Monday, February 27, 2017

New Moon

New Moon AngelScopes™ February 26, 2017

This new moon/solar eclipse the angels remind us to act with thought, word, and deed in alignment.  Staying true to your values and aligning with your higher self will help bring results and answers much more quickly.  Your angels are close by helping when you are unsure of your next step.  The Solar Eclipse brings forth truth from your soul.  Sometimes these a-ha moments can be unsettling especially when the realization that action must be taken hits home.  Your angels will help you every step of the way, through fortification or total change. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Health is a concern, Aries.  Be diligent during this new to full moon stage in getting enough rest and the correct nutrition.  Someone may mention their concerns regarding your health, and you may find yourself reacting defensively.  Archangel Raphael helps with all illness and broken hearts.  Look for a new friendship mid-March.

Taurus – A relationship you’ve been struggling with has you contemplating your inner light.  This relationship isn’t over yet, a bit of karma remains unsolved.  Haniel the archangel opens your eyes to how you are seen and enlightens you to required change.  Work and home need attention, reorganizing your time helps. 
Gemini – Somebody loves you, Gemini, and they are offering their heart.  You may be surprised and/or very pleased, as this love warms, comforts and offers peace of mind.  It may create some changes in your life, ad these changes will be permanent.  Archangel Jophiel teams up with your guardian angel to help everything run smoothly.  Springtime is all new for you. 

Cancer – You can feel the change coming but are uncertain of exactly what that change will be.  The angels are sending you plenty of signs as a new beginning nears.  If the signs contradict each other, it indicates a free will choice, and all choices are good.  Success is very close on something you’ve been busy with for a while.  Archangel Metatron clears paths once you’ve decided on what you want to do.

Leo – Fun times with a beloved friend/sibling are indicated during this new to full moon stage.  A family or group gathering may be a bit stressful to start, but ends on a lovely note.  Your guardian angels remains strong beside you and archangel Gabriel brings happy news during this blessed time.

Virgo – You may receive the brunt of someone’s anger, or maybe you are angry yourself.  If it’s someone else, back away and let them spin themselves ‘round.  Do not engage and their anger will soon dissipate.  If it’s you – meditating on white or gold light will bring inspiration to resolve the situation.  Archangel Michael is there, sword in hand to help with any battles you encounter.  His name alone is a battle cry.  Ask for his help to quickly resolve conflict. 

Libra – Words can wound, Libra, and the angels are asking you to think before you speak, as well as to speak up for yourself to avoid illness.  A headed discussion may lead to a cutting of ties, but this has been coming a long time already.  Once this passes, regroup and go on your happy way.  Saint Padre Pio puts the words you need in your mouth and strengthens you when you feel weak.  Happier times are just around the corner. 

Scorpio – Your balancing act is done and the time to choose a path has arrived.  Your inner self is aware of where/when your soul shines and is helping you move in that direction.  Jesus is your guide over these next couple of weeks, offering wisdom and inner light as needed.  A new option may become available.  Contemplate before you jump in. 

Sagittarius – Times, they are a-changing, Sag.  As the whirlwind known as your life begins to slow a bit, happiness, love and abundance surround you.  Saint Michael the archangel is helping cut through muck as needed.  May will be an amazing month.  Keep your body care regimen strong, as it’s full speed ahead until the end of April.

Capricorn – Discussions involving money are highlighted, mostly talk about organizing it.  You are aware of a major change that could occur as early as next month or as late as the end of the summer and are contemplating needed action for when the change happens.  Plans/action taken now will allow for a smooth conversion later on.  Your master guide is by your side helping get things in order.

Aquarius – Struggles with in the larger family are indicated as everyone tries to work together.  A loving female steps in to smooth any ruffled feathers and get everyone back on track.  This could also be work related, especially if your workmates are close like family.  Archangel Tzadkiel strengthens as needed, and helps remove blinders you’ve placed upon yourself.  You’ll be busy through August, when a major new beginning is indicated.

Pisces – A positive change in abundance is indicated, as well as increased happiness all around over the next two weeks.  Concern over a very ill relative is in the background.  The best you can do for them is pray/send well wishes.  A huge door is about to open for you, and St. Gabriel the archangel brings very exciting news before the end of March. 
FULL MOON – Sunday, March 12, 2017    10:36pm EST

Friday, February 10, 2017

Full Moon, Eclipse, Asteroids... What?

