Wednesday, March 2, 2016

February Florida Retreat

Our annual Florida retreat was held in lovely Orlando.  The days were bright and warm and the nights were cool.  Outside our suite were 3 towers of light to view each night.  Three pools and two hot tubs were welcoming and while I only dangled my feet in the pool, another attendee made use of the hot tubs before and during the retreat.  Our accommodations were ready by 11am (what a treat!) and we explored and sat at the pool for most of the afternoon on Friday.  We zoomed across the street for dinner before starting.  It was great to have a small fast food court in the hotel and every kind of food close by if we wanted to head out.

The retreat began around 8pm.  We invited our angels in, released negativity and then did an intensive chakra healing.  It’s always so interesting to see how people’s faces change after a healing meditation.  They seem brighter and less stressed, and even the novice can detect the difference in those around them.

Saturday morning we ate breakfast in the restaurant and then got down to work.  Past lives and sacred geometry gave us specifics for our mandalas.  Lunch was burgers from the pool BBQ area (other choices were available, we just liked burgers) and we headed back to our suite because it was a little windy. 

After lunch it was time to design and assemble the mandalas.  Incorporating shapes can be frustrating if you aren’t an artist, so we let the angels guide us to design patterns.  The mandalas came out quite beautiful and carry personal strength and power, increasing each for the mandala creator when gazed upon.  Confirmation was received when one attendee’s mandala showed up almost exact in one of the message cards she chose.  We were both surprised when it showed up, confirming a great year of abundance and happiness for her family.

Sunday we headed to the lake and the gazebo which stood out over the water a bit.  As we called in our angels we had to laugh when we asked for St. Gabriel, messenger of God.  Suddenly there was noise all around us (he is the trumpet blower) and the birds were all singing loudly.  Even the frogs joined in, which was a nice surprise for 9am.  The ducks were quacking, the cardinals were peeping, the herons and egrets were honking.  And as soon as we switched from Gabriel to Michael, all the din died down. 

The retreat concluded with personal healings and energy fields being sealed.  All in all it was an enjoyable time with all our angels and guides around us (yes, Edgar Cayce was with us the entire time).  We said our goodbyes and promised to meet up again for next year’s retreat.  The 2017 FL retreat will be held Feb. 10-12. near the beach in St. Pete and will include the dolphin boat tour where you may see pelicans in trees as well as dolphins in the water.  There’s nothing like a beach retreat in the middle of winter.  Email me for more information.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

AngelScopes March 2016

March 2016 AngelScopes™ 

This month the angels are talking to us about friendships.   We are asked to examine ourselves as friends and to examine the friends we have chosen.  Are you the kind of friend you would like to have?  Friendships can occur spontaneously or grow over time.  Some friendships go for long periods without any interaction, some need attention on a daily basis.  Friends pull you through the hard times when family can’t.  After spouse and family, friends are the most important relationship in our lives.  Friends teach us to accept ourselves and others.  They are a beautiful gift we give ourselves – God and the angels put them in our path and we choose to keep them or let them go.  The angels ask that you show your appreciation for your friends in some way this month.  Doing this will not only help strengthen the friendship, it helps the world by adding a bit more positive energy to each of our energy fields.  That energy is shared with everyone and everything we come in contact with.  This includes other worldly friends (such as angels and guides) as well. Share a smile or a hug with a friend today.  You’ll both feel great and add to the healing vibration of the world.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – This is your time, Aries!  Spring is around the corner, and you are bursting with inspiration.  The Elohim (plural name of God) are working with you, expanding ideas and suggesting improvements.  It’s a lucky time for you, so remember to ask and you’ll receive.  It’s as if you speak it and it happens, so be careful when speaking.  Your guardian angel is working with Metatron to cement relationships and settle situations.  Meditating on gold light can bring healing to any area of focus for yourself.  Truth is on your side the entire month, even when others try to keep it from you, it will appear before you.  A quiet friend has some great advice.  Ask for the changes you desire and focus on your wants.  Updating your vision board now is a fruitful endeavor.  Remove what is no longer a priority and add new things, or leave as is so the focus is on what you would still like to receive.  If you are looking for a new/different job, news comes by the beginning of April.  Cutting ties may occur mid-month, be sure you are truly willing to let go.  Once these ties are cut, there is no looking back.  Your personal angelic team is fueled up and ready for any task you hand over. 

