Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Moon December 2017

New Moon AngelScopes™ December 29, 2016

This new moon leading into 2017 the angels indicate that Romance is strongly highlighted.  As we enter a year of self and we enhance our spiritual growth, many will move forward on their path.  We are encouraged to appreciate the love around us and to gravitate to love at its best.  If single, and looking, open your heart to fully allow love in while giving as much love as you can in all areas of your life.  If married or in a committed relationship, re-ignite the fires by remembering all the reasons you fell in love in the first place.  If you are in an unrequited relationship, the angels ask that you be brave enough to let it go so that they may bring you a true and lasting relationship.  During this time of New Beginnings we may see relationships grow or falter.  Both are steps to a stronger self in a more loving world. 

Mercury Retrograde continues to help us end a change year by tying up loose ends of completion.  Recognize your second chances.  Give your all and watch your world become easier and brighter.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Keeping a lid on your emotions will take you further than you realize, Aries.  You may find yourself in a holding pattern, and you can see the finish line, but you need to stand still for now.  This is about completing the goal, not winning the race.  Most likely it is concern for another that has you feeling “stuck”, as your own life is pretty well set.  Calling upon your knowledge brings understanding to others and results you desire.  Archangel Raphael steps in with healing for whomever you want the energy directed to; and he soothes your temper and worries as needed.

Taurus – It’s time to make a change, Taurus.  Move on or you’ll find yourself being moved on.  A change in housing or work is indicated, and if you’ve been a bit stubborn regarding change you may be surprised when you are uprooted.  A special male in your life takes precedence and you may find yourself in the role of nurse or being nursed for a bit.  Archangel Kamael helps you determine your path for the year ahead and helps you stay the course when you wander off target. 
Gemini – A change in money is indicated, and it stems from a family or group event.  You are reminded to watch your pennies.  Holy Spirit helps you keep the faith, and you have an intuitive notion that this won’t last forever.  Nonetheless being frugal helps until abundance flows again.  Spiritually you will take on a new outlook, increasing the joy within.  A long term project reaches completion with much success early spring. 

Cancer – Love comes to you from a trusted confidant, and happy times are all around you.  Travel is indicated, and you may spend more than intended on this travel.  An opportunity arises career-wise that would create great change in your current lifestyle.  Archangel Haniel helps you achieve and move forward in all areas of your life.

Leo – It’s a time of introspection, Leo, as you examine where you’ve been and where you want to go.  Balance is key at this time.  St. Gabriel helps when the past gets pulled to the present for a final Karmic clearing.  The 30th may bring a surprise.  Be kind to yourself and allow for mistakes – we all make them.  The angels ask you to release the restrictions you’ve placed upon yourself.  A female Taurus requires your time and energy.    

Virgo – Seems like the entire world is changing, Virgo, as news of people moving, changing jobs, and going forward surrounds you.  Blessed Mother Mary gently helps you to move forward as well.  When you take that step, great blessings head your way.  You are reminded that endings are beginnings and offer a “clean slate.”  Make the best of it.

Libra – This is an extremely lucky time for you, Libra, and the angels encourage you to “go for the gold.”  Take a chance, spill your heart, ride that wave.  This time of good fortune continues through October and you are asked to perfect your life by allowing your deepest hopes and dreams to manifest.  Tzaphkiel opens doors and unlocks safes.  It’s up to you to make the effort to walk through the door or reach into the safe.  You could even melt the heart of someone close by, as long as your melt yours first. 

Scorpio – You may be asked to commit to a relationship which would create the need for a move.  This person truly loves you and offers their heart.  The angels remind you that you free will and your decision will be based on that.  There is no right or wrong here.  Once you get romance straight, a new career is on the horizon and promises to be more lucrative than where you are now.  February is very important regarding life changes.  St. Michael removes obstacles, including those that are self-imposed to help you move forward on your path.

Sagittarius – Abundance flows around you, Sag and others share in your wealth just be being in your energy field.  Happy times are shared, and your joy is infectious; helping others see the best in themselves.  Concern over a father or father figure is indicated.  Remind him that he can be joyful too, happiness is a choice.  Travel is indicated and can be tiring.  The Creator inspires you and leads you to the right place at the right time.

Capricorn – Movement is indicated and you may find yourself busier than usual, Cap.  Money concerns are alieved as a female helps you put things in perspective.  Concern over a mother or motherly individual is indicated, reassuring her of her worth goes a long way in creating healing.  Archangel Ratziel steps in to put answers to your questions in your path, under your nose even.  Ask often for an easier time in making decisions.  An opportunity that sounds too good to be true or raises suspicion is better left alone.

Aquarius – Wearing yourself thin does no one any good.  The angels are asking you to take stock of your actions and look at the big picture, including long term aspects.  They remind you that ignorance is bliss but does come with a price.  Looking to your higher self helps remove some of the self-induced obstacles.  In the background, someone leaving the fold has the family upset but draws everyone together.  Jesus is your guide and reminds you even He can only help when you ask and then follow the directions given.  Balance is achieved by February.

Pisces – An ending around you creates stress, and though all endings are beginnings you are saddened by the loss of the way things were.  Two strong women inspire your strength and help you rise above all your worries.  Personally you are planning and re-organizing your life.  Archangel Metatron steps in to make things right and champions you as needed.  Things become clear once the retrograde ends.
FULL MOON – January 12, 2017 6:34 am EST
Mercury Direct January 8, 2017 4:43am EST

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Last Full Moon 2017

Full Moon AngelScopes™ December 13, 2016

This full moon the angels remind us of what a blessing we are to others.  Our positive thoughts and generous spirit are the vibrations that change the world.  When we spend happy moments together we increase the healing energy within our circles.  Each of us has unique talents and gifts – you don’t need to be a guru or world leader to effect change in our civilization.  It’s the one to one and door to door that creates a stable, healthy, light filled environment.  Allow yourself to be the person you’d like to see others become; share your gifts of self with love and watch peace on earth become a reality.

December 19th begins Mercury Retrograde to help us end a change year by tying up loose ends of completion.  Recognize it for what it is – a second chance.  Give your all and watch your world become easier and brighter.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Love from a child or young admirer is on the table. This person looks to you as a mentor and recognizes the way you have enriched their lives.  Personally, you are beaming with love for your family and friends, which lifts any residual negativity.  Fun times are on the horizon, and your guardian angel is close by.  Gabriel the archangel brings happy news and helps you move forward where needed.

