Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Moon AngelScopes Nov 29

This new moon the angels ask us to free ourselves from fear by releasing destructive habits such as over-indulging and destructive relationships.  Preparing before going to holiday activities and gatherings helps ensure a more positive experience than you may expect.  Pull cords, fill yourself with light and don’t forget to send your angels to speak with the angels of others.  Take time to meditate, list your blessings and help someone else even in a very small way this season to keep your light bright and your energy strong. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Carrying the weight of the world and doing everything yourself has your friends asking “Why do you do that when you could have help?”  By the full moon you may have a different view point of controlling and doing it all yourself.  There’s a montage of angels and guides helping you long the way.  Blessed Mother Mary offers strength,; Gabriel the archangel brings news; Michael the archangel helps with the battles within.  No matter how busy you are, take time for fun gatherings.  Smiling and laughter increase your light and resolve.

Taurus – You win!  The goddess Atete helps bring the power of life, abundance, fortune and wealth your way.  The angels remind you that winning at all costs can leave you lonely; words you speak may not be quickly forgotten nor forgiven.  Stage your arguments well and use positive reinforcements with your sparring partners.  The end of December brings a long awaited victory.
Gemini – Explaining you stance may take more patience and strength than you realize, but is well worth the effort as others finally “get” you.  The Roman goddess of victory, “Victoria” is at your side in all you do, so NOW is the time to ask for what you desire.  You are about to enter a wonderful time as year-end wishes come true.

Cancer – It’s been worth the wait as you realize dreams and wishes will be fulfilled by year end.  (You’d like them now, of course, and you are called to have a little more patience.)  Discussions open doors and pull in opportunities that may totally change your life.  The winds of change are upon you and the angels ask you to release your worries as those concerns slow your progress.  Archangel Raphael leads you to where you need to be at all times. 

Leo – News of a baby or project may be headed your way, Leo, and any new venture embarked upon has joy written all over it.  Holy Spirit helps you wave goodbye to those leaving your circle.  Wish them well; their leaving opens room for new and more like-minded relationships.  Something you’ve been wishing for appears by mid-December. 

Virgo – As you judge, you are judged, so the angels ask you to be careful with yourself during this new to full moon phase.  You are ready to move forward in all areas as your stagnancy is becoming boring.  A fresh opportunity lays before you, and romance simmers in the background.  The call to your true self is LOUD, and the master Jesus helps when you are unsure of which path to follow.  Trusting in the universe allows quicker resolutions and miracles. 

Libra – Love is in the air, Libra.  The angels ask you to lighten up a bit and enjoy what’s offered you.  Single?  Take a look around, you may be missing signals.  This is a perfect time to date, growing both new and established relationships.  Gabriel the archangel helps life your spirits to party mode.

Scorpio – Family time is highlighted, be it your blood relatives or chosen tribe.  A great gift is about to be handed to you in this area, so amazing you may think you are dreaming.  You aren’t, it’s real.  Your sharp wit helps you get your way, especially when you are honest about what you want.  Archangel Phanuel helps remove negative energy and replaces it with the light of God.

Sagittarius – You are on your way, Sag, and the angels remind you to keep up your strength by eating well and taking your vitamins.  Holding your opinions until you have time to analyze all facts gets you closer to where you want to be much more quickly.  Negotiations work out in your favor.  St. Michael the archangel offers strength and protection wherever needed.  Total change is near, but the angels remind you the Hand of God brings goodness in change.   

Capricorn – Total change is upon you Capricorn.  You have much on your mind as you contemplate creating a new beginning.  In the background the angels are working on making your wishes come true – especially when those wishes are well defined.  Facing your fears removes obstacles.  Archangel Tzaphkiel helps in all family matters, reminding you that nothing is impossible.

Aquarius – Completion is at hand, as one era ends and another begins in your life during this holiday season.  You may contemplate letting of some goals that weren’t serving you, and the new goals move forward very quickly bringing you to many epiphanies.  The Creator pulls together all you need at this time, and Holy Spirit tags along to add wisdom to the mix.  Marriage is highlighted as relationships solidify during this time frame. 

Pisces – The beginning of this phase has you feeling as if the party is over and now the real work begins.  The angels are telling you of a very special engagement coming up soon.  Parties are very fun, and you are asked to create a work/life balance.  Your future is close, this is a great time to plan, create goals and visualize success in any/all areas of your life.  Your guardian angel is working with Gabriel and Michael to clear the path to dreams come true. 

