Thursday, September 24, 2015

Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - WHAT????

Full Moon AngelScopes™ September 27, 2015

We have a special treat as the Super Full Moon also entails a full Lunar Eclipse, making the moon appear copper.  This hasn’t happened since 1982 and won’t happen again until 2033.  In the US, we can see this from late Sunday afternoon until early evening.  The effects of the moon may be felt a couple of days before, when the moon is in Pisces and raising the sensitivity of everyone.  Once the moon has reached its fullest point, it will transverse into Aries, when we are all back to focusing on oneself.  Full and new moons are always a time of change, the change being felt more intensely during a “super” moon when the moon is closest to the earth and full at the same time.  Historical events both personal and worldwide are usually highlighted during the new and full moons. 

This full moon the angels ask us to raise our awareness of our surroundings and to remember the lonely.  If you are single and want a mate, ask your guardian angel to talk to your soulmate’s guardian angel to bring that person to you.  If you are in a romantic relationship, the angels ask you to build that love, increasing it with kindness and loving thoughts/actions on a daily basis.  The angels ask all of us to pray for those who are lonely, that they and their mate/friend find each other, but also that their loneliness be lifted at the soul level.  We are never alone, our angels, guides and ancestors are always with us.    The angels also indicate that this full to new moon period is a time of interruptions for everyone, so put on your patience caps.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – It’s time for a party and everyone gathers together to celebrate and share memories.  There may be some travel for you.  Archangel Gabriel brings news and also lightens the load, helping you keep a positive outlook and let go of any negativity around you.  The full moon brings a combination of endings and beginnings, you may find yourself joining a new group or hanging once again with old friends.

Taurus – this full moon highlights an important female in your life, Taurus.  She may not be in the best of moods, so work your magic.  Be as comforting as possible without burning yourself out.  In other areas, choices need to be made, and before the next full moon.  The angels remind you that choosing to do nothing is a choice which removes all options.  Blessed Mother Mary is close, helping open your heart where needed.
Gemini – Secret relationships are highlighted during this full to new moon phase, and if you find yourself party to one, it can continue well into the spring of 2016.  You are being asked to make a decision, the quicker the better.  Tzaphkiel keeps you on track, and St. Raphael helps with any uncertainty, doubt or fear you may carry.  Decisions are best when made after Oct. 10th.

Cancer – Legal proceedings fall in your favor during this full to new moon stage.  Your personal power is strong and the sword of truth is active.  This means answers come more quickly than usual, leaving no stones unturned.  Impartiality helps your stance, and Kamael keeps your desires in check.  It’s a very good time to find a home or business, so shop now and sign after 10/10. 

Leo – Total change is on its way, Leo.  Stay aware when traveling.  St. Michael is defending you and strengthening you, clearing paths as needed.  A new beginning is around the corner and while the ride may be bumpy the end result is better than you expected.  Others may seem more erratic than normal, use your natural charisma to change the vibrations of any situation.

Virgo – Sometimes it feels like you are carrying a bag of boulders and barely making any progress forward.  Keep your eye on the prize and it will be yours before you know it.  Haniel, angel of victory, is right beside you, lightening your load.  New friends are heading your way, welcome them with open arms as they are souls you knew before.

Libra – Work and travel for work are highlighted this full to new moon.  You find yourself busier than usual, possibly making a trip to see an old friend.  Your guardian angel is working OT trying to keep up and help you when you are absent minded.  A day or evening of relaxation and meditation is suggested – or a little self- pampering to ease the stress of your busy-ness.

Scorpio – It would be so nice to just take the money and run, but obligations hold you fast.  The Creator is working to rearrange things to reflect your heart’s desires.  A family member may need some assistance.  Help when you can but not to the point where your own health is jeopardized.  Once the new moon rolls around, you will feel in control once again.  Planning a vacation is a great idea now.

Sagittarius – You are the epitome of a fair and just leader, keeping your emotions in check but not allowing anyone to forget who is boss.  It’s a great time to weigh the pros and cons of new or contemplated ventures.  Your calendar is full and it may be time to begin delegating.  Decide what only you can do and hand the rest out.  (No, you can’t do everything.)  Ratziel shows you secrets of life – for the general public and your personal experience.  Walks outdoors are refreshing and healing.

Capricorn – Happy times are all around as you become the star, shining with love and victory.  You have strong support from co-workers, friends and family, and are entering a time of expansion.  You may be making significant life plans which will bring much joy.  The master Jesus sends you all you need or leads you to all you need.

Aquarius – It’s the beginning of a new life cycle for you, Aquarius.  You may feel you’ve been in combat.  Your perseverance is bringing you to big changes: some are expected, some are not.  St. Raphael reminds you to take a breather now and then.  Once the new moon comes around you’ll have a bit more free time for fun and social activities. 