Taurus – Forgiving yourself for what you perceive as short comings goes a long way with raising your love vibration for others.  Make time for yourself so you have a better understanding of what you feel you are losing control of.  It may just be a matter of focus that needs adjusting.  Rest is called for, and this will allow you to hear the messages your body, higher self and angels are sending you.  Month end is relaxing.  Blessed Mother Mary soothes where needed.
Gemini – It’s time to make your move, Gemini.  Your master guide has been assisting with the change you’ve been resisting.  Career or relationship – it’s time for you to step up to the next level or let it go.  Raphael the archangel leads you to your change.  Ask to be made aware of the changes YOU need to make so the other things can change in your favor.  Money talks turn out in your favor.  Social gatherings create networking opportunities that can change your life. 

Cancer – Your heart and your mind may be at odds with each other as you contemplate what’s best for those around you.  Romance grows stronger during this full to new moon phase.  Single?  Get ready, someone enters by mid-February to steam things up a bit.  Saint Martin helps with all business decisions, including taking action on previously unfulfilled promises.

Leo – Romance heats up, Leo, and if you find yourself in a love triangle the angels ask you to take the higher road.  Your main relationship deepens and may move faster than you like, so take a step back if need be.  If single, get ready, a relationship is on its way to you, so keep your eyes open.  Commitment doesn’t always mean being caged.  In the background pay attention to someone trying to waylay your career or romantic goals.  St. Gabriel encourages you to get out and play as much as possible.    

Virgo – Legalities may be on your mind as the year finishes, especially where family is concerned.  Read all contracts thoroughly before signing.  Archangel Kamael helps when you have a tough time making a decision.   Things work out in your favor.  The truth finally is clear to you, helping you decide on your next step.  Changes you make/steps you take now resonate through August 2017. 

Libra – The end of the year calls for re-evaluation Libra, and your soul is asking you to set a new path for yourself.  Archangel Haniel who brings victories and success opens doors to opportunities to re-create yourself or your life, if you like.  If recreating isn’t needed, perhaps a little tweak here and there can make the difference between shining and sparkling.  Time spent in meditation, contemplation and prayer proves fruitful; if you can get away from all those parties long enough to sit still a few minutes, that is.  A special relationship grows closer.

Scorpio – The world is at your feet, Scorp, and as long as you hold off the power monger within, you are in for one sweet ride.  The archangels of the quadrants offer protection, and the energy of the Great Spirit fills you, creating a sense of accomplishment and “home”.  The end of a relationship causes moments of sadness, but you realize it’s for the highest good of all.  Take a day to yourself before the New Year begins if possible.

Sagittarius – Divorcing or removing yourself from a relationship creates a change and possible move.  This relationship could be with a person, a group or even an entity (such as an employer.)  While Sag loves to be on the go all the time, you also appreciate the stability of a home base.  The angels remind you that a home base can be anywhere, and Blessed Mother Mary, in all her forms (including Quan Yin and the Shekina) inserts certainty to your decisions.  There is happiness all around you.

Capricorn – A favored female is highlighted and she gives you the love and support you need through year end.  You may find yourself with many choices to be made, and lots of help in making them.  There’s a cocoon of love around you and parties are relaxing and enjoyable as you leave the stress of your work behind.  A fun surprise awaits you around the new year.

Aquarius – You may feel someone or something trying to come between you and another, but the angels suggest you stand firm in love to alleviate worries.  The chaos around you is not yours, so try not to join in the melee.  The Shekina is working full force, with St. Michael close by.  It’s a busy time through the second week of January for you. 

Pisces – It may seem as if you’ve been waiting forever, but the angels ask you to remain patient just a bit longer.  Ideas and inspirations are coming through loud and clear, and the time to act on them is mid- to late January.  Write them down, think about them, but put them aside until then.  You may find yourself “testing the waters” on a new adventure or life course.  An Aries helps open your eyes.  It really is a time of hurry up and wait, so you may as well just enjoy the holidays.  Once the light turns green it will be full speed ahead from February through June.  Archangels Gabriel and Raphael help you navigate your endings and beginnings.
NEW MOON – December 29, 2016  EST

Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Moon AngelScopes Nov 29

This new moon the angels ask us to free ourselves from fear by releasing destructive habits such as over-indulging and destructive relationships.  Preparing before going to holiday activities and gatherings helps ensure a more positive experience than you may expect.  Pull cords, fill yourself with light and don’t forget to send your angels to speak with the angels of others.  Take time to meditate, list your blessings and help someone else even in a very small way this season to keep your light bright and your energy strong. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Carrying the weight of the world and doing everything yourself has your friends asking “Why do you do that when you could have help?”  By the full moon you may have a different view point of controlling and doing it all yourself.  There’s a montage of angels and guides helping you long the way.  Blessed Mother Mary offers strength,; Gabriel the archangel brings news; Michael the archangel helps with the battles within.  No matter how busy you are, take time for fun gatherings.  Smiling and laughter increase your light and resolve.

Taurus – You win!  The goddess Atete helps bring the power of life, abundance, fortune and wealth your way.  The angels remind you that winning at all costs can leave you lonely; words you speak may not be quickly forgotten nor forgiven.  Stage your arguments well and use positive reinforcements with your sparring partners.  The end of December brings a long awaited victory.
Gemini – Explaining you stance may take more patience and strength than you realize, but is well worth the effort as others finally “get” you.  The Roman goddess of victory, “Victoria” is at your side in all you do, so NOW is the time to ask for what you desire.  You are about to enter a wonderful time as year-end wishes come true.

Cancer – It’s been worth the wait as you realize dreams and wishes will be fulfilled by year end.  (You’d like them now, of course, and you are called to have a little more patience.)  Discussions open doors and pull in opportunities that may totally change your life.  The winds of change are upon you and the angels ask you to release your worries as those concerns slow your progress.  Archangel Raphael leads you to where you need to be at all times. 

Leo – News of a baby or project may be headed your way, Leo, and any new venture embarked upon has joy written all over it.  Holy Spirit helps you wave goodbye to those leaving your circle.  Wish them well; their leaving opens room for new and more like-minded relationships.  Something you’ve been wishing for appears by mid-December. 

Virgo – As you judge, you are judged, so the angels ask you to be careful with yourself during this new to full moon phase.  You are ready to move forward in all areas as your stagnancy is becoming boring.  A fresh opportunity lays before you, and romance simmers in the background.  The call to your true self is LOUD, and the master Jesus helps when you are unsure of which path to follow.  Trusting in the universe allows quicker resolutions and miracles. 

Libra – Love is in the air, Libra.  The angels ask you to lighten up a bit and enjoy what’s offered you.  Single?  Take a look around, you may be missing signals.  This is a perfect time to date, growing both new and established relationships.  Gabriel the archangel helps life your spirits to party mode.

