Sunday, October 16, 2016

Full Moon AngelScopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ October 16, 2016

This full moon the angels remind us that when we hand over our problems and issues they resolve themselves much more quickly.  Allowing (key word) the Divine to handle your concerns for you opens you to more joy and peace.  During this full to new moon stage practice handing your problems over to your angels, your guides, your gods, or the Creator.  When you truly “let go and let God” you will see amazing life changes in a short amount of time.   

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Carrying the weight of the world only bogs you down, Aries.  Friends around you wonder what the heck you are doing when all you need do is ask for help.  This full moon brings interesting announcements for you and/or family that may carry to the next full moon.  An important female in your life may be making some changes of her own.  Social activities lighten the load you insist on carrying.  Archangel Gabriel brings news and encourages get togethers.      

Taurus – Feeling the burdens of your career has you considering a change, Taurus.  The money is good, but the life toll leaves you wanting more.  Talk your concerns over with a trusted female.  Single Taureans may find an admirer with a similar work ethic.  Metatron is strong around you and will move mountains when you are sincerely ready to make changes.  Ideas and inspirations are plentiful through the new moon.
Gemini – Good times with a close friend are highlighted during this full to new moon stage.  Your angels encourage enhancing your environment with what you find beautiful.  Outdoor activities open your mind and soul.  The angels ask you to avoid engaging with jealous friends, co-workers and relatives as this pulls your positive energy to a very base level and inhibits your ability to move forward with grace.  Your guardian angel encourages you to enjoyable activities.  A father figure makes an important decision that impacts your life.

Cancer – Ideas are paying off and self-employed Cancers can look forward to a very profitable year-end.  Jophiel brings happiness awareness, which inspires your creative self.  This is an excellent time to start a new saving or investment plan.  The next full moon brings happy news.    Any self-improvement action taken now is very successful.  Learning, dieting, quitting smoking – Go for it!

Leo – Single Leos may find an ardent admirer at their door, or maybe you are the admirer of someone else.  Either way, your heart is in motion when it comes to romance.  Worry over a sick friend can be assuaged through prayer and helpfulness.  You are entering a time to shine, and the new moon will have those sunbeams bright.  St. Raphael the archangel helps in every area of your life, so ask and ask often. 

Virgo – You are entering a wonderful time of life, Virgo, and the Creator is working with you.  It seems you think and it happens, so be sure you are considering your true desires.  There may be decisions to be made and you angels help if need be. These decisions put you on a specific path.  You are in a very lucky time, so move forward with confidence.  No matter what you choose, or what you are encountering, you are the winner in the end.

Libra – You are considering your options as you look to the future.  The angels are encouraging less stress and more relaxation.  Turning your back on the past, you are realizing what’s good for you and what isn’t.  This is a great time to truly end and release situations and relationships that stunt your personal growth.  The Shekinah is filling your thoughts with inspiration and hopefulness.  A significant female in your life may make an announcement.

Scorpio – It’s a time of expenditures, Scorp, and you may find yourself with less than expected.  No worries, the well will refill, it may just take a couple of weeks.  Single Scorps may notice an admirer who stands on the sidelines, preferring to admire you from afar.  You may be overlooking them now as you are busy getting life together, but they will reappear in the next couple of months.  Kamael the archangel is working with you to make tough situations smoother. 

Sagittarius – An authority figure clues you in on their plan, upsetting the status quo.  Your choice is to follow or forge your own path.  Romance enters an interesting time, as you who normally shine are happy to sit in the light of someone else.  It’s a busy and productive time as you plan for the winter months.  Jesus is close by, assisting in all areas and offering strength as well as building your personal strength.  Short trips are great fun!

Capricorn – This is an excellent time for you, Cap, as you are well inspired and are putting things in line for the future.  Gifts from the cosmos are heading your way.  You may hear of a new child coming into the world.  You are in production mode, and the angels ask that you remember to be social.  Sharing your joy with others adds to your joy.  The Triune energy is strong around you; there is a literal spearhead of positive energy ready to go in whichever direction you choose.  When in doubt Holy Spirit lends a hand.

Aquarius – Concern over a loved one has your defenses down, and the angels remind you that you can’t help anyone if you are sick.  St. Raphael, Medicine of God, is by your side, reminding you to rest and keep your strength up.  He also reminds you that victory is not far away, and joins with Haniel to ease your worries.  In other areas, help is on its way in your career, creating amazing wins.  Ideas abound, and the angels ask you to write them down and go back to them in a month or so – you are way too busy to act on them now.  Things are much brighter by the new moon.    

Pisces – The juggling you’ve been doing is beginning to pay off, and you are entering a time of good fortune, Pisces!  The balancing act continues, but now you know where you want to go and how you want to get there.  All decisions are good ones, and you do see a turn towards a bit of a brighter future.  Archangel Haniel helps with victories in every area.  Too busy for love?  That’s about to change as well, and single Pisces may find their hearts stolen or given away.     

NEW MOON – October 30, 2016  12:39 pm  Eastern