Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mediums and Seances

Séance: (noun) a meeting at which people attempt to make contact with the dead, especially through the agency of a medium. 

The difference between going to see a medium and hoping to get messages and attending a séance is that during a séance specific spirits are called upon.  A medium will give you messages from a ghost or spirit that shows up during your session.  For example, when people come in for a reading, sometimes they will have an ancestor or ghost with them.   The spirit has a message for the client and the message is given.  During a séance, the people attending have specific deceased folks they want to contact, whether the spirit wants to contact them or not. 

A lot of work goes into a séance.  It’s suggested the medium fast for a few days ahead of time.  Not a total no food fast, but a definite limiting of intake, to full fasting on the day of.  Often during a séance the spirit wants to speak through the medium, not just pass on a message.  (Think Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost when the spirits are jumping in and out of her body.)  It is much easier to remove the essence of the spirit from a body that’s been fasting than from one that hasn’t. 

When we hold our annual séance, the attendees are asked to begin thinking about who they may want to contact ahead of time, limiting communication to three spirits. This is why we ask people to sign up in advance.  The veil is getting thinner, and the attendee thinking of their ghost calls the spirit to the séance. Preparations are taken in the room, and the group assembles and holds hands.  The seating is set specifically to bring balance, and there are times attendees may be asked to move to a different seat.  We create a closed circle to block unwanted energies from entering.  The circle remains intact throughout the séance, however if there is an emergency and someone needs to leave the circle the attendees are instructed on how to make this happen without breaking the circle.    

Attendees are also given instructions before attending which include basic preparations as well as actions to take after the séance.  No one wants a ghost to follow them home or hang out in their car.  Well, some people do, but usually they want THEIR ghost going home with them, not some random spirit who decided to visit the séance. 

There are times when a specific spirit cannot or will not attend a séance.  Usually the spirit will, however, send an emissary in their place, sometimes an angel or a guide; to give answers to the person requesting the meeting. 

Seances are easier on everyone between October and November, but my suggestion is not to hold one on Halloween.  The vibrations of the many cults, covens and curious folks engaged in negative activity on this day can pull some extreme entities in.  November 1st is All Saints Day, and the day we hold our yearly séance. It’s close to the end of the opening of the veil, and the triple 1 (11/1) pulls in a positive vibration.  This year’s date is extra special, numerically coming to an 11, a mastership number.  Messages may be extremely potent delivered on this day.   

A séance takes place when you call in the ghost.  Messages from a medium come when the ghost calls you.  If you are looking for messages from your deceased loved ones and decide to go to a medium or attend a séance, please do your research and check for recommendations.  Remember, not everyone’s energies match, so a highly recommended medium may do wonders for your best friend, but nothing for you.  We are well blessed that mediumship has become so mainstream, and finding a good one is easier than ever before.  If you are ever uncomfortable with a medium, get up and walk out.  Better to keep your energy clear than take home some negativity. Your ghosts love you, and that message will come through loud and clear no matter if its through a medium or seance.  

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