Full Moon AngelScopes™ February 10, 2017

This full moon the angels ask us to acknowledge and accept ourselves, our situations, and our relationships.  They remind us that we have the power within to change whatever needs to be changed, and we have help from our unseen friends.  All change begins with self-awareness and then with an intent to renew, refurbish or start over.  Once you are clear about your intent, ask the angels to help.  You may just witness a miracle. 

The eclipse and the asteroids are coming in to help wake us up.  Not to what others are doing to affect our lives, but to what we are doing singularly, in our individual life, with our own individual mind.  We are being made aware of how the vibrations we put out are being interpreted, and how those vibrations are affecting the planet and all those around us.  We are also being asked to be aware of how we are responding to vibrations sent to us.  Being aware is always key.  

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The angels are waiting to help you receive all you need and more.  This is a time of connecting with the spiritual world to create the changes you need – especially where career and family are concerned.  St. Raphael the archangel helps you grow patience and enlightens you to the love surrounding you.  He also helps raise awareness in all situations.  A day of self-care does wonders for your soul. 

Taurus – Magic is in the air, Taurus, and it seems your wishes are granted immediately.  Positive thoughts bring positive results and Archangel Gabriel helps weed out the old baggage you like to carry around like a prize.  Vacation planning is highlighted.  This is a great time to make a vision board which helps you focus on what you truly want.
Gemini – While the full moon means endings, new beginnings are what’s emphasized during this full to new moon phase for you, Gemini.  Ideas and inspirations are plentiful.  Choose one project to focus upon for the best results.  Your guardian angel helps with success.  Look for joy around the 16th

Cancer – You may feel a bit unsure about your future.  The angels remind you that standing firm in your truth brings positive results.  This also sometimes means switching gears and direction.  March has you breathing easier.  Haniel is close by, taking you step by step to victory in home life.  You are not alone, call on friends when you are feeling secluded.

Leo – Get ready for a beautiful spring, Leo.  A new beginning is heading your way, and now is the time to tie up those loose ends so you can start fresh.  St. Gabriel brings news, releasing a heavy load or responsibility from your life.  Forward movement is indicated in all areas over the next couple of weeks, with the 16th opening doors.

Virgo – Happiness is a choice, Virgo.  Archangel Jophiel is close by, adding joy to each moment.  A new adventure is highlighted, planning now and occurring in or before April.  New friendships are possible, opening opportunities for relaxation and fun.  This full moon to new moon you find yourself releasing sadness/negative thoughts and embracing freedom.  Take a chance.

Libra – The Law of Attraction is strong around you during this full to new moon phase, Libra.  Use succinct words and positive vibrations because you will truly “get what you asked for.”  Archangel Uriel, “knowledge of God” helps you build or rebuild your life or any area of your life as needed during the next six weeks.  Letting go of fear brings you more success than imagined.  A trusted friend helps you enjoy life a bit more.

Scorpio – You are being called to exhibit your generous nature, and doing so reaps more blessings than you imagine.  St. Michael the archangel opens doors and removes obstacles when you are compassionate and giving.  (Not necessarily where you expect.)  Holding onto things for power can backfire during this time.  A friend or acquaintance shows their hidden self.

Sagittarius – This full moon you feel the full force of the Universe as it catapults you into a new journey.  Whether a new career, home or hobby, it’s a time of expansion for you, Sag.  Your master guide steps in to lead you where you need to be and your willingness to be open to exploration brings rewards.  Time spent with loved ones is peaceful and fulfilling.

Capricorn – You feel as if you are coming to an end point and deciding where to go next.  Archangel Ratziel is close by with the book of life, awakening you to self-awareness.  You are taking stock of your treasure chest and listening to your soul.  Relationships are highlighted and fun times with family are indicated.  The big question is – do you want to go it alone?

Aquarius – Messages and signs from the angels are plentiful during this full to new moon stage.  Holy Spirit is close by offering healing and comfort when you accept it.  It’s a time of “planting seeds” in all areas, and being patient as those seeds grow.  A trusted friend points you in the right direction. 

Pisces – Love is in the air, Pisces, and not just because of Valentine’s Day.  You may find you have multiple admirers during this full to new moon stage.  Trust your instincts when making choices.  Your intuition is stronger than usual during these two weeks.  The Creator is helping you achieve what you set out to.  Networking during this time increases opportunities in all areas – career, romance and education.
NEW MOON – Sunday, February 26, 2017    10am  EST