FULL MOON – December 13, 2016  7:06pm EST

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Full Moon Scopes November

Full Moon AngelScopes™ November 14, 2016

This full moon the angels call us to our quiet place where we experience serenity.  They suggest a moment or two to focus only on your breath each day.  Doing this slows the thinking, allows for rest of the body, and reconnects you to Source.  It’s a simple exercise that can easily make the upcoming season more enjoyable.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The truth is revealed during this full to new moon phase.  Your questions are answered and you feel a renewed sense of how to go forward with your mission.  Emotions may rumble under the surface, but you are in control and realize this too shall pass.  Evenings are quite lovely for you now.  Jesus helps wherever you need.      

Taurus – A change in abundance is indicated as you are called to examine past decisions.  Your master spirit guide helps, and St. Gabriel the Archangel is standing in the wings, ready to bring an announcement.  Being hard on yourself does no one any good, and the angels suggest you work in the present moment on the task at hand.  This will energize what is before you without pulling past vibrations forward.  Allowing yourself some down time can make a huge difference in your attitude or thoughts on life. 
Gemini – Choose your battles and your battle tools wisely, Gemini.  The Creator is offering a choice on your path, and it may take a year or two for it to come to fruition, but it will be successful.  Hard work and dedication is required.  The Shekina will move mountains for you if needed.  This feminine essence of the Divine is a strong ally.  Ask for help anytime with anything you need and you will receive it during this full to new moon phase.

Cancer – You are entering a time of flowing with the universe, and you may feel/be extra lucky.  Some of your success may not arrive as expected, but it is successful either way!  Jophiel, one of the angels of joy, is near by extending a helping hand when needed, especially awakening you to the positive of all around you.  The doors to communication which may have been closed open up closer to the new moon.

Leo – You are being called to your true self, Leo – and sometimes that means letting some people/things behind.  In some ways you realize you are the spectator and not the star of the group around you at this time.  That is a good thing, as you are encouraging and strengthening those around you without any effort other than letting them do what they need to do.  St. Michael battles for you and removes obstacles.  Your link to the mystical may be stronger than usual at this time, so pay attention to coincidences – they are usually messages.

Virgo – You may find yourself concerned with a younger member of the family.  They may have a situation that requires rectifying and you can help.  No judgement equals a big win on your part.  In other areas, there are some decisions to be made, and your guardian angel is at hand and helping you make and execute those decisions.  If you find yourself in a triangle, remember two’s company and three is a crowd.  Make a choice and remove yourself.

Libra – It’s your time to shine and you seem to be successful whatever you do.  Removing doubt and inserting confidence creates the change you were hoping for.  You seem surprised that all you need to do is make a decision and everything turns out right, but it really is that simple.  Business dealing go well.  St. Gabriel brings news of new beginnings by the new moon.  You are well protected at this time.

Scorpio – The ties you cut now (or that are cut for you) are permanent and affect the rest of your life.  Finances are in play, this may indicate a major purchase of some type.  You are feeling strong and your path is clear to you.  Tzaphkiel aids in getting you where you want to be. 

Sagittarius – Work has you a bit upside down as you feel yourself running all over the place.  The angels ask you to just hang in there.  Change is coming and all will be well.  A close friend or family member may be a bit stressed, your friendly and fun demeanor goes a long way in helping them.  Archangel Raphael is leading you to exactly what you need when you need it.  Call upon him often during the next month.

Capricorn – Communication is highlighted and you may feel no one understands you.  Light shines down to open doors you believe were shut.  Finances may increase, but only if you ask or act upon creating that increase.  Taking time to yourself to make decisions gets you on the path you desire.  Those around you have specific ideas of how to be, the angels ask you to consider their opinion, and after thinking about it, listen to your heart.  Haniel brings victories in most all your endeavors.  (Some things need time to manifest.)

Aquarius – This may be an emotional time for you, Water Bearer, and the angels ask you to push through and remain strong.  Friends may seem to have their own agenda, and you are asked to ignore them and stay the course.  (Something you are actually pretty good at.)  Warrior goddess Diana helps you in all battles, and the Creator has your back.  The possibility of a new life is laid out before you.

Pisces – Decisions can be hard to make, especially when you have two great choices in front of you.  A trusted friend gives good advice and you are able to move forward quickly.  Higher learning is indicated, so take that course and increase your knowledge to achieve SME status.  Blessed Mother Mary soothes when you are tired.  New moon brings a lot of excitement and fun.

