Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Full Moon Scopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ March 5, 2015

This full moon the angels ask us to be aware of what we are attracting into our lives.  You DID ask and you ARE receiving.  Allowing a positive flow of energy that transcends all your beliefs will manifest your true heart’s desires.  The angels are very willing to help you attract what you need.  Just ask.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Personal happiness combined with family joy are accented during this full to new moon phase.  A sense of independence backed by a strong support system fueled with love helps you get where you want to go in all areas of your life.  Haniel helps with victories as well as personal success.  Opening your heart creates the miracles you seek. 

Taurus – The old adage of “three’s a crowd” doesn’t work for you, Taurus.  You are thinking the more the merrier, and so what if two of you need to let others in?  You are seeking pleasure in the simpler aspects of life – time with a friend, warm days, favorite foods.  You do better with others than by yourself during this time.  Your guardian angel is more “vocal” than usual, giving signs and leaving presents.
Gemini – Partnerships heat up – both business and romantic – during this March full moon.  Commitments on your part are made to endure, as your logical and spiritual self are in full alignment.  St. Gabriel shows you your new beginnings and helps remove clutter that holds you back, literally and figuratively.

Cancer – Wishes are coming true, Cancer – maybe not the way you expected but you are getting what you asked for.  St. Raphael leads you to the answers you seek.   This is the perfect time for you to organize your hopes and dreams.  Ask every day, all day long, and watch what your words and feelings draw to you.

Leo – You may amaze even yourself as you seem to juggle many situations successfully.  Tzadkiel is helping create balance and lead you to wisdom, especially in areas of business.  You are moving forward and accomplishing much during this time.

Virgo – It’s time for win-win, Virgo.  You are meeting people who help you and are also advancing yourself quite nicely.  The Creator has plans for you and clears any obstacles in the way of your goals.  Pay attention to your thoughts, you may come up that life-changing idea.  Happiness is all around.
Libra – A trusted friend helps you “see” what you’ve been ignoring.  This is a good thing, because this friend helps ignite some forgotten sparks of life within you.  Be careful when indulging.  Blessed Mother offers care you forget to give yourself.

Scorpio – Decisions, decisions – whichever way you go will create change forever.  Even NOT changing anything can affect your future.  The best part is it’s not about which decision you make, the magic is in the energy of the decision. You are in a fortuitous time frame here, so trust your gut.  St. Michael is by your side, ready to help cut cords where needed.  It’s a good time to take a chance at love, at life, at work- Being IN THE NOW may offer solutions you’ve been waiting for. 

Sagittarius – Job, career or just plain nice life offers will be on the table, with a chance for travel or relocation.  It means work, but Sag never shies away from effort that will increase the quality of life.  Partnerships are lucrative and positive.  The entire choir of archangels is standing by, ready to send help as you request it.

Capricorn – Soul mate and Twin Flame activity is highlighted this month for all you Capricorns.  Things seem to come together in all areas of your life, so pay attention to what you want and ask the angels for help.  Metatron helps assure your footing.  This vibration is about creating balance.

Aquarius – There may be concern over a jealous person who wants to throw you off your chariot.  DO NOT ENGAGE.  Let this person be in their own tizzy.  You are close to success, in a way you may be unaware of, hence the distraction.  Continue on your path, moving forward with conviction.  Kamael helps keep your emotions in check. 
Pisces – Quite possibly you could obtain all you ever wanted during this full to new moon spring phase.  As you clear away the winter drearies and start your spring cleaning, doors open around you that you were never aware of.  Holy Spirit energy is strong around you and your intuition is spot on.  The universe is working with you in all things.

NEW MOON – March 20, 2015 5:36am ET
New Moon on a FRIDAY that is also Spring Equinox! 
Looking for love?  This is the day to work your love class homework!

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