Pisces – Family and career place a bit of a strain on you now.  It’s easy to get off track, so the angels remind you to keep your priorities foremost in your mind.  The Shekina gives you strength when you falter, and helps you stand up for yourself.  Celebrations are joyful, and are helpful to your soul when you attend them.

NEW MOON – Monday, October 12th,  8:06pm ET

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mercury Retrograde

Thursday Mercury goes retrograde once again.  It happens a few times a year, and this is the last of the 2015 Mercury Retrogrades.  The next one happens around January 5th, 2016.

During this last retrograde of the year, we may find it really, really hard to make a decision, especially if we are one of those people who waits to see what others might do before we know what we are going to do.  Mercury in Libra has us analyzing our situations and concerns and during the retrograde we can’t seem to make up our minds.  We want more information, and when that information arrives, we want still more.  When this communication planet goes retro on Thursday, expect to wait even longer for decisions to be made.  If you are waiting on a loan, it may take longer than usual to get your “yes”.  If you are waiting on a call – don’t bother checking your phone, the call really didn’t come through, and it’s not technology’s fault.  Phone tag may be the game-du-jour.  Though there will be plenty of glitches with our electronics.  Have a deadline?  It probably won’t be met. 

You may make plans only to have them change over and over.  You may have been positive about something, yet decide to take another look at it.  This is a time when we realize that no decision is truly final until the situation actually occurs.

Expect old injuries to re-surface as Mercury retrograde is always a chance to revisit unfinished business.  If there are any aches and pains you didn’t take care of because they went away, they may return.  This is not only in our bodies, but in our appliances and modes of transportation.  Old attractions that fell away may be once again at the forefront.  It is a wonderful time to practice forgiveness, as it will stick.

Starting something new during any Mercury retrograde always takes longer than expected, but this retrograde illuminates all sides of every story.  Clarification of mitigating circumstances rise to the surface quickly and easily.  Decision making takes on a new format even for those who are normally quick thinkers.  Wisdom grows during this retrograde, as we all expand our awareness to include all those around us.  Even those who truly live in their own universe will have eyes wide open to situations they remained indifferent to. 

The Fall Equinox occurs during this retrograde, and it is a great time to get a tune-up or healing.  Whatever you’ve been through that hasn’t been fully addressed will re-surface.  This is a chance to effect change where you haven’t before.  Everyone will be reminded of self-limiting past habits and given the chance to re-establish a healthier choice.  This is across the board, in health, relationships, and finances; both at home and at work. 

All the usual rules apply to this retrograde.  Read your contracts before you sign them, over and over again to make sure you haven’t missed anything.  Replace those lightbulbs ASAP.  This is good feng shui, but also good because it’s easier to have accidents during a retrograde.  Our spidey sense is asleep.  Be extra careful when driving, because everyone is distracted.  Keep your angels close by, they will alert you when you aren’t paying attention.

What’s the difference with this retrograde?  It helps us uncover every stone to find the lovely in even the ugly.  Open your heart and mind; relax because everything will seem to slow down anyway, and if you can, tune yourself up on the Equinox to remove old habits and patterns you would like to release.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


New Moon AngelScopes™ September 13, 2015

As we enter the New Moon vibration, the angels bring answers to our prayers, requests and concerns.  They assure us all our needs are heard, and the angels will help us through the most dire of situations when we ask them for their help and allow them to take the lead.  Ask for help as often as possible and with every little thing.  You may see pleasant and easy changes where you were expecting conflict.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You may want to be left to your own thoughts as you prepare for the fall and winter months.  The Leos around you are a good source of knowledge and are very helpful during this time.  Tzaphkiel helps pull plans and ideas together, and inspires you to happiness in the midst of groups.

Taurus – Personal power may take a back seat as family plans invade your space.  Share creative ideas with others, working together can bring you more success than handling things alone.  Blessed Mother Mary adds strength and support wherever needed. 
Gemini – Wishes are coming true so make lots of wishes between now and the full moon.  Thoughts of a certain male come to the surface as your questions are answered.  If single, you may meet your match during this time.   St. Raphael steps in to lead you to places of love and beauty.

Cancer – You may be struggling with relationship issues as this new moon rolls in.  A bit of uncertainty may surface and changes may be imminent.  St. Gabriel helps steer you away from chaos and towards a nice victory.

Leo – The future may seem a bit uncertain, but your connection to source is quite powerful these days.  Your angels remind you that you don’t need all the answers at THIS moment, and suggest you contemplate before taking action.  Things will be clearer within two weeks.