Scorpio – Family time is highlighted, be it your blood relatives or chosen tribe.  A great gift is about to be handed to you in this area, so amazing you may think you are dreaming.  You aren’t, it’s real.  Your sharp wit helps you get your way, especially when you are honest about what you want.  Archangel Phanuel helps remove negative energy and replaces it with the light of God.

Sagittarius – You are on your way, Sag, and the angels remind you to keep up your strength by eating well and taking your vitamins.  Holding your opinions until you have time to analyze all facts gets you closer to where you want to be much more quickly.  Negotiations work out in your favor.  St. Michael the archangel offers strength and protection wherever needed.  Total change is near, but the angels remind you the Hand of God brings goodness in change.   

Capricorn – Total change is upon you Capricorn.  You have much on your mind as you contemplate creating a new beginning.  In the background the angels are working on making your wishes come true – especially when those wishes are well defined.  Facing your fears removes obstacles.  Archangel Tzaphkiel helps in all family matters, reminding you that nothing is impossible.

Aquarius – Completion is at hand, as one era ends and another begins in your life during this holiday season.  You may contemplate letting of some goals that weren’t serving you, and the new goals move forward very quickly bringing you to many epiphanies.  The Creator pulls together all you need at this time, and Holy Spirit tags along to add wisdom to the mix.  Marriage is highlighted as relationships solidify during this time frame. 

Pisces – The beginning of this phase has you feeling as if the party is over and now the real work begins.  The angels are telling you of a very special engagement coming up soon.  Parties are very fun, and you are asked to create a work/life balance.  Your future is close, this is a great time to plan, create goals and visualize success in any/all areas of your life.  Your guardian angel is working with Gabriel and Michael to clear the path to dreams come true. 

FULL MOON – December 13, 2016  7:06pm EST

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Full Moon Scopes November

Full Moon AngelScopes™ November 14, 2016

This full moon the angels call us to our quiet place where we experience serenity.  They suggest a moment or two to focus only on your breath each day.  Doing this slows the thinking, allows for rest of the body, and reconnects you to Source.  It’s a simple exercise that can easily make the upcoming season more enjoyable.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The truth is revealed during this full to new moon phase.  Your questions are answered and you feel a renewed sense of how to go forward with your mission.  Emotions may rumble under the surface, but you are in control and realize this too shall pass.  Evenings are quite lovely for you now.  Jesus helps wherever you need.      

Taurus – A change in abundance is indicated as you are called to examine past decisions.  Your master spirit guide helps, and St. Gabriel the Archangel is standing in the wings, ready to bring an announcement.  Being hard on yourself does no one any good, and the angels suggest you work in the present moment on the task at hand.  This will energize what is before you without pulling past vibrations forward.  Allowing yourself some down time can make a huge difference in your attitude or thoughts on life. 
Gemini – Choose your battles and your battle tools wisely, Gemini.  The Creator is offering a choice on your path, and it may take a year or two for it to come to fruition, but it will be successful.  Hard work and dedication is required.  The Shekina will move mountains for you if needed.  This feminine essence of the Divine is a strong ally.  Ask for help anytime with anything you need and you will receive it during this full to new moon phase.

Cancer – You are entering a time of flowing with the universe, and you may feel/be extra lucky.  Some of your success may not arrive as expected, but it is successful either way!  Jophiel, one of the angels of joy, is near by extending a helping hand when needed, especially awakening you to the positive of all around you.  The doors to communication which may have been closed open up closer to the new moon.

Leo – You are being called to your true self, Leo – and sometimes that means letting some people/things behind.  In some ways you realize you are the spectator and not the star of the group around you at this time.  That is a good thing, as you are encouraging and strengthening those around you without any effort other than letting them do what they need to do.  St. Michael battles for you and removes obstacles.  Your link to the mystical may be stronger than usual at this time, so pay attention to coincidences – they are usually messages.

Virgo – You may find yourself concerned with a younger member of the family.  They may have a situation that requires rectifying and you can help.  No judgement equals a big win on your part.  In other areas, there are some decisions to be made, and your guardian angel is at hand and helping you make and execute those decisions.  If you find yourself in a triangle, remember two’s company and three is a crowd.  Make a choice and remove yourself.

Libra – It’s your time to shine and you seem to be successful whatever you do.  Removing doubt and inserting confidence creates the change you were hoping for.  You seem surprised that all you need to do is make a decision and everything turns out right, but it really is that simple.  Business dealing go well.  St. Gabriel brings news of new beginnings by the new moon.  You are well protected at this time.

Scorpio – The ties you cut now (or that are cut for you) are permanent and affect the rest of your life.  Finances are in play, this may indicate a major purchase of some type.  You are feeling strong and your path is clear to you.  Tzaphkiel aids in getting you where you want to be. 

Sagittarius – Work has you a bit upside down as you feel yourself running all over the place.  The angels ask you to just hang in there.  Change is coming and all will be well.  A close friend or family member may be a bit stressed, your friendly and fun demeanor goes a long way in helping them.  Archangel Raphael is leading you to exactly what you need when you need it.  Call upon him often during the next month.

Capricorn – Communication is highlighted and you may feel no one understands you.  Light shines down to open doors you believe were shut.  Finances may increase, but only if you ask or act upon creating that increase.  Taking time to yourself to make decisions gets you on the path you desire.  Those around you have specific ideas of how to be, the angels ask you to consider their opinion, and after thinking about it, listen to your heart.  Haniel brings victories in most all your endeavors.  (Some things need time to manifest.)

Aquarius – This may be an emotional time for you, Water Bearer, and the angels ask you to push through and remain strong.  Friends may seem to have their own agenda, and you are asked to ignore them and stay the course.  (Something you are actually pretty good at.)  Warrior goddess Diana helps you in all battles, and the Creator has your back.  The possibility of a new life is laid out before you.

Pisces – Decisions can be hard to make, especially when you have two great choices in front of you.  A trusted friend gives good advice and you are able to move forward quickly.  Higher learning is indicated, so take that course and increase your knowledge to achieve SME status.  Blessed Mother Mary soothes when you are tired.  New moon brings a lot of excitement and fun.

NEW MOON – November 29, 2016  7:14 am  Eastern

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

New Moon Scopes

New Moon AngelScopes™ October 30, 2016

The angels remind us that this time of year is a time of special spiritual growth.  With this in mind, we are asked to add light and love to all we do.  Positive thoughts, consciously changing words to create an uplifting vibration are easy ways to elevate our spirituality.  The easiest way?  Smile more. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – If you’re thinking of going it alone, Aries, be sure you are ready for the major change created by that move.    Run your ideas by a trusted friend who will keep your actions private.  In business you are learning new ways to make money or at home you are learning how to secure your finances.  Metatron assists with all changes you make, large and small.  Well thought out plans are very successful for you during this time.      

