Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Full Moon - Mercury Direct!

Full Moon AngelScopes™ Sept. 6, 2017

This full moon the angels remind us to be honest with ourselves and others.  There is a place inside you that ALWAYS knows the truth.  Sometimes discovering that truth means slowing down, being quiet and listening to the whispers of your soul and your angels.  As Mercury goes direct the truth of what you worked through in August comes to light.  Embrace your lessons and walk into the fullness of your soul purpose at this time. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Marriage is in the air, be it romantic or business, a commitment joining you to something is about to be made whole.  If you are single and looking, “the one” may appear.  If you are business oriented you may find an expansion of your roll which requires a greater commitment.  If you are an adventurer, Aries, you may discover both.  This undertaking is good for a few years at the least.  Your guardian angel helps with all decision making, and archangel Kamael steps in if you get confused.

Taurus – Someone around you (maybe even yourself) doesn’t recognize the treasures they have at hand.  This can be frustrating if you see it in them, or it could be self-restrictive if this trait is yours.  Archangel Haniel helps with recognizing success as well as letting go of grudges.  Money may seem tight, but there actually is more than enough if you can curb the spending for a week or two. 
Gemini – If you’ve been waiting for a champion, she may be right around the corner.  A newcomer or benefactor may suddenly appear, helping you move forward in areas where you feel stuck.  Archangel Gabriel brings good news, although action on your part is required to receive the highest abundance from this news.  Putting a little money away helps when the holidays come round and you want to travel.

Cancer – Family is accented during this time and the angels remind you that everyone needs personal space now and then.  Be sure to rest between gatherings as there may be a lot of them over the next couple of weeks.  Doors are opening and your guardian angel will guide you through.  Archangel Uriel helps with direction – both with travel and decision making.

Leo – A strained relationship has your attention as you are deciding to work at it or set it free.    The angels ask that you recognize the truth of the relationship and if it is one sided.  Knowing the work it will take to keep it going is a deciding factor.  This is a free will choice and will not affect karma.  Angel Jophiel helps raise the joy in all other areas of your life. 

Virgo – You may find yourself doing a lot of travel over the next few weeks, Virgo.  No matter the circumstance, happy or sad, you find yourself busy and on the road.  If you are single you can expect an admirer to pop up.  They have the credentials needed to be worth your time.  Archangel Raphael helps keep your energy high, especially in the love and family areas.

Libra – It’s decision time, Libra.  While usually a middle of the road, sway in the wind non-decisive person, you are called to make a choice.  You can do it!  Archangel Tzadkiel is by your side helping you stand tall and create a happier life for yourself.  Projects will be nearing completion at this time.

Scorpio – The angels remind you that if you are feeling tight it’s been your own doing and you can change that.  Focusing on the here and now brings a stability that has been elusive lately.  Being honest about what brings you the most joy helps you truly move forward in areas where you’ve been stagnant.  A trusted friend explains where your stubbornness is hurting only you.  Archangel Gabriel is standing by, waiting with great news of new beginnings when you are ready.

Sagittarius – Oh, boy, Sg; there is so much activity all around you these days that you may not know which way to turn.  You feel as if you are in the middle standing still as everyone around you is running all over the place.  Stand your ground because a wonderful opportunity is on its way.  Keeping your place in the midst of chaos makes you very desirable.  Ratziel brings confidence and wisdom as you remain stationary.

Capricorn – Lots of happy social gatherings are indicated and you may find yourself in that happy/tired mode.  Family struggles are on your mind, and your prayers are heard and answered.  The end of the summer has a stronger than usual effect on you this year and the angels remind you that is can continue on with social activities.  King David offers wisdom as needed.

Aquarius – It’s an emotional time, Aquarius, as your loyalty is tested.  You have goals, stay true to yourself and you will come through this test stronger than ever.  You may be on the fence with regard to a friendship – only you can decide if it’s worth your energy.  Archangel Metatron helps you see where you’ve been heading and helps you adjust your sails if needed.

Pisces – It finally feels as if things are looking up – and they are!  A co-worker may lead you to an exciting event or relationship during this full to new moon phase so stay ready.  Archangel Raphael helps soothe anxiety as life falls into place. 

NEW MOON – Sept. 20th     6:06 am Eastern

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