Monday, January 30, 2017

A Message from the Padre

Saturday we started with a class on choosing crystals (focusing on crystal balls) then jumped in a bunch of cars and headed to Bey’s Rock Shop.  It’s always fun to go there and most of us left the shop with some earthly treasure.  The selection there is always amazing.  We left Bey’s and went to eat when we realized Padre Pio’s was only open for another hour.  Our waitress, Skye, watched us leave (with a promise to return) and we jumped in the cars again to head to Padre Pio’s National Centre, a mile or two up the road. 

While at the Centre many different healing experiences were had, especially for those who held the glove. (If you had one, please send an email or post it on MeetUp.)  The glove is a relic of Padre Pio's, worn during Mass.  Padre Pio had the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ, and would bleed from these wounds.  He wore fingerless gloves to cover the wounds while in public.

While Padre Pio is one of my guides and he often talks to me while I am at the Centre, he came in with a special request during this visit.  I was walking from the gift shop to the candle lighting area when he appeared to me and asked for help with spreading a message.  “Please remind everyone to bless everything, especially their family and friends.”  

He showed me people wishing each other well (a blessing), adding a blessing to their foods, blessing their laundry, blessing their homes, etc.  He showed me that saying “God bless you” was once more than a wish of health after a sneeze.  Wishing blessings upon people creates a change in the light vibration around both them and you.  He asked that we ask for more blessings for each other.

The seven of us who remained until closing met at the candle area, lit our candles, and Padre Pio led us in a short meditation.  It was an overcast and chilly day.  We were blessed when we finished as the sun was shining upon us. 

We headed back to the diner and Skye for a delicious meal, and returned to the office around 7:00pm.  Hope you can join us next time.  

Saturday, January 28, 2017

New Moon, New Moon...

New Moon AngelScopes™ January 27, 2017

This new moon the angels help us increase our intuitive abilities especially when we put our love on.  Viewing each other through eyes of love creates unity even when on opposite sides.  As our intuition grows we become open to universal wisdoms, including glimpses of the soul, not just the person, in front of you.  the angels remind us that our “sight” goes beyond the physical and our angels and guides are always beside us to help whenever, wherever and however needed.  As your intuitive self expands doors open and opportunities abound, especially when you put your love vibration first.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Help in the form of a female relative or friend appears when you need it most.  Discussions about finances are positive, possibly opening doors to avenues of abundance you weren’t area of.  Jesus stands tall and shows you which directions to take when making decisions.  You may be made aware of someone who admires you from afar.

Taurus – Your world may get a little topsy turvy as an ending you expected but were trying to avoid occurs.  Archangel Haniel helps you keep it all together and reminds you to step back first, react second.  Friends are on hand to give advice as needed.  Choosing positive words makes all the difference when it comes to getting your way.
Gemini – A positive change in finances is indicated.  Romance is either all-in or all-out (over).  Your spirits remain high and creativity flows in abundance.  Archangel Jophiel brings the right people to you at the right time – which face you show them determines the outcome.

Cancer – You may find yourself spending money on a child or younger loved one to help them further their future.  It also seems there is a little extra for yourself and you are deciding how to invest it – make apurchase, spend on your own education, or just save it (for now).  Archangel Gabriel is on hand to help with all decision making, especially if those decisions lead to happiness.  A true supporter of all your endeavors is close by, applauding you and strengthening your sense of self.

Leo – Pay attention to where you are heading, Leo.  Being aware of your surroundings is important during this new to full moon.  Your opinion of yourself – high or low – is crucial with your next action steps.  Look to a Libran to help balance your thoughts.  St. Michael the archangel is close at hand, keeping enemies at bay while you strengthen your game plan.  Staying true to your heart opens doors and places what you need in front of you.

Virgo – Happy Valentine’s Day a little early, Virgo!  You are ready to hand your heart over to someone who accepts it, or someone offers you their heart and you embark upon a much needed fun romance.  Running and hiding is NOT an option.  Heart health (physical and spiritual) improves as you take steps to strengthen your life force.  (Less stress, more rest, more fun.)  Archangel Raphael is close by to help mend fences and offer healing to those you pray for.

Libra – Someone wants you all to themselves, Libra!  This person is witty and wise, beautiful and successful.  The question is are you ready for that kind of relationship?  In other areas of your life, you are busy renovating and preparing for a change you can feel is coming.  Archangel Sandalphon leads you to what you need physically and prays with you spiritually.  Your quick wit may get the better of you, so watch your words.  Some folks around you are more sensitive than others and may take offense.

Scorpio – There are times when you can be unkind to yourself, Scorp, and this is a time to contemplate before taking action.  A friend may be leaving your circle of influence, or you may decide to leave a group of friends.  It’s a time of decisions and Metatron is close by to lift you over any hurdles you may face.  What you leave behind now is left behind forever.

