Monday, July 24, 2017

New Moon

New Moon AngelScopes™ July23, 2017

This new moon the angels remind us that healing our past helps us move forward more quickly and with extra clarity.  In other words, leave the baggage behind, forgive and go forth.  This is an excellent time to work on your Ho’o Ponopono before the next new moon and full solar eclipse on August 21st.  At that time hidden things will come to light and any residual healing will be made clear.  If there is anything you are holding onto from the past, ask the angels to help you release it and heal from it. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Victory can be yours as long as you are willing to meet halfway or mend outstanding rifts.  This applies to any and all areas of your life.  The time is ripe for fixing what’s been broken, literally and metaphorically.  Archangel Metatron is close by, aiding in the process.  You may feel pulled in a few directions at once.  Working with your angels will allow you to balance responsibilities and get everything done in a timely manner.

Taurus – Love and passion are highlighted during this new to full moon stage, possibly enlightening you to what is truly important to you.  Your angels, guides and even deceased loved ones are speaking clearly, guiding you to your next steps in life.  Archangel Jophiel helps you maintains joy and a sense of well-being at all times.  A short respite is in order before you are full steam ahead in August.  
Gemini – The angels remind you to think before you act and then make sure your actions are in alignment with your words and thoughts.  Meditation is very helpful during this new to full moon stage as you may find yourself second guessing your place in life, or reconsidering plans as they are now.  You may be tempted to be hard on yourself, instead try loving yourself as you would a dear friend.  Jesus holds your hand and offers insight to perplexing problems at this time.

Cancer – Travel is indicated, Cancer, and those travels may inspire you to take on a challenge or two.  This new to full moon phase is a perfect time to contemplate a new project or plan.  Traveling brings you in contact with people to network or brainstorm with.  Some of the travel is done alone, some with others.  Archangel Raphael is by your side, keeping your body strong and whispering inspirations as you go.   

Leo – The more you give of yourself, the more you receive back, Leo.  This new to full moon time is great for networking and creating a nice plan for your future.  The Creator is strong with you and helps you see your path clearly.  Work done now leads to a wonderful success in February 2018.  Learning is highlighted as well as staying true to your heart at this time.

Virgo – You may feel the need to create change, Virgo.  Trust that the angels are guiding you through this change, supporting your decisions.  You may feel concern for a man you are close to as he too is going through major change.  Trust your intuition as you release negative thoughts, habits and people from your life.  The beginning of September is amazing, possibly even miraculous.  Archangels Raphael and Gabriel help in all things as one heals and the other brings in your new beginnings. 

Libra – This can be a very prosperous time for you, Libra, as you are able to add to your nest egg – be that money, ideas or abilities.  You may find yourself opening heart and soul to those around you.  Love flows out and in.  Peace is encountered in the oddest places as life seems well aligned.  The goddess Venus leads you to all things beautiful and possibly even romance at this time.

Scorpio – It’s time to quite dragging your feet and get a move on Scorp!  You can’t serve two masters so make a choice.  Whether it’s a trip, a move, or some other huge change in your life, forward motion is indicated along with a bit of going it alone to make your mark on the world.  Once you are able to leave your past behind, love and adventure fall in place.  Archangel Gabriel hurries you along because he is so excited for your progress.    

Sagittarius – Every part of your life is or will soon be quite abundant.  The angels ask you to focus on the positives to grow that vibration as the universe is helping to create more prosperity than you are accustomed to.  Planting seeds (ideas) during this new moon phase creates a beautiful garden for the fall.   Travel slows down and work picks up.  News of an engagement or other joyful occasion may be cause for celebration.  Archangel Haniel helps with daily as well as long term success. 

Capricorn – You may find that a young person needs or asks for a bit of financial help.  This investment is actually worthwhile, and the angels remind you that you have the free will to say NO.  In your own life, you feel a bit more freedom than before.  Take advantage and experience something new.  Holy Spirit is close by, inspiring in all areas of life.  Trips to or near beaches have long lasting effects.  Any projects or new jobs you begin now help shape success in the future.  The angels say, DO IT! 

Aquarius – Decisions, decisions, Aquarius!  You are called upon to release “stuck” feelings (meaning you feel  you are stuck, but you aren’t) by making a choice.  Archangel Michael is by your side and shows you a clear path – it’s up for you to follow it.  Removing clutter clears space in your home and your mind.  Clutter includes people and things.  A life renewal is just around the corner. 

Pisces – You are the most intuitive of all the signs, and the angels remind you of that during this new to full moon stage.  Insight, premonitions and awareness all rise during this time.  Being fair with family takes you further than you expect, and allows for healing to take place without a loss of personal power.  Remembering to take time to rest can open doors to solutions that have been evasive for you.  Archangel Metatron has your back and helps you stand tall in all things.

FULL MOON – Monday, Aug 7, 2017    2:11pm Eastern