Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What’s My Angel’s Name?

Our guardian angels are our best friends.  They stand with us through thick and thin, good and bad, happy and sad, and everything in between.  They are beside us as we sleep and when we wake.  They hug us while we cry and dance with us when we express joy.  There is no one on earth who loves you like your guardian angel does.

The relationship with your angel is one of power.  Your angel has power to help you.  (When you ask for or allow help.)  Your angel’s name has a power to it.  This is a unique vibration for you to know, and not anyone else.  If your angel asks to be called by a certain name, and you are sure your angel is the one speaking to you, go ahead and use the name.  Perhaps you’ve always thought of your angel as “Mary” or “Joe”.  That would be your angel’s name.  Even if that happens to be the name of an ancestor, your angel is NOT your ancestor.  Your angel was made the day your soul was created.  You and your guardian angel, side by side from beginning to end. 

That’s not to say your ancestor isn’t a guide of yours.  Just that it is not your guardian angel.

Now, there are many people who know their angel’s name.  These folks have a close, personal relationship with their angel and were either told the name by their angel, or decided to name their angel.  Some of them were aware of the angel’s name from when they were children.  Don’t fret if you don’t fall in this category.  My angel never gave me a name, and we are close as can be.  

If you come to a class or for a reading and ask me for your angel's name, you may be surprised. I won't give you a name, but I surely will help you develop your relationship with your angel, and encourange your angel to help you acknowledge how your angel would like to be addressed.  It may just want to be called "Guardian Angel".  After all, that name covers all the bases.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Equinox 'Scopes

New Moon Spring Equinox AngelScopes™ March 20, 2015

As we enter the spring season, the angels remind us that we get what we expect, and they ask us to expect the absolute best!  If you ask for something but expect another, you’ll get what you expect because that is where you are placing your energy.  Expect success!  See yourself doing well.  Forget statistics.  We are in our own spot, our own universe, and we control our own world.  The more we exhibit light, love and abundance the more it comes to us.  Visualize yourself as happy, thin, wealthy, healthy, in love, with many friends, with loads of extra time…  You get the picture.  The angels are just waiting to help you.  There are many, many angels and light beings with one goal in mind – your personal happiness and success.  Let them help you.  Start with a little spring cleaning of home and energy to make room for all the good that will be arriving.  Take a few moments daily to breathe in white light.  Just see it filling you, head to toe.  Then go on about your day.

The New Moon and Equinox and Solar Eclipse are Friday, the day of love.  It is sure to be a day of awakening for many.  Take the time to be kind to yourself and your loved ones on this day.  Your actions will set in motion the vibration around you for the entire season.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – There is a good chance that all you’ve ever wanted is headed your way during this new to full moon phase, and actually the entire season.  A positive attitude draws the best to you.  It’s your time to shine as the sun moves through your sign, bringing joy all around you.  Metatron helps you toward what may be your greatest success.  If someone around you seems to be on a downward spiral, encourage them upwards, but don’t join them. 

Taurus – Juggling all the aspects of your life and yet staying balanced seems easier for you than most at this time Taurus.  Someone may be putting up a good show before you, but play a different tune once you leave.  It’s a busy time and Tzaphkiel helps by raising your awareness to all that is going on around you.  By the full moon you may find yourself amongst a new set of friends who raise your vibration.
Gemini – You may feel like retreating, but sharing your story is also enticing during this new to full moon phase.  The angels ask you to be aware of this time of change and St. Raphael helps heal all hurts.  By the full moon you’ll be ready to join the world and party again.

Cancer – We’re all our own worst enemies, and this equinox has you being harder on yourself than usual.  You may not be sure who to trust, but that’s mostly because you don’t trust yourself.  Blessed Mother Mary soothes hurt egos and helps you be kinder to yourself.  The lesson is to be stronger in your convictions, true to your desires.

Leo – So many opportunities, but which to choose?  A trusted friend helps you make a move-forward choice on your path. Business improves and keeps you VERY busy.  Short trips are highlighted and will continue through September.  St. Gabriel helps you with what/who to keep in your life and what/who to let go of.

Virgo – You’re a hard worker, Virgo, and you can expect to continue being very busy and working hard.  There is a great sense of accomplishment around you and you can see some goals being achieved sooner than expected.  Your guardian angel helps in all things.  Take good care of your car during this time.
Libra – You are on the verge of realizing a dream, an the angels are encouraging you to ALLOW things to work out for you.  Purchases are positive (you may find some great deals) and success is highlighted.  Haniel helps you keep your soul bright, attracting what you want/need quickly to you.