Sagittarius – Romance is highlighted and happy times are ahead.  Your mate may seem a bit more needy than usual as you are so busy with everything and they feel left out.  Slow down just a bit, and remember a little attention can go a long way.  Blessed Mother Mary illuminates happy family times and helps with time management.  You may find yourself spending more than usual, but working with your angels can lead you to what you need at a good price.

Capricorn – Someone around you is getting ready to claim their independence and embark upon a journey.  Give them your blessing and get on with your life.  Short trips you take can be career inspiring.  A female around you is your anchor and she has some good ideas on how to proceed with certain changes you would like to make.  Archangel Tzaphkiel helps with all family matters.

Aquarius – You are working hard, Aquarius, but not necessarily working smart.  Being hard on yourself doesn’t help.  Remembering that you can’t be everything to everyone and allowing yourself to step back every so often strengthens your decision making skills.  Your wake-up call is on its way and things become easier once the full moon comes in.  Archangel Ratziel offers wisdom to help you move forward.  Attend gatherings as often as possible to left self-induced stress and acknowledge the amount of love around you.  It doesn’t always come from where you think it should. 

Pisces – Travel and love are indicated (not necessarily together) during this new to full moon phase.  It’s a time of social activity and a multitude of angels are helping you all at once.  Gabriel, Raphael and your guardian angel have teamed up to help you allow romance in.  A true love is on its way to you, possibly before summer.  Already in a relationship?  You’ll see it deepen.  A female around you celebrates success and shares it with you.
FULL MOON – FRIDAY February 10, 2017    7:33pm EST

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Year of Self

Year of Self – It’s Not About You

We are nearly three weeks in to 2017 and the year of self is showing its true colors everywhere.  What’s most important during the next six months specifically, is that while this is the year of self, it’s not about you.  Yes, you will be a bit self-absorbed.  Yes, you will be working on finishing up whatever changes occurred last year.  Yes, you will grow spiritually as you focus on you.

It’s when we move from self to others that the situation changes.  While you are busy focusing on you, others are not.  They are focusing on them.  So while self-awareness is emphasized this year for everyone, it doesn’t mean that everyone around you is focusing on you.  They are focusing on them.  This is a year we all think the world revolves around us.  And while, yes, our world does revolve around us; our friends’, family, and acquaintances’ worlds do not.  Those worlds revolve around them.

Every year of self is a bit complicated, because as we strengthen ourselves, we also expand our sense of self and project that onto others.  As we grow, we feel our light brighten.  As our light brightens, our energy expands.  As our energy expands, we begin to connect with other expanded energies.  Yet, at this same time, because it is a year of self, our connections with these energies can become confused.  We may think that these connected energies are the same as ours, that because we have connected they are us and we are them.  Not true.  It is in these instances that we begin to project ourselves onto others.

In the negative, a year of self can produce a bunch of paranoia.  People are thinking about us.  People are talking about us.  People have it out to get us and pull us down.  Actually, people are thinking about themselves.  People are talking about themselves.  It’s not about you at all.  It’s about them.  This year if you believe you are being gossiped about, look at yourself and see if you are a gossiper.  If you believe someone doesn’t like you, take a look and see if you actually like them.  Usually what we don’t like about others is what we don’t like about ourselves.  Being aware can help change that activity in yourself, which then draws a different type of person to you. 

The best way to handle this year is to stop and think before you are sure that someone is trying to attack you.  Is it really about you, or is it about them?  Are they trying to hurt you, or trying to strengthen themselves?  During these next six months, people will not be strategically working to pull you down by bringing themselves up.  They may not even be aware that you are interpreting their actions in that way.  We all will be working to better ourselves.  Not at the cost of others, but at our own cost.  The intention is not to hurt you, it’s to better them.  Every situation has two sides, two energetic possibilities.  One would be to harm you.  One would be to strengthen self.  Learn to discern the difference, to notice where the intent is.  Because this year of self really isn’t about you.  It’s about them.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Full Moon AngelScopes™ January 12, 2017

This first full moon of 2017 the angels remind us that we all are co-creators and have the power to make things happen.  They also remind us that making things happen requires action.  This first month of the new year, this first full moon, is the perfect time to initiate the changes you’d like to see take place in your life.  You are the shaper of your destiny.  The angels remind us that this year of self is about YOU individually, and aggressive behavior towards creating change in others can backfire.  A focus on creating change within yourself first can easily manifest the changes around you, including other’s reactions to you and interactions with you. You are special and you are divine just by being.  Carry that knowledge with you as you exert your power to create the life you desire during this important year.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You may find yourself at a fork in the road during this full to new moon phase, and the angels remind you that stepping forward is the beginning of every journey.  Releasing ties that bind (real or imagined) help you create the change you desire.  Many offer advice, but listening to your soul is the way to go.  Your guardian angel works with you to illuminate others’ hidden agendas.  A new spirit guide is waiting and becomes known to you by mid-February.

