Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Moon December 2017

New Moon AngelScopes™ December 29, 2016

This new moon leading into 2017 the angels indicate that Romance is strongly highlighted.  As we enter a year of self and we enhance our spiritual growth, many will move forward on their path.  We are encouraged to appreciate the love around us and to gravitate to love at its best.  If single, and looking, open your heart to fully allow love in while giving as much love as you can in all areas of your life.  If married or in a committed relationship, re-ignite the fires by remembering all the reasons you fell in love in the first place.  If you are in an unrequited relationship, the angels ask that you be brave enough to let it go so that they may bring you a true and lasting relationship.  During this time of New Beginnings we may see relationships grow or falter.  Both are steps to a stronger self in a more loving world. 

Mercury Retrograde continues to help us end a change year by tying up loose ends of completion.  Recognize your second chances.  Give your all and watch your world become easier and brighter.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Keeping a lid on your emotions will take you further than you realize, Aries.  You may find yourself in a holding pattern, and you can see the finish line, but you need to stand still for now.  This is about completing the goal, not winning the race.  Most likely it is concern for another that has you feeling “stuck”, as your own life is pretty well set.  Calling upon your knowledge brings understanding to others and results you desire.  Archangel Raphael steps in with healing for whomever you want the energy directed to; and he soothes your temper and worries as needed.

Taurus – It’s time to make a change, Taurus.  Move on or you’ll find yourself being moved on.  A change in housing or work is indicated, and if you’ve been a bit stubborn regarding change you may be surprised when you are uprooted.  A special male in your life takes precedence and you may find yourself in the role of nurse or being nursed for a bit.  Archangel Kamael helps you determine your path for the year ahead and helps you stay the course when you wander off target. 
Gemini – A change in money is indicated, and it stems from a family or group event.  You are reminded to watch your pennies.  Holy Spirit helps you keep the faith, and you have an intuitive notion that this won’t last forever.  Nonetheless being frugal helps until abundance flows again.  Spiritually you will take on a new outlook, increasing the joy within.  A long term project reaches completion with much success early spring. 

Cancer – Love comes to you from a trusted confidant, and happy times are all around you.  Travel is indicated, and you may spend more than intended on this travel.  An opportunity arises career-wise that would create great change in your current lifestyle.  Archangel Haniel helps you achieve and move forward in all areas of your life.

Leo – It’s a time of introspection, Leo, as you examine where you’ve been and where you want to go.  Balance is key at this time.  St. Gabriel helps when the past gets pulled to the present for a final Karmic clearing.  The 30th may bring a surprise.  Be kind to yourself and allow for mistakes – we all make them.  The angels ask you to release the restrictions you’ve placed upon yourself.  A female Taurus requires your time and energy.    

Virgo – Seems like the entire world is changing, Virgo, as news of people moving, changing jobs, and going forward surrounds you.  Blessed Mother Mary gently helps you to move forward as well.  When you take that step, great blessings head your way.  You are reminded that endings are beginnings and offer a “clean slate.”  Make the best of it.

Libra – This is an extremely lucky time for you, Libra, and the angels encourage you to “go for the gold.”  Take a chance, spill your heart, ride that wave.  This time of good fortune continues through October and you are asked to perfect your life by allowing your deepest hopes and dreams to manifest.  Tzaphkiel opens doors and unlocks safes.  It’s up to you to make the effort to walk through the door or reach into the safe.  You could even melt the heart of someone close by, as long as your melt yours first. 

Scorpio – You may be asked to commit to a relationship which would create the need for a move.  This person truly loves you and offers their heart.  The angels remind you that you free will and your decision will be based on that.  There is no right or wrong here.  Once you get romance straight, a new career is on the horizon and promises to be more lucrative than where you are now.  February is very important regarding life changes.  St. Michael removes obstacles, including those that are self-imposed to help you move forward on your path.

Sagittarius – Abundance flows around you, Sag and others share in your wealth just be being in your energy field.  Happy times are shared, and your joy is infectious; helping others see the best in themselves.  Concern over a father or father figure is indicated.  Remind him that he can be joyful too, happiness is a choice.  Travel is indicated and can be tiring.  The Creator inspires you and leads you to the right place at the right time.

Capricorn – Movement is indicated and you may find yourself busier than usual, Cap.  Money concerns are alieved as a female helps you put things in perspective.  Concern over a mother or motherly individual is indicated, reassuring her of her worth goes a long way in creating healing.  Archangel Ratziel steps in to put answers to your questions in your path, under your nose even.  Ask often for an easier time in making decisions.  An opportunity that sounds too good to be true or raises suspicion is better left alone.

Aquarius – Wearing yourself thin does no one any good.  The angels are asking you to take stock of your actions and look at the big picture, including long term aspects.  They remind you that ignorance is bliss but does come with a price.  Looking to your higher self helps remove some of the self-induced obstacles.  In the background, someone leaving the fold has the family upset but draws everyone together.  Jesus is your guide and reminds you even He can only help when you ask and then follow the directions given.  Balance is achieved by February.