Scorpio – You may find yourself in a triangle situation and someone has decided three’s a crowd.  Determine what you want and move towards it.  St. Michael helps.  Even if you are losing something valuable through your own negligence, he will help you win it back if you want it.  Once your clear things up, it’s smooth sailing through June.

Sagittarius – It’s a happy time and you are feeling on top of the world as you are able to experience all you love in positive forms.  Two loved ones support you in every way, and there are many happy times through this period.  Jophiel helps raise spirits and happy vibrations all around you.

Capricorn – You want to get to the truth and you are doing just that.  Jesus helps you uncover all hidden aspects so you can make informed decisions.  You may feel your life is about to change directions, and you would be correct.  This new phase leads you to your true path.

Aquarius – You are well blessed with a good friend who offers sound advice, a listening ear, and true loyalty.  This person helps you see your opportunities and the light in all situations during this New to Full Moon phase.  The Shekina is strong around you and leads you to self-awareness that fuels success.  It’s a time of true enlightenment.
Pisces – An unexpected event can knock you off your feet if you aren’t paying attention to your surroundings, Pisces.  Be careful when driving, and follow your gut in all things business.  Family may take a bit more of your time than usual, but you can handle it.  Haniel lights the way (sometimes literally) if you feel lost.  A true friend works beside you.

FULL MOON – APRIL 4th, 2015 8:05am ET

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Become a Well Trained Medium in Five Hours WHAT????

When I moved to NJ I knew a handful of people – most of them family or friends of family.  My daughter suggested I check out Meetup.com to find some groups that would help me make some new friends.  I was pretty excited when I found a group of mediums who would meet and share messages and friendship.  I clicked on “join” and was told my membership was pending.  That was about six months ago.

Today I received an email about my pending membership in this group.  Something akin to “…only well-trained mediums are accepted.  The next training is in April, on a Saturday from 12-6.  Once you complete your training your membership will be approved.”  First, I was disappointed because the group doesn’t tell you up front it is only for mediums trained by a certain person.  This email reminded me of two clients, a mother and daughter who came to take psychic science classes with me back when I taught in the adult evening schools.  This pair was desperately seeking a message from a deceased loved one.  They went to a psychic in New Hope, were told to bring $1200 in a brown paper bag, which would be placed in this special closet.  If the money disappeared, they could have a message from their loved one.  What????

Yes, warning bells went off with regard to this mediumship group.  It was a closed group, only if you took a mediumship class from its leader and spent a couple hundred dollars could you join.  I understand that totally.  Every master has a following, and that following is a select group.  But the advertising threw me off.  Anyone who tells you that you can become a “well-trained” medium in 5 or 6 hours is doing a grave disservice.  It takes months and years to hone this talent, even if you have raw or natural ability.

First you learn to keep yourself clear and as free of negativity as possible.  This is hard work.  It involves light, fasting and lots of contemplation.  If you are a medium you are open to positive and negatives.  You are open to good and evil.  The amount of clients I’ve had who tried mediumship without proper training and then needed major healings or exorcisms is too many to count.  Just recently someone who opened up to spirit was receiving messages that he believed were from a deceased loved one.  This ghost encouraged suicide, and the man followed through.  Luckily someone found the guy before he passed away.  This is an extreme example, but one that’s come to light a few times during my 25 years of doing this work professionally.

My own experience with beginning this trek was a bit daunting.  While I’d always been psychic, I didn’t really know how to control my talent.  I’d decided to take private lessons, and the first class was on protection and cleansing.  I brought a tape recorder with me so I could focus on what my teacher was saying and not have to worry about remembering it all.  The class was a simple white light layering meditation.  My teacher guided me through and we did 15 rounds.  When I went home and listened to the tape the next day, in the background was the distinct heavy breathing of a third party.  Just my teacher and I were in her office during my class.  This was a little scary, and as the tape went on the breathing got softer and softer until it disappeared around the 11th round of light.  I’ve always known there were two types of energies influencing all of us, but I didn’t know how close the negative was to me until that day.

Once you are keeping yourself clear, you learn to discern.  This isn’t always easy either.  As in the example given in a previous paragraph, you may believe something is of the light, or “good” and it turns out to be something different altogether.  Lucifer was the most beautiful light angel before he wanted to take over everything.  Discernment takes years.  First you need to know yourself and then you need to acknowledge the energies around you. 

