This week we celebrate Halloween and All Saints Day. Aspects are great for Saturday, with family times highlighted. Clocks turn back, and we get an extra hour to sleep or party.
This full moon the
angels remind us that music plays a big part in our healing process. Songs often say what we cannot and convey
feelings we may not know how to express.
Music alone can instantly change a mood.
As we enter this busy time of year, keep your favorite music close to
boost your mood. When you wake up with
beautiful music in your head that you’ve never heard before, rest assured that
the angels have been ministering to you while you slept.
Ask the angel or
entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major
decisions to be made.
Aries – It’s a time of success and surety, Aries! Pull yourself up and stand tall. Trust your intuition and move forward. You are stronger than you realize and
Metatron is beside you, leading the way to success, putting inspiration in your
mind, heart and soul. Family times are
very enjoyable during this full to new moon phase.
Taurus – The love vibration around you is strong, and you feel the
support of your family. It’s a time to
slow down a bit and enjoy all that’s around you. You may be taking center stage. Blessed Mother Mary softly encourages
you. You know what you need to do, go
ahead – move forward!
Gemini – Three’s a crowd, Gemini, and you may be feeling a bit strained
as your desires are on the back burner.
The angels send mini blessings your way up until Thanksgiving, maybe
even longer. Your guardian angel is
close by, helping with day to day activities.
The new moon brings exciting news to your circle of influence.
Cancer – It’s time for decision making, and your options are all
GOOD. Kamael helps discern between
temptation and golden opportunities.
Money is highlighted and you may make a lucrative deal for yourself. Spirits are high, and it’s a time of joy.
Leo – You may hear news of a beloved man, or suddenly find yourself
with authoritative support you thought was lacking. Keeping the channels of communication open is
important. While roaring is not called for, purring may be. The Creator is sending many angels to help
with all you need. Taking time to give
back or share brings more rewards than you imagine.
Virgo – It’s decision time, Virgo!
Things have been pretty good so far, but now it’s time to commit to one
specific path, person, job, etc. A
trusted Taurus friend can help in the process.
Tzaphkiel lays all options in front of you. Making a choice ensures success. This will have impact upon your life moving
into the summer of 2016. Your choices
change the lives of those around you and helps them move forward too.
Libra – Family concerns step to the forefront as everyone bonds together
to achieve a common goal. You may find yourself
in a position as leader, and while you prefer to hang back and let others do
the dirty work, you may need to step up and be heard. The new moon brings answers you’ve been waiting
on, and Haniel guides you in every part of your life.
Scorpio – It’s time to shine Scorp, and life is good. A new love or project lights up your being,
and family times are extra fun.
Inspiration from the Holy Spirit is all around you and it seems
everything you touch is gold. Sharing
your good advice changes the lives of others.
Now is the time to act on things you’ve been waiting on.
Sagittarius – A relationship around you may be struggling, and if it’s not
yours, it belongs to someone close to you.
This could be a romance or a work relationship. If you find yourself struggling, step back
and meditate. Adding love and sunshine
to all you do brings victory. Your goals
are being realized: maybe a bit slower than you hoped for, but staying the
course assures success. St. Gabriel
brings happy news closer to the New Moon.
Capricorn – Hard work pays off and you find yourself in success mode. Being open to hearing others’ ideas advances
your cause. Projects are moving ahead
and you have plenty of help and support.
Changes at work are beneficial.
Ratziel brings knowledge and guidance.
A young person surprises you with their achievements and wisdom.
Aquarius – You’ve been busy remaking yourself and now it’s paying off. A new phase of life is around the corner, and
St. Michael is removing all obstacles to your success. Following your heart pays off; and friends
and family rally around you. This full
to new moon phase could create change in your life forever.
Pisces – Weigh your options, put your emotions aside, and state your
intentions. Justice and fairness are on
your side right now, so take advantage and stake your claim. Archangels Michael and Raphael lead you to
the right place at the right time, removing all obstacles in your wake. It’s a great couple of weeks to be
productive. Once the new moon rolls
around your social calendar will be full, keeping you even busier than
NEW MOON – Wednesday, Nov. 11th 12:47pm EST