Taurus – This full moon continues the new moon vibration for you, Taurus, as it is a time of letting go.  You may see people leaving your circle and you are made strongly aware of self-imposed obstacles to your dreams and aspirations.  You may find yourself walking away from a situation that has no more to teach you.  Endings are prevalent and new beginnings are calling your name.  St. Gabriel the archangel speaks a bit louder and more clearly to get the messages through to you.  Pay attention to beeping horns.
Gemini – The angels remind you to breathe.  It’s time to meditate and rejuvenate as the holidays end and the real work begins.  This year of self has you mastering YOU.  Meditation and contemplation lead you to answers as master guides such as Buddha and Jesus help raise your sense of enlightenment.  Projects put in place now will complete by the end of March, which is the next time you’ll have breathing room once the ball gets rolling.  Positive thoughts, and love towards all you come in contact with, bring positive results all around you.

Cancer – It’s a time of allowing, Cancer, and that means taking a step back to allow your abundance and wishes to come to you.  Stop chasing them and they will come closer faster.  It’s a time of magic when you raise you level of trust in the universe.  Archangel Kamael helps with all matters of indecisiveness.  During this time you will find when you let go of the reins and permit someone else to lead your rewards are much more plentiful.  Opportunities seem to come out of the woodwork when you let your guard down a bit.  Once the new moon passes you can go back to being boss.

Leo – A monkey on your back is released as you are inspired to clear burdens and “clean house” during this full to new moon phase.  A focused approach moves mountains and unlocks chains.  Archangel Metatron helps get things in order as you create and orchestrate a plan of action.  You may require time alone during these next two weeks, as you work steadily to clear a path to success.  Celebrations occur by mid-February and you are back to your fun-loving easy-going self by then.

Virgo – A cycle has or is coming to a close, and it’s important for you to come to terms with where you are now.  Archangel Raphael helps heal hurts, close doors and open your heart, mind and soul to new possibilities.  Holding onto the past leaves you stuck.  A no-nonsense friend helps you tone down the drama and get on with things.  Acknowledging your place in the world and hanging with friends helps you move forward.

Libra – The angels ask you to live in the moment and archangel Haniel is preparing you for future victories.  Impatience can slow those victories down, so you are asked to acknowledge the joy around you, right now at this moment.  There are many treasures immediately in front of you, and friends to share your happiness.  Something you’ve been waiting for will occur next month.  Trusting that you have all you need pulls your heart’s desire to you. 

Scorpio – Sharing your knowledge and learning from others who share their knowledge with you is highlighted during the next two weeks.  Making others aware of your appreciation for them can move mountains at this time.  You may receive a sweet surprise by the 20th of this month.  Trust your intuition, especially when you think it’s giving you the wrong signals.  Archangel Ratziel is helping you with life lessons.

Sagittarius – Things seem to be settling down, Sag, as you have a set path and secure plans.  The angels bring inspiration and lead you to all you ask for.  Love is all around you and archangels Gabriel and Raphael are helping you celebrate with friends and family.  You recognize temporary conditions as just that: temporary.  New beginnings are cemented by the new moon with joy and hope.

Capricorn – The earth element is strong around you, as this full moon has you putting on your thinking cap and trying to make good analytical decisions; especially where romance and/or career are concerned.  Be sure to take time to relax and enjoy yourself in the midst of all this thinking.  Archangel Uriel lends a hand in strategy and placement.  A trusted female gives valuable insight when asked to.

Aquarius – The angels remind you that often “rejection is God’s protection.”  If you find yourself consistently up against brick walls, ask yourself if your objective in the situation is realistic and serves all or serves only you.  The angels remind you that sometimes “no” means something better is on its way.  Blessed Mother is by your side and suggests some down time, some pampering of yourself and some non-thinking activities.  This clears your energy field and allows better ideas and strategies to emerge from your soul.  All will be clearer by the new moon.

Pisces – Being true to your calling is essential for happiness.  This requires some introspection and awareness as to what YOUR truth is.  Not the world’s truth, your family’s truth or even your BFF’s truth, but your truth.  During this full moon to Spring Equinox phase, owls may be a symbol of spiritual messages.  Pay attention when one is near, or a picture of one appears.  This is a sign to link into your wisdom.  Plans for completion are firming up and you have much to look forward to this entire year.  Master guide Ezekiel sends info and help your way as you need it.
NEW MOON – FRIDAY January 27, 2017    7:07pm EST

Chinese New Year January 28 – Year of the Rooster