing their work, sharing their unique talents with the world.   Many aren’t greedy at all, they just want to do what they love and make a living at it. (Hence the above response to my email.)

This got me thinking. What about when it really isn’t us?  As enlightened souls we are told to go within, we are inspired to focus on self, to increase our personal light and watch our lives change.  Yet bad things still happen to good people.

You’ve done the work.  You’ve Feng Shui-ed your life.  You tap every day.  You set clear intentions.  You’ve opened to allowing.  You practice an attitude of gratitude.  You’ve worked the Abundance Book (more than once).  You tithe.  You repeat mantras such as “I am a mighty money magnet, Baby!”  You work on the law of attraction with gusto.  Still you find yourself struggling or short of funds.  What now?

You can do what your friends, family and peers suggest – get a “real” job, or a better job, or downsize, or …..

You can try something really radical and pray for (or send healing energy to) your debtors.  You’ve done it all, it HAS to be them.  Whatever they have going on in their lives is blocking your life.  We don’t live on our own personal islands.  Our energies all merge together.  What you go through, I go through.  Pray for your debtors.  Ask for their prosperity.  (You can ask that the company you work for to make more money and to give everyone raises.)  Ask for the troubles and struggles of those who owe you money or seem to be against you to be lessened.  They WANT to pay you, truly they do.  Ask for the pockets of your clients to be fuller so they can pay you, or they can be a bit more generous if you offer services by donation.  Ask for your pockets to be fuller so you can give more. 

Your angels want to see you with more than enough.  God wants to see you with more than enough so you can share.  The universe wants everyone to have more than enough.  If you are in a spot where you don’t have more than enough, start sending healing; not just to your bank account (yes, send healing to your bank account), send it to the bank accounts of those who owe you and everyone you know.

This is done with the speed of thought.  “God, please bless the bank accounts of all I know with abundance.”  Money is an energy, a divine tool.  If it seems to be lacking in your life, or coming to you slowly, rev up your divine self and ask for relief for those around you.  Energy will come back to you in a very positive way.  

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Full Moon AngelScopes™ August 29, 2015

This super full moon in Pisces the angels remind us that there are blessings all around.  The angels and our guides work hard to bring us our promised abundance in each area of our lives.  The law of attraction teaches that an attitude of gratitude increases our abundance.  How often are our blessings disguised as hardships?  We’ve all been there!  The Pisces full moon may call our past into our present, so don’t be surprised if you hear from old friends or catch yourself repeating some old habits.  All in all, it’s a time to finish projects and karma, creating room for the new in your life. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – It’s a great time to pay attention to your words as wishes seem to manifest almost immediately, Aries!  Something you’ve been waiting on finally comes through – maybe not exactly the way you wanted, but you will be able to close that door.  Communication is strongly highlighted, so expect to be talking a lot!  Archangel Ratziel continues his guidance, raising your level of understanding throughout the month of September.

Taurus – A male figurehead is highlighted during this full to new moon phase, and you are the person he looks to for support.  The angels ask you to help him help himself by illuminating his previous actions.  It may seem as if this man isn’t listening, but something you say hits home and he steps into the light.  St. Raphael is by your side reminding you to take some time for yourself along the way.  An evening out could be just what you need.
Gemini – A change in finances is indicated during this full to new moon stage.  You are reminded to read the fine print before making any major purchases.  A female friend has a really great idea for you, listen all the way through what she has to say before deciding.  Holy Spirit activity raises your inner joy, possibly even putting sunshiny words in your mouth.

Cancer – Success is headed your way, and you actually feel confident enough to let those good vibes wash over you.  Things around you are stabilizing and you are happy to feel like you can breathe easily.  Archangel Haniel is your personal cheer leader and steers you clear of self-induced failure.  Welcome the new, as your life is about to follow a straight path to victory, 

Leo – This full moon may bring some major endings, but also new beginnings.  When what you didn’t realize was holding you back is released, you move forward with lighting speed.  Mother Mary soothes any sadness and fortifies you with strength of perseverance.  A nice surprise rolls in around the middle of next month. 

Virgo – Sometimes divorcing yourself from a situation is the only way to resolve things.  Whatever you have been working on finishing comes to a head by mid-September, (December if you drag your feet) and leads you to brand new success!  Say goodbye to that ex, job or car with love and gratitude for your new beginning.  St. Michael is there when you need him.  He can move all those mountains quickly and easily.

Libra – Oh happy day….. wishes are coming true, big and small so set your sights on what you truly want and stretch your mind to allow bigger thoughts and more choices in.  If you’re game, romance is on its way.  St. Gabriel keeps your hopes up and celebrates every victory with you.

Scorpio – You may be feeling a little unsure of where you really want to be in this life, Scorp.  Take some time to meditate (aka think) about what truly makes you happy.  Perhaps something you never seem to have time for.  Then rearrange your calendar and make it happen.  After all, you are the boss of you.  Your guardian angel brings answers to all your questions, sometimes by speaking through others.  Listen well.

Sagittarius – A wonderful female friend/acquaintance/family member supports your best ideas, encouraging you onward.  If this is a boss, she sees your merit and helps you advance.  Jophiel adds joy to all you do. It’s a time to be careful with spending.  Once the new moon comes around, things flow a bit more freely.

Capricorn – You may feel caged, but the door is open, you just need to walk through it.  A short trip can clear your head and bring solutions you may have missed in the past.  Your guides and angels are sending you many signs of affirmation.  Metatron’s got your back and will help if you ask.  You may hear of a career opportunity.

Aquarius – Put your dancing shoes on, Aquarius – it’s time to celebrate!  Reach for the stars during this full to new moon phase.  Want a new car?  New job?  Different home?  For you, this is truly a time of letting go of the old and embracing the new.  Remember, this is about you – trying to drag someone into this wonderful vibration will only slow down your own progress.  The Creator is patting you on the back and the universe is helping your dreams come true.  Sharing your good fortune with others increases it. 

Pisces – After a whirlwind, things are finally settling down and you feel in control of your life once again.  You are entering a time of success after a period of gathering wisdom and graduating the school of hard knocks.  Archangel Sachiel helps with being in the right place at the right time.  Expect miracles, small and large.

NEW MOON – Sunday, September 13th,  2:41am ET