Growing Pains during a Year of Expansion
2019 is a year of good happenings for everyone. Energy is just energy, it doesn’t discern
good or bad, weak or strong, the vibration of the year covers everyone
equally. The blessings of 2019 have no
attachment to who deserves what, they are just there for everyone. Those who choose to flow with the vibration
are going to experience enormous change in many areas of their lives.
We have entered a year of good luck, expansion and good
fortune. For many of us it will be a
year of growing pains as well as joy, fulfillment and excitement. Expansion requires stretching, and sometimes
stretching can be painful. Trust that
where you are and whatever is happening is all part of a big cosmic plan to
move you forward, to help you evolve and help you shine as your true self.
Others may not like this expanded version of you. That is OK.
You may not like the expanded version of others. That is OK.
The most important thing is to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments. Everyone’s growth is perfect for them, and is
part of their story. It may not be part
of your story.
You may see friends and acquaintances drifting away. You may experience what seems like a chaotic
or volcanic eruption to remove from your life what doesn’t help you move
forward. No worries. All of this occurs to get you to the next
level. If you don’t want to go, if this
seems like too much work for you, or if you feel too shaken, even that is
OK. You will get another chance. The universe always gives us another chance.
Taking the chance THIS year however, gives you a little
extra cosmic help. The angels hold your
hand and guide you through the hard parts.
The vibration is naturally one of growth, so you are part of the way
there already.
During this year you can expect to end up in the right place
at the right time. You may think of
something and suddenly it is there right in front of you. The vibration of this year is meant to guide
us to trust our inner compass and to allow the vibrations of the light to
permeate us in ways we are unaccustomed to.
Especially for the first six months, until Summer Solstice, this
vibration will be strong and pure. You
will find yourself fortunate in many ways, in many relationships, and with
material matters. The car or house you
want but thought you couldn’t have appears.
The patent idea you have been working on goes seamlessly through its
process. The relationship you thought
was dead renews.
If we are willing to expand, to grow, and to shine;
obstacles that keep us from success, joy and well-being will be removed. Focusing on the positives may make the
removal less painful. It will be a year
of many changes and all of them resulting in good changes for all. Win-win, over and over, even when people,
jobs or things exit your life. Life is
life after all. There will be hurts and
upsets, we aren’t getting a free pass during 2019. We are getting a clearer path to our
success. We are receiving angelic gifts
to help us along the way. We are
receiving healing of hurts, pains and insecurities. We are being lifted to our higher
selves. Balm from the angels covers your
wounds daily, strengthening you in your forward movement.
The biggest request the angels have for all of us at this time
is to accept the gifts they send us.
These gifts will come through others: some as actual gifts, some as
helping hands. You may be amazed at the
amount of help headed your way. This
year is not a “no, thank you, I can do it myself” year, it’s a “thank you and
may you be blessed as you have blessed me” year. It’s a year of reaching out to help others
expand, because when you do that you help yourself expand.
2019 will be filled with growing pains. The beginning of the year is the time to
dream and plan big. Take time to think (day
dream) about your perfect life. Think
about all you have now that you are grateful for. Taking time to contemplate these two
activities creates an energy of manifestation.
You are manifesting what you want by being thankful for what you have
while contemplating the growth of what is.
Enjoy the year of what can be.
Expand your mind and soul. Expand
your group of friends. There is way more
life out there than we can ever experience, but 2019 is a year where we can
reach out and touch more than most years.
Growing pains can be disconcerting, annoying, and even scary. But when the growth is finished and a
beautiful manifestation has taken place, there is much to be glad for. That is what 2019 is all about.