Taurus – The lure of leaving it all behind to travel is strong, but you are reminded of your responsibilities.  Two people who were close to you seem to be in the background as you are focusing on where you are headed next.  Holy Spirit brings many ideas and inspirations, and reminds you that sometimes you need to meet your dream half way, or at least put some effort into manifesting it.  You may experience some emotional moments over the next few weeks – do your best to remain calm. This too shall pass.
Gemini – Romance is highly activated during this new to full moon phase and you may find yourself with more than one admirer.  Taking time to listen to your heart, really listen, helps you make a choice.  Decisions are highlighted in all areas as well as romance, and the angels remind you that not making a choice can leave you empty handed.  Archangel Kamael comes to your aid when confusion sets in.  Ask for his help in your decision making.  Clarity for the next step of your life mission arrives later in the month.

Cancer – You are on the road to victory and are happy to see your hard work paying off, Cancer.   Although the end result may not be exactly what you were hoping for, it’s definitely something you are happy with.  Personal insights run high, and February will be a very important month.  The Shekina is strong around you, assisting with personal and spiritual strength in all situations.

Leo – It’s a time to make wishes and watch them come true, as the Creator is by your side.  Things are coming together and friends applaud and encourage you.  Your generous nature opens doors and hearts, including your own.  This is an easy flowing few weeks, with news arriving within the full moon phase that can change your life. 

Virgo – Family is highlighted as you worry over trust issues.  A child or younger person has your full attention, and you find yourself giving a lot of energy to that situation.  Blessed Mother Mary is strong around you, easing stress and reminding you to relax every so often.  The angels remind you that sometimes you need to fight for what you believe in, and that concept will be put to the test over the next month.  Staying true to your beliefs brings the outcome you desire.

Libra – Change is all around you, Libra, and you find yourself excited about new beginnings heading your way.  Fear of change creeps in here and there, but wisdom guides you through it.  You may hear news from afar.  Investment in yourself is encouraged, so take that class, buy that equipment, or do the makeover.  St. Michael the archangel assists you in all battles – those with yourself and those brought on by others.

Scorpio – Someone close to you talks about or actually moves on.  Letting go can be bittersweet, and the angels remind you to get enough rest during this time of adjustment.  A sleep deprived Scorp can lose friends and gain enemies – and you don’t mind that as long as it is on your terms, but this will not be the case during the next two weeks.  Gabriel the archangel is preparing you for exciting changes towards year end, and reminds you to take your vitamins so you are fully ready for this new and exciting adventure.  You may receive kudos for a job well done mid-month. 

Sagittarius – Someone is courting you, Sag, and wants you all to themselves.  This could be a romance or a business partnership.  You are on the road to victory, and the angels remind you to link to your higher self before making a decision.  The Seraphim have assigned a huge gold angel to you for the rest of the year.  This angel is filling you with an abundance of ideas to help make your life go smoother and better.  Trust your judgement when it comes to the intentions of others.  Blue and maroon-pink are very healing for you right now.

Capricorn – You are becoming an ace at juggling and balancing, and you see victory up ahead.  Your thoughts are clear and you set your path with the future in mind.  Archangel Haniel is handling your relationships, offering healing where needed on both sides.  You are about to enter a time when the angels work a bit more closely with you.  Take a chance to explore or consider all opportunities before saying NO.

Aquarius – You are feeling quite in control as things seem to be going your way.  It’s a good time to make wishes because there is an excellent chance of them coming true.  The angels are helping you along your path, and even your thoughts are affected.  Fear is behind you and you will feel more secure moving out of your comfort zone.  Past victories play a big part in future opportunities, some of which are only beginning to knock on your door.  Looking for love?  The end of November to mid-December will be very interesting.

Pisces – It’s a time of growth, Pisces, as some of your inexperience falls away and greater responsibilities enter.  You are ready to move forward, leaving behind places/people that aren’t growing with you.  Family may not see things the same as you do, but they are willing to support your endeavors.  Higher income than expected is indicated after the first of the year.  Archangel Sandalphon leads you to your next big success.

FULL MOON – November 14, 2016  8:52 am  Eastern

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Full Moon AngelScopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ October 16, 2016

This full moon the angels remind us that when we hand over our problems and issues they resolve themselves much more quickly.  Allowing (key word) the Divine to handle your concerns for you opens you to more joy and peace.  During this full to new moon stage practice handing your problems over to your angels, your guides, your gods, or the Creator.  When you truly “let go and let God” you will see amazing life changes in a short amount of time.   

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Carrying the weight of the world only bogs you down, Aries.  Friends around you wonder what the heck you are doing when all you need do is ask for help.  This full moon brings interesting announcements for you and/or family that may carry to the next full moon.  An important female in your life may be making some changes of her own.  Social activities lighten the load you insist on carrying.  Archangel Gabriel brings news and encourages get togethers.      

Taurus – Feeling the burdens of your career has you considering a change, Taurus.  The money is good, but the life toll leaves you wanting more.  Talk your concerns over with a trusted female.  Single Taureans may find an admirer with a similar work ethic.  Metatron is strong around you and will move mountains when you are sincerely ready to make changes.  Ideas and inspirations are plentiful through the new moon.
Gemini – Good times with a close friend are highlighted during this full to new moon stage.  Your angels encourage enhancing your environment with what you find beautiful.  Outdoor activities open your mind and soul.  The angels ask you to avoid engaging with jealous friends, co-workers and relatives as this pulls your positive energy to a very base level and inhibits your ability to move forward with grace.  Your guardian angel encourages you to enjoyable activities.  A father figure makes an important decision that impacts your life.

Cancer – Ideas are paying off and self-employed Cancers can look forward to a very profitable year-end.  Jophiel brings happiness awareness, which inspires your creative self.  This is an excellent time to start a new saving or investment plan.  The next full moon brings happy news.    Any self-improvement action taken now is very successful.  Learning, dieting, quitting smoking – Go for it!

Leo – Single Leos may find an ardent admirer at their door, or maybe you are the admirer of someone else.  Either way, your heart is in motion when it comes to romance.  Worry over a sick friend can be assuaged through prayer and helpfulness.  You are entering a time to shine, and the new moon will have those sunbeams bright.  St. Raphael the archangel helps in every area of your life, so ask and ask often. 

Virgo – You are entering a wonderful time of life, Virgo, and the Creator is working with you.  It seems you think and it happens, so be sure you are considering your true desires.  There may be decisions to be made and you angels help if need be. These decisions put you on a specific path.  You are in a very lucky time, so move forward with confidence.  No matter what you choose, or what you are encountering, you are the winner in the end.