NEW MOON – November 29, 2016  7:14 am  Eastern

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

New Moon Scopes

New Moon AngelScopes™ October 30, 2016

The angels remind us that this time of year is a time of special spiritual growth.  With this in mind, we are asked to add light and love to all we do.  Positive thoughts, consciously changing words to create an uplifting vibration are easy ways to elevate our spirituality.  The easiest way?  Smile more. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – If you’re thinking of going it alone, Aries, be sure you are ready for the major change created by that move.    Run your ideas by a trusted friend who will keep your actions private.  In business you are learning new ways to make money or at home you are learning how to secure your finances.  Metatron assists with all changes you make, large and small.  Well thought out plans are very successful for you during this time.      

Taurus – The lure of leaving it all behind to travel is strong, but you are reminded of your responsibilities.  Two people who were close to you seem to be in the background as you are focusing on where you are headed next.  Holy Spirit brings many ideas and inspirations, and reminds you that sometimes you need to meet your dream half way, or at least put some effort into manifesting it.  You may experience some emotional moments over the next few weeks – do your best to remain calm. This too shall pass.
Gemini – Romance is highly activated during this new to full moon phase and you may find yourself with more than one admirer.  Taking time to listen to your heart, really listen, helps you make a choice.  Decisions are highlighted in all areas as well as romance, and the angels remind you that not making a choice can leave you empty handed.  Archangel Kamael comes to your aid when confusion sets in.  Ask for his help in your decision making.  Clarity for the next step of your life mission arrives later in the month.

Cancer – You are on the road to victory and are happy to see your hard work paying off, Cancer.   Although the end result may not be exactly what you were hoping for, it’s definitely something you are happy with.  Personal insights run high, and February will be a very important month.  The Shekina is strong around you, assisting with personal and spiritual strength in all situations.

Leo – It’s a time to make wishes and watch them come true, as the Creator is by your side.  Things are coming together and friends applaud and encourage you.  Your generous nature opens doors and hearts, including your own.  This is an easy flowing few weeks, with news arriving within the full moon phase that can change your life. 

Virgo – Family is highlighted as you worry over trust issues.  A child or younger person has your full attention, and you find yourself giving a lot of energy to that situation.  Blessed Mother Mary is strong around you, easing stress and reminding you to relax every so often.  The angels remind you that sometimes you need to fight for what you believe in, and that concept will be put to the test over the next month.  Staying true to your beliefs brings the outcome you desire.

Libra – Change is all around you, Libra, and you find yourself excited about new beginnings heading your way.  Fear of change creeps in here and there, but wisdom guides you through it.  You may hear news from afar.  Investment in yourself is encouraged, so take that class, buy that equipment, or do the makeover.  St. Michael the archangel assists you in all battles – those with yourself and those brought on by others.

Scorpio – Someone close to you talks about or actually moves on.  Letting go can be bittersweet, and the angels remind you to get enough rest during this time of adjustment.  A sleep deprived Scorp can lose friends and gain enemies – and you don’t mind that as long as it is on your terms, but this will not be the case during the next two weeks.  Gabriel the archangel is preparing you for exciting changes towards year end, and reminds you to take your vitamins so you are fully ready for this new and exciting adventure.  You may receive kudos for a job well done mid-month. 

Sagittarius – Someone is courting you, Sag, and wants you all to themselves.  This could be a romance or a business partnership.  You are on the road to victory, and the angels remind you to link to your higher self before making a decision.  The Seraphim have assigned a huge gold angel to you for the rest of the year.  This angel is filling you with an abundance of ideas to help make your life go smoother and better.  Trust your judgement when it comes to the intentions of others.  Blue and maroon-pink are very healing for you right now.

Capricorn – You are becoming an ace at juggling and balancing, and you see victory up ahead.  Your thoughts are clear and you set your path with the future in mind.  Archangel Haniel is handling your relationships, offering healing where needed on both sides.  You are about to enter a time when the angels work a bit more closely with you.  Take a chance to explore or consider all opportunities before saying NO.

Aquarius – You are feeling quite in control as things seem to be going your way.  It’s a good time to make wishes because there is an excellent chance of them coming true.  The angels are helping you along your path, and even your thoughts are affected.  Fear is behind you and you will feel more secure moving out of your comfort zone.  Past victories play a big part in future opportunities, some of which are only beginning to knock on your door.  Looking for love?  The end of November to mid-December will be very interesting.

Pisces – It’s a time of growth, Pisces, as some of your inexperience falls away and greater responsibilities enter.  You are ready to move forward, leaving behind places/people that aren’t growing with you.  Family may not see things the same as you do, but they are willing to support your endeavors.  Higher income than expected is indicated after the first of the year.  Archangel Sandalphon leads you to your next big success.

FULL MOON – November 14, 2016  8:52 am  Eastern