Thursday, May 7, 2020

Full Moon Scopes May 7, 2020

Full Moon Scopes   May 7, 2020

Aries:  You may be finding yourself impatient with this hurry up and wait energy, Aries, and the angels ask you to hold on just a little longer for you are exactly where you need to be.  The full to new moon phase has you preparing for what”s to come which is a busy, busy rest of the year.  (June 1 – Dec 31)  Archangel Metatron is there to guide you as needed.

Taurus:  The more you release control, the more control you will have over yourself, Taurus.  This ful to new moon phase is about surrender as well as allowing others to be who they are without judgement.  Your personal path is about to open wide and the angels would love to see you travel it unfettered.  Blessed Mother Mary helps when your patience and compassion run low.

Gemini:  This full to new moon phase has you being guided directly by the Holy Spirit Gemini.  You may feel you are in a flux and unsure of what’s next.  The angels remind you there is a plan, and you are in a time of patience/waiting as all the other pieces fall into place.  Enjoy each day to your fullest ability to reveal the Divine all around you.

Cancer:  The angels remind you that the more love you give, the more that comes back to you, Cancer.  During this full to new moon phase you r angels will help you receive the love that comes in so you ca give more love out.  Master Jesus is your guide during this time frame, helping you see the way when you think there is none.

Leo:  Family is highlighted with understanding your roots a key factor during this full to new moon phase, Leo.  It’s also an excellent time to determine where you will set roots next.  Archangel Uriel guides you to where you need to be, whether that is with family or a specific location on a map.

Virgo:  This full to new moon phase is all about breakthroughs, Virgo.  You may find yourself trail blazing or setting up a new way of living for yourself.  Archangel Gabriel brings happy news towards the beginning of June.

Libra:  The angels ask you to look deep, find your bliss and then follow it during this full to new moon phase.  Archangel Sandalphon is helping your innermost dreams come true or at least helping you get started with making those dreams a reality during this time.

Scorpio:  Your intuition is extra strong during this full to new moon phase, and information you’ve been seeking (aka truth) comes your way.  Archangel Tzaphkiel guides you and advises you to open your eyes to the beauty around you.  Focusing on the positive helps you stay focused. 

Sagittarius:  Archangel Haniel stands strong beside you as success begins to flow freely to you.  Hard work is paying off, Sag, and this full to new moon phase offers evidence of that.  Trust the process and your angels, they are there to help. 

Capricorn:  The full to new moon phase has the healer in you working strong.  You may find you are the inspiration people are seeking.  Archangel Raphael advises in even the toughest situations.  Self care, such as enough rest, helps you be and even brighter star at this time.

Aquarius:  This full to new moon phase has the angels advising you to expand your horizons, be open to new vistas and consider a broader career path.  It’s time to climb out of your box and move confidently in the world.  Your guardian angel and Archangel Michael help you release old habits that have consistently held you back.

Pisces:  Your leadership abilities come to the forefront Pisces, during this full to new moon phase.  The energy of King Solomon is your guide as you make decisions and determine your next steps.  Your forward movement inspires those who follow you, or at least follow your example.  Trust that you have everything you need to make a change and/or move forward.

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