Thursday, October 19, 2017

New Moon

New Moon AngelScopes™ Oct 19th, 2017

The new moon brings in reminders from the angels that they are always near, ready to help whenever we need it.  Staying true to yourself keeps them close.  Our world is what we make of it, and the angels remind us that positive throughs and positive wishes yield the best results.  We are entering a time where our wishes/desires manifest more quickly than ever before.  Every thought is heard and created.  The angels also ask that we be mindful of others and wish them well, bless them in every instance.  This is how we participate in keeping light in the world, strengthening it with every thought and action.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Archangel Metatron helps you as you carry more than your load (by choice.) Request his help when you feel overwhelmed. Emotions may be strong and contribute to the added burden you place on yourself.  Friends are willing to lend a hand if you allow it.  Love is close by, so single Aries get ready, committed Aries your relationship will deepen over the next six weeks..

Taurus – Archangel Haniel is close by, assisting in all relationship issues.  You may feel too busy to focus on your significant other, and this can strain your relationship.  Just a little extra time spent with loved ones can make all the difference in the world.  In the bigger picture, small family get togethers are very pleasant.  If you feel you are in need of a victory, Haniel helps with that too!
Gemini – Archangel Gabriel is clearing the path for your new beginnings.  It’s up to you to walk the path.  A younger co-worker makes plans tomove on and may take you into their confidence.  Their exit opens the door for a more experienced and dedicated person.  You are entering a time of self-empowerment.  Stay strong and true success will be imminent. 

Cancer – The Shekina is close by, strengthening you when decision time arises.  Stay true to your heart, show the great love you carry within to others and you can’t lose.  Ideas are plentiful and if you’d like to make a change in your life, now is a great time to create a plan.  It will finalize and be in place by year’s end.

Leo – St. Michael the Archangel has your back and is ready to fight if need be.  Trust in the Divine energy that is always within when faced with any dilemma.  A child of yours, or someone you love like your own, is struggling with their identity.  Building them up with honest praise can change their entire world in a most positive way.    

Virgo – Archangel Raphael is surrounding you with the green light of physical healing and abundance during this new to full moon stage.  Opening your heart opens the doors to an amazing future.  Allow time for rest as needed.  Single Virgos may discover new admirers entering their lives.  Pay attention. 

Libra – Talks of money are all around you, Libra, as you decide which purshcae you’d like to make, or where you are going to invest some funds.  Angel Jophiel helps brighten every conversation and you can expect to laugh a lot during this time frame.  The life you’ve wanted is about to blossom. 

Scorpio – Family times are highlighted, Scorp, and you’d like them to go on forever.  Archangel Tzadkiel is sending people your way, encouraging new friendships, more social activities, and all around feel-good times.  Gifts from above continue to flow throughout the next two weeks.  If you’ve been making wishes, remember they sometimes come in disguise.

Sagittarius – You are stronger than you know, Sag, and Archangels Michael and Raphael are both at your side, encouraging you to see the positives of yourself that others see.  It’s just about time to make your mark, so stay focused.  Remember, you can make your own fortune – keep on top of all ideas that pass your way, one may be the answer to your prayers. 

Capricorn – The hard part is coming to an end, and the angels are indicating you can ease up on yourself.  Archangel Kamael is bringing peace and centeredness to all areas of your life.  You may want to be patient a little longer, the results you’ve been asking for are on their way.

Aquarius – Divine energy is working with you and through you to bring the successes you seek.  You may be in unchartered waters for yourself as you navigate the path to your treasure.  Well-meaning friends and family offer advice, listen and determine if you are the one in your way.  Keeping your ego in check brings more help  than you expect.  The Creator offers a helping hand through ideas aimed at helping you help yourself.  A child may request help to advance their education in some area. 

Pisces – Archangel Sandalphon lays gifts at your feet, the gifts you’ve been asking for.  Some positive results seem to fall in your lap, especially where career or education is concerned.  Pay attention to ideas as they can be stepping stones in any/all areas of life.  Money concerns ease up over the next few months.

FULL MOON – Nov 4, 1:23am ET

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