Virgo – You may find yourself at a crossroad, yet unable to make a decision as to which direction to go.  Think before you speak and realize that waiting things out may be your best bet.  You may want to leave it all behind, but its not time to make a move yet.  Archangel Kamael helps keep restlessness at bay.

Libra – While you love being part of the gang, you may find yourself drifting away from the crowd.  It’s a great time to pay attention to and act upon hunches.  Meditation can bring the answers you seek.  Archangel Ratziel leads you to the best possible outcomes in all circumstances; opening your mind to new possibilities.

Scorpio – Its time to stay aware of your surroundings as well as your footholds.  Even if you do know it all, there is more information to be gathered.  Metatron is beside you with every step you take, and knowledge gained during this timeframe stays with you.  A career move may be indicated and the angels remind you that an updated resume can be a resourceful tool.

Sagittarius – You may be surprised when an authority figure up and leaves, but this can become good fortune for you.  Silence is golden, and when we are quiet we can listen better.  Your home front is happy and busy.  Help from a nurturing guide leads you to unexpected pleasures.

Capricorn – You may be feeling a little overworked, and the angels encourage a short get away or spontaneous break to add vitality.  Hold off on relationship decisions until the full moon.  The goddess Diana helps with any conflict.

Aquarius – St. Gabriel helps you move forward.  This new to full moon may be emotional and changes are indicated.  Be kind to yourself and victory will be all yours.  Stay aware of negative thoughts, a positive outlook can make even the darkest of days a bit brighter.  The full moon brings welcomed joy.

Pisces – You are about to embark upon a journey, maybe even a whole new life.  A trusted friend stands by you, and love seems to flourish in your presence.  The Creator has opened doors to new pathways.  Your angels help you decide which road to take.

FULL MOON – Sunday, September 27th,  10:50pm ET

Thursday, September 3, 2015

More on Prosperity

More Prosperity

Earlier this week I sent out an email on Prosperity and received a slew of responses.  The most interesting one went something like this: “I have no clutter, yet still have a tough time getting paid from clients.”

Many of my friends are amazing healers.  Most need to work a “regular” job to survive because even though they pack the house regularly, and speak in front of hundreds if not thousands, the pay doesn’t sustain even a modest lifestyle.  Every one of these folks does “the work.”  They practice what they preach.  They lovingly and unselfishly give of themselves.  Yet they find themselves in need of other income sources.

This isn’t a problem confined to spiritual workers/leaders.  There are many entrepreneurs and small business owners out there, absolutely brilliant people who do outstanding work, who are having a hard time due to slow or no pays.  They are following their light, they are doing their work, sharing their unique talents with the world.   Many aren’t greedy at all, they just want to do what they love and make a living at it. (Hence the above response to my email.)

This got me thinking. What about when it really isn’t us?  As enlightened souls we are told to go within, we are inspired to focus on self, to increase our personal light and watch our lives change.  Yet bad things still happen to good people.

You’ve done the work.  You’ve Feng Shui-ed your life.  You tap every day.  You set clear intentions.  You’ve opened to allowing.  You practice an attitude of gratitude.  You’ve worked the Abundance Book (more than once).  You tithe.  You repeat mantras such as “I am a mighty money magnet, Baby!”  You work on the law of attraction with gusto.  Still you find yourself struggling or short of funds.  What now?

You can do what your friends, family and peers suggest – get a “real” job, or a better job, or downsize, or …..

You can try something really radical and pray for (or send healing energy to) your debtors.  You’ve done it all, it HAS to be them.  Whatever they have going on in their lives is blocking your life.  We don’t live on our own personal islands.  Our energies all merge together.  What you go through, I go through.  Pray for your debtors.  Ask for their prosperity.  (You can ask that the company you work for to make more money and to give everyone raises.)  Ask for the troubles and struggles of those who owe you money or seem to be against you to be lessened.  They WANT to pay you, truly they do.  Ask for the pockets of your clients to be fuller so they can pay you, or they can be a bit more generous if you offer services by donation.  Ask for your pockets to be fuller so you can give more. 

Your angels want to see you with more than enough.  God wants to see you with more than enough so you can share.  The universe wants everyone to have more than enough.  If you are in a spot where you don’t have more than enough, start sending healing; not just to your bank account (yes, send healing to your bank account), send it to the bank accounts of those who owe you and everyone you know.

This is done with the speed of thought.  “God, please bless the bank accounts of all I know with abundance.”  Money is an energy, a divine tool.  If it seems to be lacking in your life, or coming to you slowly, rev up your divine self and ask for relief for those around you.  Energy will come back to you in a very positive way.