Libra – You are considering your options as you look to the future.  The angels are encouraging less stress and more relaxation.  Turning your back on the past, you are realizing what’s good for you and what isn’t.  This is a great time to truly end and release situations and relationships that stunt your personal growth.  The Shekinah is filling your thoughts with inspiration and hopefulness.  A significant female in your life may make an announcement.

Scorpio – It’s a time of expenditures, Scorp, and you may find yourself with less than expected.  No worries, the well will refill, it may just take a couple of weeks.  Single Scorps may notice an admirer who stands on the sidelines, preferring to admire you from afar.  You may be overlooking them now as you are busy getting life together, but they will reappear in the next couple of months.  Kamael the archangel is working with you to make tough situations smoother. 

Sagittarius – An authority figure clues you in on their plan, upsetting the status quo.  Your choice is to follow or forge your own path.  Romance enters an interesting time, as you who normally shine are happy to sit in the light of someone else.  It’s a busy and productive time as you plan for the winter months.  Jesus is close by, assisting in all areas and offering strength as well as building your personal strength.  Short trips are great fun!

Capricorn – This is an excellent time for you, Cap, as you are well inspired and are putting things in line for the future.  Gifts from the cosmos are heading your way.  You may hear of a new child coming into the world.  You are in production mode, and the angels ask that you remember to be social.  Sharing your joy with others adds to your joy.  The Triune energy is strong around you; there is a literal spearhead of positive energy ready to go in whichever direction you choose.  When in doubt Holy Spirit lends a hand.

Aquarius – Concern over a loved one has your defenses down, and the angels remind you that you can’t help anyone if you are sick.  St. Raphael, Medicine of God, is by your side, reminding you to rest and keep your strength up.  He also reminds you that victory is not far away, and joins with Haniel to ease your worries.  In other areas, help is on its way in your career, creating amazing wins.  Ideas abound, and the angels ask you to write them down and go back to them in a month or so – you are way too busy to act on them now.  Things are much brighter by the new moon.    

Pisces – The juggling you’ve been doing is beginning to pay off, and you are entering a time of good fortune, Pisces!  The balancing act continues, but now you know where you want to go and how you want to get there.  All decisions are good ones, and you do see a turn towards a bit of a brighter future.  Archangel Haniel helps with victories in every area.  Too busy for love?  That’s about to change as well, and single Pisces may find their hearts stolen or given away.     

NEW MOON – October 30, 2016  12:39 pm  Eastern

Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Moon AngelScopes™ September 30, 2016

What is a Black Moon?

This new moon occurs on Friday Sept. 30, at 8:11pm EST.  It’s considered a Black Moon, which occurs when there are two new moons in one month.  It’s very similar to a Blue Moon, when two full moons occur in one month.  This new moon falls on a Friday, so singles keep your eyes open for new romance, and dedicated couples could plan a nice date night to keep the fires strong. 

During this new to full moon phase, Archangel Michael reminds us he has our backs, and each of us has received a blue flame angel from his legion to guide and protect us as we go.  Pay attention to hunches during these next couple of weeks and ask for help.  Situations clear quickly when we accept angelic help.  If something doesn’t seem to turn out to your liking, be thankful.  There is always a bigger plan occurring and forces on the other side always have your best interests in mind. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – The new moon has you contemplating a new beginning in some area of your life, Aries.  Make a choice, the world truly is your oyster, and you have more power than you realize in creating your future.  Haniel opens previously closed doors and you find you have more support than you expected from those around you.  Social activities are more fun than expected.  Meditating can help when dealing with unreasonable people.      

Taurus – This new moon has you discovering hidden information, possibly linked to the health of a strong female figure in your life.  The truth is all around, the angels ask you to open your eyes, ears and heart to others’ goings on.  Relationships around you are changing, and motives (yours as well as others’) become clear.  archangel Tzaphkiel brings knowledge you’ve been seeking.  Keep your heart open to help understand the actions of those around you.  Sometimes it’s time to move on.
Gemini – The end of a relationship is near as you have had enough of what you consider secrecy and back stabbing.  Moving forward, away from this relationship, is very positive for your growth, and archangel Kamael helps when you feel yourself backsliding.   Wishes are close to coming true, hang in a little longer to see them to fruition.  Love is what you make of it, and an easy going heart can move onto a better relationship with much ease. 

Cancer – Dreams can become reality during this new to full moon phase, especially when you combine focus and intent.  The heavens are smiling upon you and bonuses are around every corner.  You are entering a state of manifestation after what seemed to be a dry spell.  Archangel Raphael heals what needs to be healed and archangel Ratziel delivers info to help you move to the next level, wherever your energies are focused.  It is the perfect time for you to make wishes come true, in all areas of your life.  Be realistic – expect miracles.   

Leo – It may be time to have that conversation you’ve been avoiding.  Putting it out there helps clear the air, and with St. Michael by your side many uncertainties can be put to rest.  Family matters and plans lead to successful and fun gatherings.  Asking the angels to put the correct words in your mouth can bring deeper meaning to many of your relationships.  Take time to look within to discover your true desires during this time. 

Virgo – Gather your ideas, Virgo, as your personal power is strengthening.  It’s a time to create or re-create your life.  A special friend offers love and support in all your endeavors.  Your guardian angel works with you master guide to help your true talents emerge.  This is a time for you to shine in your career or workplace.  Extra finances will be available when extra effort to gather them takes place.

Libra – We all have that one child or loved one who needs a little financial help, and yours comes knocking during this new to full moon phase.  Giving with love and without attachment brings unexpected blessings your way.  In your own life, new beginnings are possible and the universe is asking you to hand over your biggest dream so it can become a reality.  November will be quite important all around.  Archangel Jophiel helps you experience the joy of just being.

Scorpio – You are feeling quite in control, Scorp, and the angels ask you to expand your awareness to your impact upon others.  Decisions need to be made during this time, and thinking logically as opposed to emotionally helps in all areas.  Your actions may be fueled by what you see as the insensitivity of others.  Take a step back and ask yourself if you are mirroring your own insecurities onto them, or if they are truly insensitive.  Blessed Mother soothes the soul and opens closed hearts of those around you as well as your own.  Changes made during this new to full moon phase last a very long time.  This is a perfect opportunity to create healthier habits.

Sagittarius – It’s a mixed bag of victories, Sag, as you find yourself working hard to juggle it all without going off track.  A friendship may be fading; the angels ask that you give your blessing to the other person.  Travel is indicated and scheduling may prove a bit trickier than usual; it’s hard to be so popular!  Your home is truly your castle and you find rejuvenation whenever you are there, no matter how short or long the stay.  St. Michael clears obstacles so you can accomplish all you want to.  