Taurus – Decisions, decisions, Taurus!  If you don’t make a choice, it will be made for you.  In other words, if you don’t exert your free will, you may end up empty handed.  Single Taureans may find more than one romantic interest at hand.  Those with career choices are advised to go back to the beginning (remember) ideals of what they were looking for in a career/job.  A list of pros and cons will be helpful in any decision you Taureans need to make this month.  Each choice seems really great, so it may be hard to make a decision.  The list will help shed light, making a final selection a bit easier.  Mother Mary and the feminine divine is close by, gently encouraging and assuring you in all your endeavors.  Whenever you find yourself with an impossible choice this month, look to her for guidance.  She is very good at putting answers right before your eyes.  Rest is important and will activate the decision maker within, even saving you time along the way.  Major action is required in at least one area of your life this month, waiting to see what happens is not an option.  The color yellow helps with healing needs.  Wear it, ingest it or gaze upon it to pull it into your energy field.  Breathing it in helps too.  (Imagine yourself in a yellow air bubble.  Inhale the yellow air to pull it through your body a minimum of three times.)  Yellow helps activate memory, balance and equilibrium in any situation.  This spring you appreciate the beauty of the earth in a new way, adding joy to your life.  You may experience a heightened awareness of all the spiritual guidance around you.  Working with this guidance can make every day flow a bit smoother.
Gemini – Travel and work seem to go hand in hand this month, Gemini.  You may travel for work or end up working when you travel, or even experience a bit of both.  You many find yourself in the car a bit more than usual.  Archangel Michael is helping you straighten out any misunderstandings and helps you find strength when needed.  Opportunities pop up all month long, and social activities are plentiful.  Schedule a night or two off this month, you are going to need the rest.  Physical exercise can help reduce your body stress; tension may run high as your calendar leaves little breathing room.  A short trip at month’s end helps clear the air in a relationship, reduce the fog in your thoughts, or both.  Joining in the team effort speaks louder than going it alone, and you benefit from the views and outlooks of others.  Family life is stable.

Cancer – Spring fever may hit you earlier than those around you, Cancer.  You may find love is in the air, and you are reveling in thoughts of romance.  Single or taken, a romantic liaison is indicated around the 20th of the month.  Will this lead to marriage or a commitment?  Only you can decide that, but passion definitely runs high.  A trip over or near water may be taken or planned, and the angels ask you to go all out with it, making the vacation time extra fun and memorable.  Deep, heartfelt communication with someone dear to your heart may take place, and much progress is made in the relationship.  Blessings seem to pour down around you at month’s end.  The wisdom of King Solomon floats around you as your master guide leads you to the right place at the right time.  Pull the joy and good fortune of April in early by asking your angels for what you want during the last week of March.  Ideas and inspirations fill your energy field, and the energy of new beginnings fuels your thoughts and actions.  It’s a great time to make some much needed changes.

Leo – Blessings are headed your way Leo, especially if you are a business owner or are in a position of leadership.  An increase in funds is indicated and directly linked to your efforts.  If you need help, ask for an assistant, then watch magic occur as more work than you thought possible is accomplished.  A close relationship is highlighted as you help each other with ideas; this may be an Aries.  The Creator is by your side through most of the month, and in front of you clearing a path whenever one is needed.  (Don’t forget to ask.)  Obstacles will be removed as long as you aren’t trying to hold onto them.  Joy leads to wisdom, and the angels ask you to schedule more fun and less extra work during March.  They remind you that some things can’t be hurried, so sit back and enjoy where you are in the moment.  A marriage around you or for you is indicated. 

Virgo – March is a month of action for Virgo.  Family truths may be revealed during this spring equinox month.  Demanding to be kept in the loop may bring you more information than you wanted.   As life continues the group decides to band together to make it work, but you may decide to head out on your own anyway.  Saint Gabriel the archangel brings you messages every day throughout the month – you may want to write them down.  Some messages will pertain only to that day, but some may contain life changing information.  If you feel you are being led to a new beginning, go with it.  Virgos wishing to purchase a home at this time are blessed in that nothing will be hidden from them.  Quick settlements are also possible.  Whatever you begin in March will lead to victory, and Archangel Haniel is waiting for you at month’s end to help you juggle all aspects of your life smoothly.  Big projects begun in March have a July endpoint for Virgo; keep that in mind if you find yourself growing impatient with results.  Honesty without an agenda works very well for you at this time.   

