Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Thoughts on Thoughts

We are multi-dimensional beings and there is so much more going on around us, through us and within us that what’s happening with our physical bodies.  Every thought we have is like a mini-star being born.  It’s a burst of energy that is released to the cosmos.  Whether that star continues to burn or not depends on the energy we continue to feed it and the focus we put upon it.

We aim our thoughts like arrows at someone or something.  This can be done consciously or subconsciously.  The stronger the thought, the more energy put into it, the more likely that thought will hit its mark and manifest.  The law of attraction explains this quite succinctly. 

Our thoughts are magical.  Our thoughts (the Word) create.  Where our thoughts lie, our energy goes.  Plus our angels and guides carry those thoughts for us, helping carry the thoughts through.  This is why people pray to other-world energies, because those energies literally help us achieve our goals.  On the positive and the negative side, whether you ask for the help from angels or demons, these energies are waiting to help you.

Our thoughts are powerful weapons – they can be weapons of light or weapons to diminish light.  Being part of a group can enhance those thoughts and bring them to life more quickly, giving the thought more power than you can give it by yourself.  Whether you are working with humans or spiritual beings, the group energy is stronger than a single energy.  Think of it like this – one person is filling a pool with buckets of water.  It takes a long time.  But many people with many buckets fill it faster.  Then the pool is ready to be used for its purpose.

You can unknowingly be creating black magic thoughts and sending them out.  You can be consciously doing this as well.  Every negative thought you have about a person or thing collectively joins all the other negative thoughts about that person or thing until the need to remove that person or thing is so strong an attack is executed.  Subconcious attacks are less powerful than directly guided attacks.  This works on the positive side too.  Every positive thought you have about a person or thing collectively joins all the other positive thoughts until that energy presents itself as a manifestation. 

I am a very strong advocate of protection and cleansing of your spiritual levels, blessing everything, clearing your home, feng shui, and any other modality that helps maintain a positive energy flow.  The protection and cleansing not only keeps negativity from getting too close, it clears whatever you may be sending, so that the positive is stronger and the negative is weaker.  Meditation, white light, salt baths and smudging (cedar or sandal wood inside, sage outside) all help keep you clear.  If things still seem off, then you call on the angels to help.  St. Michael battles all demons – yours and others’ – to keep you the light you were created to be.  

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