Capricorn – Money talks, Cap, and it’s time for you to listen first and speak second where finances are concerned.  Many angels are gathering around you, helping make dreams come true in areas of family and finance.  You may not get exactly what you want, but you can obtain more than what you need.  Be sure and clear (fluff) your aura to allow the best in.  Trust your instincts even when what’s in front of you seems real.  Planning or taking a vacation increases your light in all areas.  There are so many angels around you, ask for help often and watch the changes occur in no time.

Aquarius – Victory often comes when a person perseveres and you are being called to persevere, Aquarius.  You may discover people you considered friends aren’t as invested in the relationship as you thought.  Emotions can run high, and talking things through helps, be it with the person or with a counselor/advisor.  Archangel Sandalphon helps you find lost hope and inspiration.  Staying true to your heart, and speaking with compassion, gets you further than you ever expected.    

Pisces – A well favored friend/loved one is close by, offering advice and participating in good times.  This person may also offer inspiration in activities that can lead to increased abundance.  At the same time, you may find yourself called upon to offer help to someone.  The Shekina guides you in all areas, and planning future fun events is at hand.  Group gatherings produce many successful projects.     

FULL MOON – October 16, 2016  12:23 am  Eastern

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Full Moon AngelScopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ September 16, 2016

This full moon the angels remind us to “cancel, cancel” when our words and thoughts lean towards the negative.  The entire world is manifesting faster than ever before, and our thoughts become reality as the Law of Attraction is extremely strong.  Your angels can help clear the effects of negative thoughts and actions if you ask them to.  They may need some help from you, though in the form of an apology to the person you injured, willfully or unknowingly, once in a while.  The Mercury retrograde amplifies past habits that need correcting during the first half of this full to new moon phase.  Taking time to get thought, word and deed in alignment can make your days pass more smoothly, and finish karma that much quicker.  Once Mercury goes direct, revisited karma may fade to the background once again, ready to return with the next retrograde in December.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You may be contemplating moving on during this full moon, Aries.  The angels ask that you wait until the equinox to make final decisions.  If the choice to change seems out of your hands, you are reminded that your actions matter in your life.  Abundance is within reach during this full to new moon phase and Jesus works with your master guide once you’ve made your decision.  You’ll be testing the waters, be it in a new position or a new residence, ask your guides for courage that replaces fear.      

Taurus – The bull in you stands strong and the angles are asking you to stretch your mind to consider others’’ view points.  Decisions made now impact your future as well as the futures of those around you.  Your words can wound or heal, this is true for yourself as well as others you speak them to.  Counting your blessings lifts some of the weight off your shoulders as priorities shift.  Blessed Mother Mary offers you white roses, both as a reminder of beauty and a softening of the heart.
Gemini – Be ready, Gemini!  Your soul mate is at hand and you can feel the passion of love all around you.  The angels are singing and dancing, encouraging you to make a choice for happiness.  They remind you that not deciding can mean you lose the chance to choose.  You may find yourself with multiple opportunities where time is of the essence, and quick decisions must be made.  Haniel the archangel helps with all decisions, leading you to victory.  Do not hesitate in love and romance during this time.   

Cancer – Staying true to your heart helps in all areas, Cancer.  Going within and following your soul leads to happiness.  Be sure of your motives in all your actions.  You may wonder if your job/career is worth it, the angels remind you that this too shall pass.  Connecting with your higher self also connects you with your master guides and the Elohim.  This band of angels is helping you comprehend when it is time to manifest where you are or move on.   

Leo – This full moon may bring many endings, and you may find yourself in a brand new life without knowing how it happened.  Love and light fill each area of your life, encouraging growth and stability.  Actions taken now move you up a level both spiritually and materially.  St. Gabriel the archangel works with the Ascended Masters to help you acclimate to your new beginnings by the new moon. 

Virgo – Heartfelt discussions take place as you contemplate what was and what will be for your family.  Archangel Kamael strengthens you as you let go of past influences and focus on building stronger relationships.  This is a great time for a short trip or seaside venture.  Spirit guides are strong and encourage you to follow your intuition.  Abundance heads your way before year’s end.

Libra – This full to new moon phase has you appreciating the beauty of nature.  Your heart is full and you realize the amazing amount of love that is all around you.  A female may take precedence, or help you in some way.  Her help is offered with love for you, consider accepting the gesture with grace.  Fun times with family and friends are indicated as the summer winds down and cooler weather approaches.  The Shekina is around whenever you need her, helping you stay focused when unexpected visitors show up.

Scorpio – You are the master of your universe, Scorpio, but sometimes your confidence seems to be on hold.  Take stock of what you know to be true and make decisions from there.  Stubbornness is not helpful, but meditation is.  Calm your thoughts and allow Archangel Raphael to heal your insecurities.  You’ll be back on top of your game once the new moon rolls in.  Single Scorps may find romance in the most unusual places.

Sagittarius – Small gifts of love and abundance are heading your way.  Distractions are unavoidable as the Mercury retrograde pulls your attention to more fun than what is immediately in front of you.  Ideas need some fine tuning, and planning ahead will remove obstacles in business and pleasure.  Your guardian angel is speaking often through your loved ones, pay attention.    

Capricorn – You may find you are the focus of someone’s unhappiness, Cap.  This may have you wondering about your personal worth.  Keep your head up and your eye on the prize, personal rewards are just around the corner.  Owning up to mistakes can take you further than you realize, but bragging will get you nowhere.  The Creator helps improve your self-confidence and bring in success by month’s end. 

Aquarius – It’s a time of enjoyment with some smooth sailing in your personal life.  This is a good time to live in the moment, as happiness is all around.  Changes may be on their way, but the next month or so is status quo for most Aquarians.  Friends offer good advice and help you relax a bit, make time to spend with them.  Blessings are being sent from heaven, and the Holy Spirit sends energy of total healing, joy and happiness whenever you ask for it. 

Pisces – Social activities are highlighted as you spend time with small groups of friends or even have more one on one time with them.  Follow you instincts when dealing with others to avoid surprises.  A friendship may grow closer.  Look to a trusted female for advice when needed.  St. Gabriel the archangel guides you to new discoveries.    

MERCURY RETROGRADE  August 30 – September 22
NEW MOON – October 1, 2016  8:12 pm Eastern

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Retrograde Advice by Sign

Mercury Retrograde September 2016

The angels love us all so much they asked to give messages regarding the current retrograde.  Mercury is in Virgo which means you get another chance to perfect something that you haven’t yet.  Expect old relationship issues as well as people to do a drive by during this time, so you can tie up those loose ends.  Anything you may have left with an uneasy feeling, such as a job, may return to help you evolve past it.  Ho’o PonoPono is a wonderful way to release karma, try it during this retrograde and see what transpires. 