Libra – Victory is all yours as you balance the dark and light sides of yourself, Libra.  Other balancing acts include work and home as a new solution to an old problem appears.  It’s a perfect time for you to take a vacation, as you are tired from the strain of pulling it all together for yourself and others.  You love what you do, but even the best of us can experience burnout if we do something too often and for too long a time.  The master Jesus works with you in all things, leading you to answers and solutions you believed were unattainable.  He is helping you align mind, body and spirit for the best possible life right now. Balance is key (Librans hate to be off balance) and you can have it all by remembering to ask for help and then following through on the advice you receive.  You are reminded to link in to your true desires to create the haven you crave.  Month’s end brings a happy surprise.   

Scorpio – No matter how much you love what you do, everyone needs a break sometime.  If you feel overwhelmed, March is a perfect time for a short sabbatical. A weekend away or spent doing only “me” things can have you feeling you are your best self in no time.  Office politics or even family politics can drain your energy.  Even if the situations don’t directly involve you, listening to the chaos of others is tiring.  Take a step outside your box and give yourself some time off.  Archangel Tzaphkiel is by your side, reminding you of all the positives in your life.  The 13th may be a day of revelations for you, and is a good day to put aside time for yourself.  Things will slow down or at least roll a bit more smoothly for you in April and May.  Creative endeavors bring relaxation and help ease bodily tension.  By month’s end you find yourself filled with contentment once again. 

Sagittarius – Two is company and three can be a party or a problem.  Keep this in mind during March when a third party tries to place a wedge between you and someone/something else.  That someone else could be a romantic interest, a family member, a friend or a workmate.  It could also be a person coming between you and your work or home.  You may become aware of a triangle situation, and your duty there is to add more love.  If your significant relationship is on edge, add more love.  If your job is threatened by someone, add more love to your work.  This may not pertain to you, but perhaps you see it in another’s life.  If someone comes to you complaining of a third party overstepping boundaries, advise your friend to step up their game by adding positive energy or more love to the original relationship.  Adding love will add positive energy to the existing relationship and strengthen that relationship against outside influences.  In other areas, it’s a time when you are thinking about long term goals, and March is an excellent month for you Sagittarians to lay foundations.  Archangel Gabriel is strong around you, bringing you in line with all the latest technology and gadgets, enabling you to have the best tools for all you do at your fingertips.  Yoga and/or meditation help keep you balanced and at peace throughout the month.

Capricorn – March is a good month to consider making a serious investment in or for yourself, Cap.  Education, real estate or other investments are highlighted as Archangel Uriel helps you align with future goals.  Action or planning are all positive steps forward, and you are feeling the pull into the far future.  Your guardian angel helps  you with trusting yourself and others.  Pay attention to how your body reacts to decisions you make.  A negative feeling is probably not a good decision.  Romance is fun and social activities bring joy.  The month zooms by and before  you know it April shows up with new decisions to consider.  The angels remind you that more money doesn’t always mean a better situation – especially where career is concerned.  Month’s end holds warm family gatherings that bring content to the heart and soul.

Aquarius – There are many advantages to independence, Aquarius.  Sometimes working alone gets things done faster.  Sometimes being your own boss sounds quite exciting.  When you go it alone you miss the chance for input from others.  This month you have a lot of luck when your follow your heart.  The blessings of accomplishment are all around you.  At the same time, a bit of uncertainty may nudge you.  This is when you want the input of others.  If you are uncertain about your own abilities or choices, another’s idea may enhance your own.  You are on a surefire path to success as long as you are willing to accept help along the way.  The 17th is important.  St. Michael the archangel and Padre Pio are working to strengthen you and both suggest you release some of your seriousness and laugh a little, especially with family.  They’ve got this.  You go lighten up.  You’ll feel things clear as the month progresses, and decisions to create change are made.  What you walk away from now you won’t go back to.  April will be a welcome change from the winter for you as happiness seems to be all around.

Pisces – Family may be highlighted this month as one cycle ends and another begins.  Cutting ties with heavy or dishonest acquaintances is suggested even if the folks are related to you.  Your closest family is spending a lot of time together building a home or working toward a shared goal.  Joining in creates a sense of belonging you may have been missing.  While too much family time normally can produce feelings of being closed in for you, March family endeavors create closeness unknown before now.  A little alone time is helpful, so be sure and schedule some in. You may find yourself contemplating where you’ve been and where you are going.  The 22nd may be an important day for you.  An announcement or a revelation may be heard.  Archangel Jophiel helps you recognize joy in all moments throughout March.