Even with years of training, one can be misled.  A dear friend of mine went to an angel reader, who told my friend the name of my friend’s angel.  My friend went home and started calling on this angel by name for everything.  She wanted to help her oldest son, and asked for this angel to help.  Her youngest son needed guidance so she asked for this angel to help. Her husband was in a quandary so she asked the angel for help.  In each of these instances the situation got worse instead of better.  Finally, my friend called me in tears.  “I don’t know what to do,” she said, “my life is suddenly becoming unbearable.”  We pinpointed the time of when her life began to change for the worse, and she told me about this angel reader and the name of my friend’s angel.  I looked the angel up and it was the mother of all fallen angels.  We switched things around, back to calling on her “guardian angel” and life got back to normal within a week.  My friend had been studying for years already, but she wanted so badly to know the name of her guardian angel she was distracted by the desire, and couldn’t discern that the angel she was calling on was wreaking havoc, rather than fixing things.

Once you discern – and this means being aware of all energies around you AND within you, you can begin to do the work.  We all carry so much in our auras.  Way back at the beginning of this millennium I had the pleasure of working with Frank Malone, who had a Kirlian Photography machine.  This machine would take a picture of your aura around your hand or foot, and Frank would come and take a picture for everyone in class as they entered and again before they left.  What would start as jagged, dull auras would always be fuller, smoother, and brighter at the end of class.  One man in particular came in and no matter how many times we took that first picture, he would have six fingers in his photo.  We finally gave up and just started class.  At the end of class, the man had only five fingers showing.  Most thought the machine was off in the beginning, hence the many six fingered pictures.  Truth be told, the man was carrying another energy with him when he came in.  After the healing meditation it was gone.  We all carry light and dark within us.  Acknowledging that can make all the difference in your mediumship talent.

If you want to become a well-trained medium in 5 or 6 hours, message me and I will send you the details on the class that group’s leader is holding.  However, if you want to become a very well trained medium/spiritual person, I suggest you pay your dues, take many classes and do your homework.  Keeping clear and being aware of the energies around you takes time, sweat and lots of contemplation.  Then you can call yourself a well-trained medium, no matter who has trained you.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

World Healing - Drop Hearts

Between ISIS and the weather, our earth could use a little nurturing.  This meditation is great to add positive energy everywhere!  Hope you enjoy it.

Make yourself comfortable.  Sitting in a favorite chair, laying down, whichever helps you to relax and focus on the meditation.

Close your eyes.  Get your body into a comfortable position.  Begin by inhaling through your nose as deeply as you can, filling your lungs to capacity.  Exhale through your lips, pushing every bit of air out of your lungs.  Do this three to five times.  Inhaling as deeply as you can, exhaling as much as you can.  You are inhaling positive healing energy, and exhaling and releasing all stress, all anxiety and all negativity.  After you have finished your 3-5 good, deep breaths, continue to breathe normally.  Every breath you take puts you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.  You begin to feel your body relax with each breath your take.  Your toes, your feet, your ankles becoming more and more relaxed with every breath.  Your calves, knees thighs and hips relaxing with each breath.  Every breath you take puts you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.  Your mind is focused and your body relaxed, as you continue to inhale positive healing energy, and exhale all stress, all anxiety and all negativity.  You feel your buttocks, your torso and your arms relaxing.  Your shoulders are totally relaxed as you continue to breath, every breath you take putting you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.  Your neck, your jaw, your cheek and your brow – all totally relaxed.  Your head totally relaxed.  Continue to breathe normally, inhaling positive healing energy and exhaling and releasing all stress.  Every breath putting you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.

Begin by seeing a bright white light sun over top of your head.  This is a giant ball of energy, a brilliant bright white light sun.   A beam of that sun comes down and goes through you as if you are a hollow straw, filling you with white light.  Another beam comes down and surrounds you, totally covering you with white light.  As you inhale, you are inhaling that white light, breathing in positive healing energy and as you exhale releasing all stress, all anxiety, all negativity.

In your mind’s eye you see your guardian angel standing next to you.  Your angel has a basket of glowing hearts, the hearts are made of gold light.  The angel hands you a basket that is full of glowing hearts as well.  You feel yourself begin to lift off the ground, and with the speed of thought realize you are flying above the earth, with your angel next to you.  You are over the town you live and you drop a heart out of the basket.  You watch as the heart descends and is absorbed by the earth.  The area where the heart landed seems a little brighter.  You and your angel begin to travel, with the speed of thought, around your community, your town, your state – dropping hearts everywhere.  Even though you are dropping hearts, the baskets never seem to empty, there is a never-ending supply of gold light hearts, ready to be dropped upon the earth.  With the speed of thought the two of you continue traveling, dropping hearts everywhere, and watching as the light of those dropped hearts joins and spreads over the earth.  The United states now has a golden glow.  You and your angel cover Canada and Mexico, so all of North America is covered with golden light.  You continue on to South America, where with the speed of thought, the hearts are dropped and the continent is glowing golden.  You approach the Atlantic Ocean and drop the hearts in, with the speed of thought the entire ocean is a beautiful gold light, and you continue on, covering Australia, Europe, Africa and Asia.  All island nations are also covered with light, and when you have dropped your hearts over the Pacific Ocean, you notice the energy has reached the North and South poles.  You and your angel continue to rise above the earth, heading into space, where you look down and see the earth as a beautiful shining planet, the colors of the ocean sparkling, the color of the land healthy. 

