Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January AngelScopes


Sorry, Folks, I've been off grid because my internet for the past month or so was downgraded.  Now we are back on track and I am excited!

Here are the January AngelScopes, hope you enjoy them.  Look for new posts on a more regular basis once again.

January AngelScopes™ January 1, 2016

The new year rolls in with a vibration of change for everyone.  The winds began blowing on Winter Solstice and will carry through to the next Winter Solstice.  For everyone, January pulls from the depths of our souls as Mercury is in retrograde from the 5th to the 25th.  Aside from the usual problems with driving, appliances and small electronics, expect old conversations to resurface; thus presenting a chance to make things right.  We can particularly expect changes on the career front as businesses consolidate to power and lucrative areas only.

The angels remind us to use concise and clear communication with ourselves and others.  Read anything you will sign a minimum of three times.  All written communications should be checked and rechecked (be extra careful with that “reply all” button.)  If you are unsure of anything, Archangel Michael has assigned one of his legion to each of us for the entire month of January.  When you feel unsure, ask for its help.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Your guardian angel is working some OT, trying to help you receive what you love best.  Personal focus is on your heart’s desires as you hear the call of your soul.  Resolutions aren’t as important as focused energy.  Timing is up to you and you may discover that letting go actually moves things closer more quickly.  The Creator helps you prioritize as multiple choices ae at hand, and each seems equally enticing.  Mid-month has you wondering about your direction; put off decisions until month-end if possible.  Aries in general may believe they’ve found “the one” – the perfect romance, job or home.  Be careful of committing too quickly and always read the fine print.  Mid-February will reveal all.   

Taurus – Focus on healing, Taurus – be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual throughout the month of January.  The culprits of unresolved issues are revealed mid-month or sooner.  Acknowledging limitations leads to a healthier vibration all around, and adjusting your lifestyle may be in order.  Healthy or ill, the angels indicate extra rest is beneficial this month.  Your answers come in your sleep.  Aside from self-concerns, there may be news of a person leaving the fold to expand their horizons.  Giving them your blessing even when you don’t agree with their choice strengthens the relationship.  Archangel Raphael soothes all hurts and inspires you in all areas throughout the month.  Green is a great healing vibration for you at this time. 
Gemini – Your key word for January is Listen – to others and to yourself.  Archangel Gabriel is bringing you many messages, but determining their true meaning will involve discernment.  Look at things from all angles – as you see them AND as others see them – especially if you are trying to make your mark on the world.  A golden opportunity is indicated – an investor or partner may approach you.  Think it through and be careful of committing before the 25th.  Listen to everyone around you to get the full picture when it comes to projects or joint endeavors.  This will help expand your mind as well as your success.  Meditating can help ease stress and worry and will allow for better ideas to surface.  It’s going to be a year of hard, yet productive and successful, work; with your first success being realized by the beginning of March.  This applies to all areas of your life.  Archangel Gabriel reminds you that he helps situations start and finish, so ask for his help when you want something important to get moving. 

Cancer – The new year is always about new beginnings, but 2016 is chock full of excitement and change for those of this sign.  Your changes may not come immediately in January but they are coming and you’ll want to be ready for them.  Some are wonderful surprises, some are worked for; all have you looking at life a little differently.  January is a great month for you to decide what you truly want in life and then allow it to or make it happen.  You are a person with some great ideas, especially in the business or investing arena and you do have the support/backing of another individual.  You may be surprised to discover long term goals are achieved before the end of 2016 and this happens because you drop the emotional insecurity and work with your strengths.  Tzaphkiel leads you to the most important aspects of your life so you can prioritize where to focus your energy.  A female near you offers excellent advice, in any area or subject you need it.  (Even with the Mercury retrograde.)  You may rediscover things you forgot you knew.  All in all its a happy and powerful month. 

Leo – Your angels, guides and loved ones offer amazing support – and you are surprised at the outpouring of well-wishes.  A troublesome female may try and shut you down, but leaving her to her own devices is your best course of action.  The angels remind you that there are many distractions along your path.  Focus on those who have your best interests at heart. The Mercury retrograde offers insight to past mishaps and helps you correct what may seem off-balance. Group activities are quite healing, and joining in strengthens your core foundations.  The universe is sending you love to share.  It’s a month of tying up loose ends and creating a more focused path.  Meditating brings inspiration. 

Virgo – Archangel Metatron helps you throughout the month as your key vibration involves spiritual growth.  Work may be stressful and you may find yourself in the midst of a bunch of complainers.  If you can’t be part of the solution, the best action to take is to walk away.  Your soul gives glimpses of true joy and your angels (when asked) will open doors for you to that joy.  It’s a month of evaluating and re-evaluating, as Virgo’s year of change begins more towards March than January.  You may spend more time inwards, especially considering work changes that will be announced by month’s end.  Specific projects/situations you’ve been waiting for to end are completed by the beginning of February.  When you maintain your focus, you can accomplish anything. 

