Monday, August 7, 2017

August Full Moon 'Scope

Full Moon AngelScopes™ August 7, 2017

This full to new moon the angels remind us to stand firm in our truth.  We are reminded that being true to ourselves keeps our light bright.  We are asked to be honest with ourselves and those around us.  We are also asked to pay close attention to our inner guidance.  The angels encourage us that if there is a twinge of doubt, check it out.  Personally we are asked to examine ourselves and to make changes in any area where we are not living in integrity. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You can probably feel it, Aries – there is a huge rebirth headed your way.   You are about to come into your own; it may take some time but it is starting now.  Lessons may be at the forefront as you complete this phase of your life.  Timing is crucial, pay attention to unexpected opportunities; they can push you forward in all areas.  Your personal strength grows and Archangel Michael removes all obstacles, so ask often for his help.  It’s time to not only reach for the stars, but to pull them to you.  Friends and family are extremely supportive.

Taurus – Family is highlighted and there is a lot of maneuvering going on.  Watching everyone move about and trying to get settled takes up your time, as you like to be included and involved.  Look for a nice job offer or money making opportunity to head your way later this month.  Archangel Jophiel lifts spirits as your responsibilities become lighter.  
Gemini – An influential man may have bearing on your abundance, and he is feeling generous.  In your world all systems are GO as life slows to a more regular pace and you can focus a bit more easily.  Projects are nearing completion at last.  Your guardian angel works closely with you to help wishes come true.  Kindness takes you further than you realize.

Cancer – Concern over a father figure may have all your attention during this full to new moon phase.  The best you can do is offer support and comfort.  Personally his is a great time to take a few days off to regroup and re-plan.  September will be extremely active and you may find it hard to catch your breath.   Archangel Haniel works hard to keep everything in alignment.

Leo – This may be a prosperous time, Leo and the angels suggest action on ideas.  Travel is indicated, and is very beneficial on all levels.  News of a loved one moving due to a career change bay be received.  Archangel Gabriel helps with all beginnings and endings and readies you for a fantastic December.

Virgo – You are the master of your own destiny, Virgo and personal power is strong during this full to new moon phase.  Any changes you wish to make in your life can begin now.  The Creator is leading you to a time in your life where dreams come true – when you put some effort into those dreams.  Nothing is impossible, it may take time, but it’s not impossible.  Knowledge is put to the test, and you can move forward at an amazing pace now.  Don’t forget those who helped you along the way, they have been and remain wonderful allies.  Call on them when you need advice. 

Libra – Changes you are contemplating will impact those around you, Libra.  The big picture opens you to decision making in ways you’ve yet to experience.  Staying true to your heart will reap rewards for everyone.  Happy gatherings are indicated and Archangel Sandalphon helps you find all you’ve been missing.  Ask for his help in all areas and watch as your life changes once again for the better.  No matter what you’ve been through you can trust this new path.

Scorpio – Archangel Gabriel continues to help you, Scorp.  Your intellect is strong during this time and you share many ideas and much advice with others.  This exchange of thoughts may create a project that will provide a more positive cash flow.  If you are considering a purchase, the answer is yes and please try and make it or at least make the choice before the 12th.  Happiness follows you during these next couple of weeks and you are led to the best activities available for joy and comaradery.  A change in location is indicated, be it short or long term. 

Sagittarius – Your wishes are coming true.  Some the way you’d like, some as surprises.  Seeking advice from an elder helps clarify and ready you for any changes you’d like to make.  Saint Joseph helps with patience and seeing the impact of your actions.  A windfall or the growth of a nest egg is indicated.

Capricorn – Balancing all areas of your life takes a bit of juggling, but success is at hand.  You’ve finished a time of uncertainty and are happy to have a set direction.  Archangel Tzaphkiel helps open doors, and gives you a preview of where you are headed.  You are reminded that you have free will in all areas.  Spending time in nature aids in decision making. 

Aquarius – A child or someone who has been in your care is ready to move forward in their lives.  Your responsibility is to help, but not to DO for them.  Even if you see them taking the hard or the long road, you are to step back.  In your life, prayers are answered as Holy Spirit helps you get out of the way.  Weekend activities bring lots of joy and you are reminded to slow down and just BE every so often. 

Pisces – The lesson has been learned and it’s time to move forward, Pisces.  Love and adventure await!  A trusted friend is by your side and you have a treasure of knowledge to get you through any tough times.  Archangel Ratziel indicates you have advanced in the Book of Life, and offers a welcomed surprise.  The entire next year will be filled with the fruition of your goals.  You’ve passed the hard part, venture forth to a grander success.

Mercury Retrograde – Saturday, August 12th
NEW MOON – Monday, Aug 21, 2017    2:30pm Eastern
Solar Eclipse – Monday, August 21