The angels also ask us to bless the retrograde for what it is, a chance to revisit and fix something from the past.  Now is a good time to stay focused on that diet, exercise program or other project you haven’t finished.  You just may be successful at seeing it through.

Each sign has a sentence or two on what the retrograde holds for you.

Aries – All of life is a circle, and what goes around comes around.  The opportunity here is to see this from a new perspective.  Try looking at it as if it’s not your life, but someone else’s.  What advice would you give to that someone else?  Follow that advice yourself.      

Taurus – This retrograde helps you with acceptance.  Peace is at hand when you allow things to be as they are, make changes for yourself if need be, and release the need to change others. 
Gemini – Family is highlighted, be they blood relatives or selected friends.  How you relate to those around you and your spot within your tribe is accented.  Take note of how others see you.

Cancer – The chance to allow others to take the lead or make the first move may come up often during this retrograde.  In other words, be patient.

Leo – Opportunities to be the victor, not the victim, will abound during this retrograde.  How will you write those stories?   

Virgo – Sense of purpose is highlighted, and possibly because there is a “hurry up and wait” vibration, as with all retrogrades.  The mundane eventually leads to the miraculous.   

Libra – Balance is key, and you hold the key.  Wondrous things are on the horizon, and there will be a back and forth process before they arrive.

Scorpio – Trust and it will come your way.  Your thoughts are creation, and you are being encouraged to bless rather than curse.

Sagittarius – Karma – knowing the difference between what you can and cannot change, especially where people are concerned.

Capricorn – You are the master of your destiny, and without action nothing happens.  If there is something you want, you will need to make an effort to get it.

Aquarius – Finding your niche, feeling at home with your decisions.  Realizing all is well.

Pisces – Being clear about your personal motives in all situations is accented.  Why do you want what you want?  Answer that and sail through this retrograde.    

New Moon Sept. 1

New Moon AngelScopes™ September 1, 2016

The angels remind us that we have connection to spirit world at all times.  Each of us can connect to loved ones on the other side of the veil, especially as we enter the fall and the veil starts to thin.  You may notice more feathers around, more coincidences, and more electrical occurrences.  (Lights blinking, burning out suddenly, or flashing.)  These are all signs that deceased loved ones as well as your angels are near.  The angels also remind us that our loved ones on the other side do pray for us and help us manifest what we need in our lives.  We are moving into a time of manifestation, so ask often.  Form your words clearly when asking, and remember to thank your ancestors, angels and guides as your wishes come true.  Call upon Saint Michael the archangel before trying any specific communications from you to your loved ones.  This assures you are connecting with the spirit you want and not an imposter.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – There is a good chance this new to full moon phase complete with Mercury retrograde will bring total change to your life, Aries.  This may be sudden change or expected change, but it is change and can be monumental.  Either way attention to detail and awareness of your surroundings at all times is called for.  St. Michael is by your side with a legion of angels ready to assist with whatever you need.  You may receive news from afar during this time.  Review any opportunities that come your way and then sleep on them.  Well contemplated actions are called for throughout September.  Sleep on things before making any major decisions.      

Taurus – You may be feeling a little bogged down, Taurus.  This is a great time to re-evaluate your business and work choices.  Short travel is indicated, more than once during this time frame.  Archangel Raphael helps heal wounds old and new.  Keep up your energy with some extra nutrition or resting time, or both.  Prayer and/or meditation refreshes and refuels your soul.  Address all health issues, big and small immediately.
Gemini – Seeing both sides can create indecisiveness, and you are reminded that often the straight path is the best.  You are looking toward your future and are bathed in the light of the Creator.  The problem is too many choices.  Line up options by priority and then make your move.  The Creator is leading you to where you need to be, make a plan and stick to it.   

Cancer – Someone close is on the move and possibly leaving you in the dust.  Wish them well and get busy organizing your own life.  Connect with your soul to discover your true path and begin walking it.  Work may take you away for a bit, this is a stepping stone to a higher position.  Tzadkiel helps with all concerns, putting answers in front of you.   

Leo – Love is in the air, Leo, as a suitor tentatively appears, waiting for a sign of acceptance from you.  Is love enough?  You may actually be ready to give your heart.  Social activities are lots of fun as the summer winds down.  Archangel Gabriel steps in, focusing on the new and helping release the old.  All in all it’s a smooth flowing positive couple of weeks for you, even with the retrograde. 

Virgo – A co-worker has big ideas and would like to share them with you, Virgo.  It’s your choice to join in or stay where you are.  Expect a small delay or two when traveling.  Haniel is helping you recognize diamonds in the rough.  If you are planning a relocation, it’s good to test the waters first. 

Libra – Children or youth are asking you to share your wealth, and you may find yourself spending a bit of money.  This is not necessarily more than expected, just that it is a focus for you right now.  Reconsider any advice you feel inspired to offer, switch it to a prayer or something you hand over to the angels to handle.  The person in front of you doesn’t think as you do, and the angels can help your communications get through to them in a way they will understand.  If possible, hold off on large purchases until after the 23rd of September.

Scorpio – Work is highlighted – both career work and personal chores.  Unexpected travel is indicated to enable completion of certain tasks.  You are busier than you’d like to be, and may feel the need for some down time, even if you just returned from vacation.  The goddess Diana helps you complete projects and keeps your emotions in check.

Sagittarius – You are basically a happy person, Sag, but there are times when another’s negativity can drag you down.  The best action here is no reaction.  Continue about your day and let the negative person go on their way.  The less you engage with them the happier you’ll be.  The positive side of this encounter is it inspires you to move forward in areas where you’ve been dragging your feet.  Your guardian angel offers love and direction, and a trusted female helps you map out the future.  Sweeten your words whenever possible to ensure harmonious outcomes in your favor.    

Capricorn – You are in control and even if you feel as if the balancing act is wearing on your nerves, you are able to accomplish all you set out to.  This new moon indicates a promotion or step up in your circle.  Your thoughts may be drawn to someone at a distance, and your well wishes for them go a long way.  Dealings with your mate are even keeled, especially when you truly consider their point of view.  Archangel Ratziel places solutions in front of you as you need them.

Aquarius – Happy times and group gatherings are highlighted during this new to full moon phase.  Love is strong in all areas.  You may receive a visit from a friend you haven’t seen in a while.  Archangels Gabriel and Jophiel fill your moments with joy and happiness.  Remember to fill in your mate on all the aspects of your life, so they feel included.

Pisces – Blessings in disguise are headed your way, Pisces.  Look for the silver lining in all news; treasures often need to be searched for or found, they don’t always fall in your lap.  You may hear from or of an old friend or co-worker who may be traveling to your area.  Additions to the family are highlighted.  Metatron helps you determine which battles to choose.    

