New Moon AngelScopes™ July 4, 2016
This new moon the angels remind
us to pay attention to our intuitive side.
For some it’s a thought. For
others it’s an emotion. Still others may
experience an actual physical sensation, such as an upset stomach or goose
bumps. The angels indicate they are
sending many messages to us. These
messages are being downloaded into our subconscious and within our energy
fields. At times these messages will be
undeniable, such as a slogan on a billboard (Overwhelmed? We can help) or a loud noise or song on the
radio that seems to play at the exact right moment. Flashing lights (hopefully not red and blue)
are often indicators of messages from the other realms. Mostly the angels are indicating that we are
not alone, they are always with us and they love to guide us. They do this through our intuition.
Since the full moon a lot has
happened! Mars went direct and will stay
that way for a couple of years, so we finally have more planets direct than in
retrograde. Things that were stagnant
may seem to move forward at an unexpected pace.
Hidden emotions may come to the forefront. Sexual attraction will be prevalent. That which drives us may be stronger than
ever before. The summer solstice passed
and much healing has occurred. The world
still needs our positive thoughts and energies.
The angels thank everyone for their continued good wishes for the planet
and all its inhabitants.
Ask the angel or entity indicated
to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be
Aries – Your child within is wishing to break free of some restraints. You are aware of your responsibilities and
don’t want to walk away from anything, you just wish for a bit more fun. At the same time someone around you seems to
be taking off on their own adventure.
Stay calm, by November all your ducks will be in a row and you will feel
quite aligned with all that is. Haniel
the archangel helps you with victories and will lead you to love if you so
Taurus – New beginnings and endings are all around you,
Taurus. Saying goodbye to what seemed
like permanent fixtures may occur. A
shift of those who have been around you for some time is indicated, and even if
expected this can leave you feeling vulnerable.
Blessed Mother Mary is with you, soothing your heart and strengthening
your resolve when/if you find yourself with more work or responsibility than
you’d like. As you observe the good
fortune of others, the angels remind you that your time is coming at the end of
the summer.
Gemini – Work is highlighted over the next two weeks, Gemini. Even if you are on vacation, you can expect
some positive forward movement in this area.
The summer is treating you well, and ideas abound as you feel more focused
than usual. Could this be due to a
significant other or a new love in the background? Absolutely!
The angels are gathering around you and celebrating with you as you make
the right decisions in all areas. Take
advantage of this positive self power and pull to you what you need. Use the tools of the Law of Attraction and
watch what you want/need appear. This
energy is strongest between now and mid-month, though it does travel into early
Cancer – A female around you is overworked and overwhelmed, and you
may be the one she calls upon for help.
Gently remind her that she got herself into her situation and only she
can get herself out of it. She may leave
you to get help from someone else, but that is OK. In your life there’s a background plan formulating
as well as a new adventure just around the corner. Keep your eyes open for opportunity. A move may come up suddenly. Go ahead, it’s for your highest good and will
bring new joys to your life. Raphael helps
you with health, travel and career concerns.
Leo – Somebody loves you Leo, and they are happy to let you know
that they will help you whenever and wherever possible. An idea for increased income may present
itself; let it sit for a bit. Once the
full moon phase begins you will have more information and a better
understanding of the work entailed. Time
off in small doses is almost magical, filled with small miracles and
possibilities. You are aware of hard
conversations occurring around you. If
these conversations aren’t directed at you, do not invite yourself to join the
party. Archangel Jophiel helps you
recognize joy all around you.
Virgo – Communications regarding uncomfortable topics may take
precedence during this new to full moon phase.
Keep a check on your passions, so that your words may be kind and
thoughtful at all times. Think things
through so that you are well understood.
Archangel Kamael helps you recognize recurring patterns and places
solutions in your path. Evening walks
or time in nature rejuvenate your body and spirit.
Libra – You may feel stuck somewhere in your life, Libra, and the
angels remind you that getting away to think can bring the solutions you
seek. Gabriel reminds you that sometimes
your stubbornness impedes your progress.
Libran parents may find themselves exasperated with their children, and
the angels remind you that baby birds sometimes need to be pushed to fly on
their own. September will bring changes
that reduce stress.
Scorpio – It’s a waiting game, Scorp! You know what you want, and you know how to
get there. Stay on path even when it
seems you aren’t moving. Inspiration
comes in many forms, and your guides are active as you piece together your
plan. The Elohim are busy behind the scenes,
clearing your path and putting people who will help in front of you. The goals you set now will come to fruition
in about three months.
Sagittarius – Life is good, Sag, and it’s time to enjoy it! Things are coming together. Relax and enjoy while you can, things are
about to get very, very busy! Career
vibrations enter a new and very successful direction. Relationship bonding is highlighted. The Creator is smiling upon you. An attitude of gratitude can lead to greater
abundance than you expect.
Capricorn – You realize it’s time to move forward and that may be
difficult for those around you because they aren’t travelling at the same warp
speed as you. New endeavors beckon, and
you are just about packed. Archangel
Ratziel has given you the Book of Life and assists in any and all
situations. This is a great time for a vacation
at a destination you haven’t been to yet.
A trusted friend accompanies you and supports all your decisions.
Aquarius – Research is required, especially if an opportunity
presents itself that appears too good to be true. Weight your options and follow your intuition
(not your logic) when making decisions during this new moon phase. Opportunity knocks for a young person/child
in your family. Your duty is to be
supportive. All in all these next two
weeks will be a combination of very busy and very relaxing. You can expect to live life to its
fullest. Tzaphkiel embraces you and all
those around you, shining light on the best possible choices in all situations.
Pisces – Keeping a cool head can save the day, Pisces. Your analytical thought process can bring
many rewards. You emotions can skew
outcomes so keep a foot on them.
Metatron is working hard to help wherever needed. The ground around you is fertile with
opportunity in many areas. Organizing
your home or office can open doors vibrationally. It’s then up to you to walk through them
FULL MOON – July 19,
2016 6:59 pm Eastern
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