Friday, June 9, 2017


FULL Moon AngelScopes™ June 9, 2017

This full moon the angels remind us that we are each magnificent.  When we embrace all that we are our inner light strengthens.  When we strengthen our light we help strengthen each other.  During this full to new moon phase, there may be many distractions, but the angels remind us to just pull ourselves back on task to accomplish what we set out to do. 

Jupiter goes direct today.  The planet of good fortune and hearts’ desires will reactivate forward motion in those areas of our lives.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – thinking of making a change, Aries?  It’s time to settle in, put some roots down.  The change may not happen overnight, but steps forward can be taken NOW.  Keep an eye on your words/temper, as waiting to speak and having patience can sometimes create better opportunities.  St. Michael the archangel helps you cut away the brush on your path so you can move forward.  A new chapter is about to begin.

Taurus – Love for a special man in your life is pulled to the forefront, Taurus.  Archangel Haniel is helping with all matters of the heart from family to romance.  This full to new moon may find you enjoying some extra attention.  Your thinking cap works best when you are calm and relaxed.  Put it on for some great ideas on updating your life.
Gemini – Double check everything that is going on around you, Gemini, to be sure you are seeing and understanding all that is happening and not just what you want to see in the way you want to see it.  A short trip closer to the New Moon can put everything in perspective.  Blessed Mother Mary guides you to hearts desires and opens doors for you.  If you feel stuck, get out in nature.  Your thoughts will clear and solutions will appear.

Cancer – Good times are at hand, with lots of celebrating and love to be had.  Social activities are accented and events abound.  Keep those you love most close by and wonderful memories will be made.  Keeping the past in the past helps you enjoy the present.  Archangel Gabriel joins the parties, bringing networking opportunities for all you desire in all areas of your life. 

Leo – Stay on course, Leo, and you will be well rewarded.  There may be times you feel you travel this world alone, but your angel is always with you.  The goddess Diana is helping you with any battles, removing obstacles and supplying an army if you need one.  The helping hand of a friend can lift spirits.

Virgo – You may be focused on a female in your life as she encounters trying times.  Talking things through helps, giving advice may not.  In your life, creating a life you love is in the works, and strides are made.  The energy of Quan Yin is all around, enhancing your intuition.  Pay attention to “gut” feelings to steer you toward success at this time. 

Libra – Words are lovely, but too many can cause problems.  Sit back and listen first, speak second.  A man who is important to you may be taking up your time.  These meetings can enhance your loyalty for each other.  Projects begun now will finish by September.  Archangel Tzadkiel helps you give and receive mercy.

Scorpio – You may be unsure of where your world is going, Scorp, and the angels remind you that all the answers are in your soul.  Making a decision and seeing it through can offer the security you seek.  Romance may be a concern as your significant other is pre-occupied.  Your master guide is helping with undeniable signs of what to do/where to go next.

Sagittarius – The angels remind you to be kind to others, especially if you are feeling stressed.  You are being called to be your higher self, and Holy Spirit is inspiring you while helping you get out of your own way.  Clarity will come during the new moon.  An extended weekend adds to your inner strength.  Remind yourself of your goals to calm nerves.  You are right where you are meant to be at this time.

Capricorn – You are ready to leave the past behind and embrace some new beginnings.  This full moon has you tying up loose ends and preparing for an adventure.  Love and support from an important female strengthens your resolve.  St. Gabriel the archangel smooths the way for any traveling you may undertake.  Friends applaud your achievements.

Aquarius – You may find yourself in need of help, and a benefactor comes to your aid.  Emotions may threaten to boil over and your angels remind you a little daily meditation or/with white light can move mountains in your soul. Archangel Haniel is ready to help with victories when you allow him to take control.  Fun times are highlighted for the end of June.

Pisces – You’re busy hashing things out, working through situations, making plans and coming to agreements with others.  It’s a busy, active time, and you are laying the groundwork for a larger future.  A few evenings off revitalize and reorganize your thoughts.  Raphael the archangel helps with all communication issues, including clearing the air on old concerns.  Happy times with a good friend are highlighted around the new moon.

NEW MOON – Friday, June 23, 2017    10:31pm Eastern 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Healing Harps

Healing Harp Road Trip

Music is said to “soothe the savage beast.”  A research study conducted by the University of Arizona, published in 2013 found patients in ICU to report up to a 27% decrease in pain after experiencing spontaneous live harp music.   Other clinical studies show harp music to have measurable therapeutic benefits for reducing stress and anxiety, inducing restful sleep, and helping listeners release physical and emotional suffering.  With this in mind, a few of us took a road trip last night to Willingboro, NJ to experience the healing vibrations of the harp.

Our night began with a story.  Saul would have demons upon him.  When this would occur, he would call for David, the harp player because the music would chase the demons away.  The second story came from the Book of Revelations; 5:8, when the four living creatures and the 24 elders each had a harp….

When Pastor Michael was finished with the readings, he offered a warm welcome to Madeleine Doherty, a woman visiting from Dublin.  She is the first person there to introduce Harps for Healing as a ministry.  She trained in the United States as Ireland has not yet established programs such as the ones here.  Madeleine completed her training which included 105 hours of playing the harp for hospitalized patients and is now certified as a healing harpist.

Next came the music.  Many of the tunes sent shivers through my body.  Madeleine has a beautiful voice as well as magical hands when playing the harp and listening to her was pure joy.  Between ballads she would tell a short story of her trek, such as when she went to play in a village bub where the attendees were a bunch of burly men.  She began to play, with not much response until she sang an old Irish song.  The attendees joined in, pints were clanking, and the audience kept Madeleine there until the wee hours of the night.  Amazing what music can do for you.

The last three songs Madeleine played for us were simply amazing.  “Hymn of Creation” which she wrote, was first.  This song sent waves of happiness through the audience.  Next she played “Peace” which was written with a friend.  As the music continued I saw in my mind a perfect ballerina dancing to the music.  The color vibration was pink and gold.  The last piece was a bit more somber, no words, shades of blues and greens washing over us as she played.

We switched from concert mode to healing mode, and Madeleine walked up and down the middle aisle of St. Luke Lutheran Church, strumming chords that pulled dirt from the chakras, chords that soothed and aligned the multi levels of our human experience, and chords that brought healing to our souls.

We ended with Pastor Michael reciting the Breastplate of St. Patrick, and all attendees offered a blessing for Madeleine Doherty and all her endeavors.  When she returns next year, I will be in the audience.