MERCURY RETROGRADE  August 30 – September 22
FULL MOON – September 16, 2016  3:05 pm Eastern

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


August’s Second Sunday featured Dream Facilitator, Ken Kaplan who shared his many years of expertise on the subject of our dreams.  “Everyone without exception, dreams,” he explained. 

He gave clues for remembering your dreams.  First and foremost set the intention to remember.  Once you have set the intention, keep a recorder or a notebook and pen by your bedside.  This way you can immediately record the dream upon awakening.  If you can’t remember your dream, perhaps you will remember the “feeling” of the dream.  This in turn may help you remember the dream.  By focusing on the feeling and reliving it, you may also recall the content of the dream.  Ken also suggested the at the more we open up spiritually, the more likely we are to remember our dreams.

Unless you are super psychic, dreams represent the now, not the future.  Even dreams after eating a bowl of spicy chili before bed have a bit of content that your subconscious is trying to relay to you.  Keeping a log of your dreams, or a dream history, can help interpret and give guidance for your daily life.

Dreams clarify what’s going on in your life.  Every dream is triggered by an event.  You watch a scary movie and have a nightmare.  You have something you are trying to decipher before you fall asleep and the answer comes through a dream.  You eat bad food.  Dreams are validations of thoughts you had during the day.  Nightmares represent the parts of the self not integrated yet, a reflection of an imbalance somewhere in your life.  Recurring dreams appear when your mind is trying to bring you a message that twill raise your awareness of something you may be ignoring.  Ken gave multiple examples of each of these type of dream messages.

Every part of a dream has importance, from what stands out to what seems obscure.  Treat every aspect of the dream as you; for example, if there is a night table that stood out in the dream, “be” the night table.  Strangers represent you, and sometimes even those you know will represent yourself and not themselves in a dream. 

For more information, check out Ken’s website  Ken offers group presentations as well as one on one sessions.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Full Moon 'Scopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ August 18, 2016

This full moon the angels ask us to be truthful with ourselves and others.  Clear communication now before the Mercury retrograde on the 31st will circumvent misunderstandings in the future.  Say what you must with as much love as possible.  Think love, feel it in your heart, “see” it encasing your words and imagine it leaving your lips.  The angels also remind us that when our thoughts, words and deeds are in alignment our forward movement will occur more quickly and easily.  This applies to relationships, career and purchases. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – New beginnings are all around you Aries, as fears and worries are removed and family togetherness starts to take precedence.  St. Michael has his sword out and is ready to fight with you and for you , even when the fight is within yourself.   Uncertainties are laid to rest as a new plan begins to form.  This full to new moon phase may include some emotional times, but all is smoothed out by the new moon on September 1st.      

Taurus – Family situations may be stressful during this full to new moon stage, especially when Mercury retrograde creates murky waters for communication.  Make sure you are getting enough rest during this extremely busy time, it seems concern for up to three others has you wearing yourself thin.  St. Raphael is close by, offering strength when you need it.  It’s not all bad stress as good times are plentiful over the next couple of weeks.  Enjoying the company of a younger person can invigorate and inspire!
Gemini – Your inner spirit is calling, reminding you of your true self.  It’s asking you to let your light shine.  Your work or home family are bonding together to create a stronger and more stable environment for you.  Your guardian angel calls you out when your less than bright side is showing.  Singles may be introduced to their next mate during this full to new moon phase.  A troubling situation reaches a satisfying conclusion. 

Cancer – Personal power is strong during this full moon, Cancer.  You have a distinct plan in mind to lead you to great success over the next two years.  Take time to daydream, imagining the unimaginable or goals you may you may think are impossible.  The Shekina guides you to an entirely new something by the new moon, and reminds you to let go and let God for your highest success.  Treat yourself at least once during this full to new moon phase, you do deserve.    

Leo – Your roar may not take you as far as you like during this full to new moon stage, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t getting what you want.  The angels indicate you are going to receive what you have been asking for, just a few days later than you expect.  Your leadership qualities are showing and you are called upon to use them.  King Solomon’s wisdom is yours for the asking in any and all decision making.  Talks about finances are very positive.

Virgo – There are times when you feel as if you are ready to take off on your own, Virgo.  You are aware of the challenges ahead and are very ready to move forward.  Abundance is close at hand and your ground work is stable.  Ratziel helps you by putting the information you need in front of you when you need it.  End of summer fun is well worth remembering this year. 

Libra – Emotions may be all over the place as new beginnings are at hand and change is imminent.  Staying focused on your day to day activities helps your mind process behind the scenes.  Timing is important now and rewards are heading your way.  The goddess Diana aids you in any battle you may face while archangel Gabriel assists with good news.  Trust your intuition when meeting new people or old friends re-emerge.

Scorpio – People around you offer to help lighten your load, and you may breathe a sigh of relief as restrictions are eased.  The more you allow others access the quicker struggles can end.  Love from a new admirer is on the horizon.  Take time to make time for some enjoyment, all work and no play leave Scorp by himself.  Metatron is working with you to bring you to the next level in your career.

Sagittarius – Appreciation is highlighted as you interact as a mentor.  Respect and love are gained as you steer your student towards success.  Family life is fun and playful during this full to new moon phase.  You may be contemplating a career or life change, the angels suggest waiting until the end of the fall.  Blessed Mother Mary smiles on you and offers an unexpected delight at month’s end.    

Capricorn – Removing the blinders you placed upon yourself allows you to see the many opportunities before you, Cap!  In some ways your emotions have been stealing the show, and it’s time to take a more objective view.  A trusted friend fills in the missing pieces so your puzzle is complete.  The Creator is supplying you with what you want, ask and you receive.  Group activities may seem stressful, bow out if you need to rest.

Aquarius – This full to new moon phase can bring a bit of relief where finances are concerned.  Big ideas turn into successful projects and the family reaps the rewards.  Try and keep your inner critic from speaking so loudly.  Results come faster when a softer tongue is used.  You may hear of much drama in the lives around you.  It’s time to just be an ear.  Listen.  Maybe nod your head.  Then let it go.  Jophiel brings joy to your heart and home.

Pisces – The angels remind you that most worries never manifest.  It’s time to move forward and leave your fears behind.  News of a major change heads your way, and you are reminded that you have the best fortune when you are decisive.  A friend shares a good bit of laughter with you.  Visualizing positive outcomes of any and all situations can ease anxiety, and take the same amount of energy as imagining the worst.  The goddess Athena assists in all areas. 

MERCURY RETROGRADE  August 30 – September 22
NEW MOON – September 1, 2016  5:04 am Eastern