Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mercury Retrograde

Thursday Mercury goes retrograde once again.  It happens a few times a year, and this is the last of the 2015 Mercury Retrogrades.  The next one happens around January 5th, 2016.

During this last retrograde of the year, we may find it really, really hard to make a decision, especially if we are one of those people who waits to see what others might do before we know what we are going to do.  Mercury in Libra has us analyzing our situations and concerns and during the retrograde we can’t seem to make up our minds.  We want more information, and when that information arrives, we want still more.  When this communication planet goes retro on Thursday, expect to wait even longer for decisions to be made.  If you are waiting on a loan, it may take longer than usual to get your “yes”.  If you are waiting on a call – don’t bother checking your phone, the call really didn’t come through, and it’s not technology’s fault.  Phone tag may be the game-du-jour.  Though there will be plenty of glitches with our electronics.  Have a deadline?  It probably won’t be met. 

You may make plans only to have them change over and over.  You may have been positive about something, yet decide to take another look at it.  This is a time when we realize that no decision is truly final until the situation actually occurs.

Expect old injuries to re-surface as Mercury retrograde is always a chance to revisit unfinished business.  If there are any aches and pains you didn’t take care of because they went away, they may return.  This is not only in our bodies, but in our appliances and modes of transportation.  Old attractions that fell away may be once again at the forefront.  It is a wonderful time to practice forgiveness, as it will stick.

Starting something new during any Mercury retrograde always takes longer than expected, but this retrograde illuminates all sides of every story.  Clarification of mitigating circumstances rise to the surface quickly and easily.  Decision making takes on a new format even for those who are normally quick thinkers.  Wisdom grows during this retrograde, as we all expand our awareness to include all those around us.  Even those who truly live in their own universe will have eyes wide open to situations they remained indifferent to. 

The Fall Equinox occurs during this retrograde, and it is a great time to get a tune-up or healing.  Whatever you’ve been through that hasn’t been fully addressed will re-surface.  This is a chance to effect change where you haven’t before.  Everyone will be reminded of self-limiting past habits and given the chance to re-establish a healthier choice.  This is across the board, in health, relationships, and finances; both at home and at work. 

All the usual rules apply to this retrograde.  Read your contracts before you sign them, over and over again to make sure you haven’t missed anything.  Replace those lightbulbs ASAP.  This is good feng shui, but also good because it’s easier to have accidents during a retrograde.  Our spidey sense is asleep.  Be extra careful when driving, because everyone is distracted.  Keep your angels close by, they will alert you when you aren’t paying attention.

What’s the difference with this retrograde?  It helps us uncover every stone to find the lovely in even the ugly.  Open your heart and mind; relax because everything will seem to slow down anyway, and if you can, tune yourself up on the Equinox to remove old habits and patterns you would like to release.

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