Libra – January’s fluctuating weather calls for some extra body pampering, Libra.  Whether it’s healthier foods, skin pampering or warmer layers, your body is in need of some TLC.  The angels will help you with this, and it’s especially important if you are prone to illness.  As you care for your body, other areas of your life begin to shine and are pulled into place.  Need romance?  Try a bath/rub down where you tell each part of you how much you love and appreciate it.  (“Little toe, I love you, thank you for helping me keep my balance while walking….” )  Then watch the doors to love all around you open.  Brain foods help replace negative thoughts with positive ones.  Education increases success vibrations – even if you are learning trivia!  In other areas, make no major decisions this month.  What may seem dire could turn around by month’s end.  You don’t have all your facts as of yet.  Reach out to trusted friends for advice, think about what they have to say, and keep your options open.  New information will be made available to you towards February 1st, which could change your entire outlook.  Archangel Jophiel swings by with little joys here and there.  Ask whenever you are feeling conflicted for peace, joy and answers.

Scorpio – Who’s awesome?  YOU are!!!  And don’t forget it, Scorp!  However you were made, with all traits positive and negative, you are a unique and special person and the angels want to remind you of that.  Self-criticism can be detrimental, but self-realization is quite liberating. Family upsets that have nothing to do with you are indicated, the trick is not to get pulled into situations you didn’t create.  Even if you are concerned, let the angels do the work for you.  Personal intervention will backfire.  Self-worth increases as Jesus works with you to find the divine within.  You may not realize he is working with you, but as you see dark clouds turn to light, you experience the white light intervention working for you.  Allowing January to be a quiet month helps you store much needed energy for February and March, when life really gets hopping.  Blessed Mother Mary sends comfort your way throughout the year. 

Sagittarius – Your key word is inspiration as all your angels are whispering ideas in your ear, each idea more wonderful than the one before.  Wishes come true all month long, and you are reminded to let your compassion show through at all times.  The more you love, the more love you receive.  The angels suggest maintaining a note book of ideas to keep track of all the wonderful inspirations coming in.  There will be messages for self and world improvement.  Timing is a key lesson through 2016 for you.  St. Gabriel the archangel brings new friends and co-workers as you find yourself climbing new ladders to success, and it all starts in January.  Releasing control of HOW brings more miracles than you imagined.  Family times are filled with love and laughter throughout the month.

Capricorn – Soulmates are highlighted throughout the month – friends, co-workers, family AND romantic partners are all soulmates, and your relationships with all of them are highlighted, but especially with your romantic soulmates.  A new “old” love may appear – someone from your past in this life or a soul you recognize from another time and place.   This brings excitement and blessings in disguise.  There may be an announcement of a baby joining the family.  The angels remind you to be considerate of the Mercury retrograde – sometimes the past returns to complete a lesson.  In all areas of your life, Kamael guides you through temptations big and small.  This angel will also illuminate experiences you’d like to encounter no matter what.  This means be careful when you “…wonder what THAT feels like…”  Lighter shades of purple help you think more clearly throughout the month, especially around the 20th when you may be asked to make a final choice.

Aquarius – The only thing standing in the way of your blessings is….. you!  Give yourself kudos instead of beating yourself up and you will see a major increase in your good fortune and miracles.  The stress you place on yourself with regards to being perfect or doing everything can affect your physical health.  The angels want to remind you that multi-tasking as a successful and productive use of time is a myth.  Focus on your best traits and delegate the rest.  Teamwork can alleviate stress – as long as you are willing to not have things done exactly and only YOUR way.  Angels from the choir of Seraphim are all around, helping you when choosing your next step in all areas of your life.  They will bring abundant blessings throughout the month, even with the retrograde, if you remember to ask for help.  If you find yourself feeling or being restricted, take a moment to see how your energy or thoughts are contributing to this restriction.  Overprotectiveness can backfire this month, step back from any situation you find yourself upset with.  Ask the angels to help and allow things to move forward. 

Pisces – The world is your oyster, Pisces!  You are ready to face this new year in a new way, with a new attitude.  You’ve recognized your mistakes and you are braving a new path for yourself.  Harmony is all around as social activities are very enjoyable.  You are pleased with your progress in many areas and are willing to allow yourself some slack.  Love is heading your way – if single you may find a great date;   if not single or not looking, expect the vibrations of love to grow all around you.  The universe works to bring an easy going month to you.  Reminiscing brings laughter as well as new resolve.  A close friend joins you on any new quests you decide to partake.  For the most part, January is a happy month for you fishies.  Archangel Ratziel adds to your wisdom in the ways of life, including increasing your compassion.  Foundations are strengthened, and doors that close remain closed.  A big obstacle is laid to rest this month; you’ve passed the test with flying colors. 

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