Thursday, September 3, 2015

More on Prosperity

More Prosperity

Earlier this week I sent out an email on Prosperity and received a slew of responses.  The most interesting one went something like this: “I have no clutter, yet still have a tough time getting paid from clients.”

Many of my friends are amazing healers.  Most need to work a “regular” job to survive because even though they pack the house regularly, and speak in front of hundreds if not thousands, the pay doesn’t sustain even a modest lifestyle.  Every one of these folks does “the work.”  They practice what they preach.  They lovingly and unselfishly give of themselves.  Yet they find themselves in need of other income sources.

This isn’t a problem confined to spiritual workers/leaders.  There are many entrepreneurs and small business owners out there, absolutely brilliant people who do outstanding work, who are having a hard time due to slow or no pays.  They are following their light, they are doing their work, sharing their unique talents with the world.   Many aren’t greedy at all, they just want to do what they love and make a living at it. (Hence the above response to my email.)

This got me thinking. What about when it really isn’t us?  As enlightened souls we are told to go within, we are inspired to focus on self, to increase our personal light and watch our lives change.  Yet bad things still happen to good people.

You’ve done the work.  You’ve Feng Shui-ed your life.  You tap every day.  You set clear intentions.  You’ve opened to allowing.  You practice an attitude of gratitude.  You’ve worked the Abundance Book (more than once).  You tithe.  You repeat mantras such as “I am a mighty money magnet, Baby!”  You work on the law of attraction with gusto.  Still you find yourself struggling or short of funds.  What now?

You can do what your friends, family and peers suggest – get a “real” job, or a better job, or downsize, or …..

You can try something really radical and pray for (or send healing energy to) your debtors.  You’ve done it all, it HAS to be them.  Whatever they have going on in their lives is blocking your life.  We don’t live on our own personal islands.  Our energies all merge together.  What you go through, I go through.  Pray for your debtors.  Ask for their prosperity.  (You can ask that the company you work for to make more money and to give everyone raises.)  Ask for the troubles and struggles of those who owe you money or seem to be against you to be lessened.  They WANT to pay you, truly they do.  Ask for the pockets of your clients to be fuller so they can pay you, or they can be a bit more generous if you offer services by donation.  Ask for your pockets to be fuller so you can give more. 

Your angels want to see you with more than enough.  God wants to see you with more than enough so you can share.  The universe wants everyone to have more than enough.  If you are in a spot where you don’t have more than enough, start sending healing; not just to your bank account (yes, send healing to your bank account), send it to the bank accounts of those who owe you and everyone you know.

This is done with the speed of thought.  “God, please bless the bank accounts of all I know with abundance.”  Money is an energy, a divine tool.  If it seems to be lacking in your life, or coming to you slowly, rev up your divine self and ask for relief for those around you.  Energy will come back to you in a very positive way.  

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