Saturday, July 8, 2017

July Full Moon

FULL Moon AngelScopes™ July 9, 2017
(Happy Birthday Debbie Bruton)

This full moon the angels ask us to focus on positive thoughts and words as each thought and the spoken word are manifest creations.  When you think or say something negative, clear it immediately by saying, “Cancel, cancel.”  The angels are always around us, ready to help and remind us that working with them can keep you positive.  They will also help you clear any negativity that is left over from the pastduring this time.  

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The full to new moon phase may have you broadening your horizons, as you ponder the big WHY of life.  The angels are working to lead you to the mission which most grows your inner light, and that may be a different mission that you believe.  A young person around you has an interesting idea, but the cost may be more than you are willing to pay.  Archangel Haniel is working with you to bring you to success.  Shades of peach and coral sooth your inner being and strengthen resolve.

Taurus – The angels are helping you with the ever ending life cycles that take place all around us.  There is a time for letting go and the time is NOW.  Talks about acquisitions may not go as planned, and you may find yourself on the outside looking in.  Archangel Raphael offers comfort and peace as needed.   
Gemini – You may feel a little upside down during this full to new moon phase, but the angels remind you that all answers come from within.  Slow down enough to listen to your inner voice and discover what helps you shine.  Love from a younger person lights your days and can also inspire and motivate you.  Holy Spirit guides and heals you as needed, also helps when you pray or ask for healing for others.

Cancer – You are on your way and will soon be cultivating the rewards of your efforts in many areas.  Shades of pink and purple lift spirits and help maintain focus during this full to new moon phase.  You may find yourself playing referee.  When you keep your emotions out of the equation you have the best solutions for everyone.  Archangel Tzaphkiel opens doors when you think they are all closed.   

Leo – Summer is your time. Leo, and this full moon has you cementing dreams and goals from long ago.  Personal power is strong but not overbearing as you are confident in your works.  A new admirer may seem a bit flashy, even for you.  Archangel Gabriel helps with both endings and new beginnings, as the summer solstice energy takes you on the wave of excitement for the new year.

Virgo – The angels are all around you, embracing, lifting, reassuring and fulling you with love.  Working with them in all you do creates results much faster than you thought possible.  Someone in your “gang” may be exiting your life by moving away or moving on.  The angels remind you htat when we celebrate others’ successes we create more to celebrate for ourselves.  Your guardian angel is close by reminding you to ask and you’ll receive. 

Libra – time to yourself during this full to new mon phase readies you for the whirlwind autumn about to happen.  Ponder all offers/opportunities and meditate whenever possible to achieve a centered and peaceful mind.  A surprise love affair is available if you want it – complete with breath skipping and heart stopping moments.  Archangel Kamael assists in all decision making.

Scorpio – Usually a magic maker, the angels are working with the cosmos to bring more spontaneous magic into your life.  This full moon may wake you from a slumber (aka denial) and get you moring by merging your heart and soul so that you are aware of your true desires.  As your soul gets louder and you listen more closely, life begins to change.  Archangel Sandalphon helps when at a crossroad. 

Sagittarius – The angels ask you to look within to find your happiness and set your goals.  Sacred geometry combined with gemstones are magical tools for you at this time.  A stubborn person around you (this could even be yourself and your own stubbornness) helps you master the art of patience.  The angels remind you to look around – all you need you already have.  Good luck around August 4th brings cause for celebration.

Capricorn – Focusing on the positive lifts your spirits and helps you rise above any nagging doubts.  Archangel Gabriel helps you remain strong and move forward even when uncertain, reminding you that this too will pass.  He also advises that everyone enters unknown territory at different times of their lives.  Concern for a or as a father may appear during this time, and the angels ask that you stay open.  Encouraging rather than demanding will bring you better results.  Archangel Metatron offers strength and removes obstacles when you ask for help.

Aquarius – Your journey is just beginning and the angels remind you that you have help every step of the way.  The full moon ends the old way and enters a new way for you.  A group seems to band together and while they may not always agree on how to reach the goal they do work together to achieve success.  Your ego may take a bruising if you need to learn there is no I in team.  Archangel Zerachiel, one of the seven, helps in all areas.

Pisces – You may be pulled to simplify your life and slow down during this full to new moon phase.  The desire to enjoy the simpler pleasures is strong, and the angels work with you to help in acknowledging the positive and the beauty all around you.  Group activities are highlighted and social events may be plentiful.  Opt for the backyard BBQ over pomp and glory events to maintain a balanced soul.  Haniel surrounds you with peace and love every hour of every day.

NEW MOON – Sunday, July 23, 2017    5:46am Eastern

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