Pisces – An ending around you creates stress, and though all endings are beginnings you are saddened by the loss of the way things were.  Two strong women inspire your strength and help you rise above all your worries.  Personally you are planning and re-organizing your life.  Archangel Metatron steps in to make things right and champions you as needed.  Things become clear once the retrograde ends.
FULL MOON – January 12, 2017 6:34 am EST
Mercury Direct January 8, 2017 4:43am EST

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Last Full Moon 2017

Full Moon AngelScopes™ December 13, 2016

This full moon the angels remind us of what a blessing we are to others.  Our positive thoughts and generous spirit are the vibrations that change the world.  When we spend happy moments together we increase the healing energy within our circles.  Each of us has unique talents and gifts – you don’t need to be a guru or world leader to effect change in our civilization.  It’s the one to one and door to door that creates a stable, healthy, light filled environment.  Allow yourself to be the person you’d like to see others become; share your gifts of self with love and watch peace on earth become a reality.

December 19th begins Mercury Retrograde to help us end a change year by tying up loose ends of completion.  Recognize it for what it is – a second chance.  Give your all and watch your world become easier and brighter.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Love from a child or young admirer is on the table. This person looks to you as a mentor and recognizes the way you have enriched their lives.  Personally, you are beaming with love for your family and friends, which lifts any residual negativity.  Fun times are on the horizon, and your guardian angel is close by.  Gabriel the archangel brings happy news and helps you move forward where needed.

Taurus – Forgiving yourself for what you perceive as short comings goes a long way with raising your love vibration for others.  Make time for yourself so you have a better understanding of what you feel you are losing control of.  It may just be a matter of focus that needs adjusting.  Rest is called for, and this will allow you to hear the messages your body, higher self and angels are sending you.  Month end is relaxing.  Blessed Mother Mary soothes where needed.
Gemini – It’s time to make your move, Gemini.  Your master guide has been assisting with the change you’ve been resisting.  Career or relationship – it’s time for you to step up to the next level or let it go.  Raphael the archangel leads you to your change.  Ask to be made aware of the changes YOU need to make so the other things can change in your favor.  Money talks turn out in your favor.  Social gatherings create networking opportunities that can change your life. 

Cancer – Your heart and your mind may be at odds with each other as you contemplate what’s best for those around you.  Romance grows stronger during this full to new moon phase.  Single?  Get ready, someone enters by mid-February to steam things up a bit.  Saint Martin helps with all business decisions, including taking action on previously unfulfilled promises.

Leo – Romance heats up, Leo, and if you find yourself in a love triangle the angels ask you to take the higher road.  Your main relationship deepens and may move faster than you like, so take a step back if need be.  If single, get ready, a relationship is on its way to you, so keep your eyes open.  Commitment doesn’t always mean being caged.  In the background pay attention to someone trying to waylay your career or romantic goals.  St. Gabriel encourages you to get out and play as much as possible.    

Virgo – Legalities may be on your mind as the year finishes, especially where family is concerned.  Read all contracts thoroughly before signing.  Archangel Kamael helps when you have a tough time making a decision.   Things work out in your favor.  The truth finally is clear to you, helping you decide on your next step.  Changes you make/steps you take now resonate through August 2017. 

Libra – The end of the year calls for re-evaluation Libra, and your soul is asking you to set a new path for yourself.  Archangel Haniel who brings victories and success opens doors to opportunities to re-create yourself or your life, if you like.  If recreating isn’t needed, perhaps a little tweak here and there can make the difference between shining and sparkling.  Time spent in meditation, contemplation and prayer proves fruitful; if you can get away from all those parties long enough to sit still a few minutes, that is.  A special relationship grows closer.

Scorpio – The world is at your feet, Scorp, and as long as you hold off the power monger within, you are in for one sweet ride.  The archangels of the quadrants offer protection, and the energy of the Great Spirit fills you, creating a sense of accomplishment and “home”.  The end of a relationship causes moments of sadness, but you realize it’s for the highest good of all.  Take a day to yourself before the New Year begins if possible.

Sagittarius – Divorcing or removing yourself from a relationship creates a change and possible move.  This relationship could be with a person, a group or even an entity (such as an employer.)  While Sag loves to be on the go all the time, you also appreciate the stability of a home base.  The angels remind you that a home base can be anywhere, and Blessed Mother Mary, in all her forms (including Quan Yin and the Shekina) inserts certainty to your decisions.  There is happiness all around you.

Capricorn – A favored female is highlighted and she gives you the love and support you need through year end.  You may find yourself with many choices to be made, and lots of help in making them.  There’s a cocoon of love around you and parties are relaxing and enjoyable as you leave the stress of your work behind.  A fun surprise awaits you around the new year.

Aquarius – You may feel someone or something trying to come between you and another, but the angels suggest you stand firm in love to alleviate worries.  The chaos around you is not yours, so try not to join in the melee.  The Shekina is working full force, with St. Michael close by.  It’s a busy time through the second week of January for you. 

Pisces – It may seem as if you’ve been waiting forever, but the angels ask you to remain patient just a bit longer.  Ideas and inspirations are coming through loud and clear, and the time to act on them is mid- to late January.  Write them down, think about them, but put them aside until then.  You may find yourself “testing the waters” on a new adventure or life course.  An Aries helps open your eyes.  It really is a time of hurry up and wait, so you may as well just enjoy the holidays.  Once the light turns green it will be full speed ahead from February through June.  Archangels Gabriel and Raphael help you navigate your endings and beginnings.
NEW MOON – December 29, 2016  EST