Your angel hugs you, you hug back, and with the speed of thought you find yourself back in your chair.  Take a couple of deep breaths and when you are ready, open your eyes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Full Moon Scopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ March 5, 2015

This full moon the angels ask us to be aware of what we are attracting into our lives.  You DID ask and you ARE receiving.  Allowing a positive flow of energy that transcends all your beliefs will manifest your true heart’s desires.  The angels are very willing to help you attract what you need.  Just ask.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Personal happiness combined with family joy are accented during this full to new moon phase.  A sense of independence backed by a strong support system fueled with love helps you get where you want to go in all areas of your life.  Haniel helps with victories as well as personal success.  Opening your heart creates the miracles you seek. 

Taurus – The old adage of “three’s a crowd” doesn’t work for you, Taurus.  You are thinking the more the merrier, and so what if two of you need to let others in?  You are seeking pleasure in the simpler aspects of life – time with a friend, warm days, favorite foods.  You do better with others than by yourself during this time.  Your guardian angel is more “vocal” than usual, giving signs and leaving presents.
Gemini – Partnerships heat up – both business and romantic – during this March full moon.  Commitments on your part are made to endure, as your logical and spiritual self are in full alignment.  St. Gabriel shows you your new beginnings and helps remove clutter that holds you back, literally and figuratively.

Cancer – Wishes are coming true, Cancer – maybe not the way you expected but you are getting what you asked for.  St. Raphael leads you to the answers you seek.   This is the perfect time for you to organize your hopes and dreams.  Ask every day, all day long, and watch what your words and feelings draw to you.

Leo – You may amaze even yourself as you seem to juggle many situations successfully.  Tzadkiel is helping create balance and lead you to wisdom, especially in areas of business.  You are moving forward and accomplishing much during this time.

Virgo – It’s time for win-win, Virgo.  You are meeting people who help you and are also advancing yourself quite nicely.  The Creator has plans for you and clears any obstacles in the way of your goals.  Pay attention to your thoughts, you may come up that life-changing idea.  Happiness is all around.
Libra – A trusted friend helps you “see” what you’ve been ignoring.  This is a good thing, because this friend helps ignite some forgotten sparks of life within you.  Be careful when indulging.  Blessed Mother offers care you forget to give yourself.

Scorpio – Decisions, decisions – whichever way you go will create change forever.  Even NOT changing anything can affect your future.  The best part is it’s not about which decision you make, the magic is in the energy of the decision. You are in a fortuitous time frame here, so trust your gut.  St. Michael is by your side, ready to help cut cords where needed.  It’s a good time to take a chance at love, at life, at work- Being IN THE NOW may offer solutions you’ve been waiting for. 

Sagittarius – Job, career or just plain nice life offers will be on the table, with a chance for travel or relocation.  It means work, but Sag never shies away from effort that will increase the quality of life.  Partnerships are lucrative and positive.  The entire choir of archangels is standing by, ready to send help as you request it.

Capricorn – Soul mate and Twin Flame activity is highlighted this month for all you Capricorns.  Things seem to come together in all areas of your life, so pay attention to what you want and ask the angels for help.  Metatron helps assure your footing.  This vibration is about creating balance.

Aquarius – There may be concern over a jealous person who wants to throw you off your chariot.  DO NOT ENGAGE.  Let this person be in their own tizzy.  You are close to success, in a way you may be unaware of, hence the distraction.  Continue on your path, moving forward with conviction.  Kamael helps keep your emotions in check. 
Pisces – Quite possibly you could obtain all you ever wanted during this full to new moon spring phase.  As you clear away the winter drearies and start your spring cleaning, doors open around you that you were never aware of.  Holy Spirit energy is strong around you and your intuition is spot on.  The universe is working with you in all things.

NEW MOON – March 20, 2015 5:36am ET
New Moon on a FRIDAY that is also Spring Equinox! 
Looking for love?  This is the day to work your love class homework!