Saturday, August 29, 2015

Full Moon AngelScopes™ August 29, 2015

This super full moon in Pisces the angels remind us that there are blessings all around.  The angels and our guides work hard to bring us our promised abundance in each area of our lives.  The law of attraction teaches that an attitude of gratitude increases our abundance.  How often are our blessings disguised as hardships?  We’ve all been there!  The Pisces full moon may call our past into our present, so don’t be surprised if you hear from old friends or catch yourself repeating some old habits.  All in all, it’s a time to finish projects and karma, creating room for the new in your life. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – It’s a great time to pay attention to your words as wishes seem to manifest almost immediately, Aries!  Something you’ve been waiting on finally comes through – maybe not exactly the way you wanted, but you will be able to close that door.  Communication is strongly highlighted, so expect to be talking a lot!  Archangel Ratziel continues his guidance, raising your level of understanding throughout the month of September.

Taurus – A male figurehead is highlighted during this full to new moon phase, and you are the person he looks to for support.  The angels ask you to help him help himself by illuminating his previous actions.  It may seem as if this man isn’t listening, but something you say hits home and he steps into the light.  St. Raphael is by your side reminding you to take some time for yourself along the way.  An evening out could be just what you need.
Gemini – A change in finances is indicated during this full to new moon stage.  You are reminded to read the fine print before making any major purchases.  A female friend has a really great idea for you, listen all the way through what she has to say before deciding.  Holy Spirit activity raises your inner joy, possibly even putting sunshiny words in your mouth.

Cancer – Success is headed your way, and you actually feel confident enough to let those good vibes wash over you.  Things around you are stabilizing and you are happy to feel like you can breathe easily.  Archangel Haniel is your personal cheer leader and steers you clear of self-induced failure.  Welcome the new, as your life is about to follow a straight path to victory, 

Leo – This full moon may bring some major endings, but also new beginnings.  When what you didn’t realize was holding you back is released, you move forward with lighting speed.  Mother Mary soothes any sadness and fortifies you with strength of perseverance.  A nice surprise rolls in around the middle of next month. 

Virgo – Sometimes divorcing yourself from a situation is the only way to resolve things.  Whatever you have been working on finishing comes to a head by mid-September, (December if you drag your feet) and leads you to brand new success!  Say goodbye to that ex, job or car with love and gratitude for your new beginning.  St. Michael is there when you need him.  He can move all those mountains quickly and easily.

Libra – Oh happy day….. wishes are coming true, big and small so set your sights on what you truly want and stretch your mind to allow bigger thoughts and more choices in.  If you’re game, romance is on its way.  St. Gabriel keeps your hopes up and celebrates every victory with you.

Scorpio – You may be feeling a little unsure of where you really want to be in this life, Scorp.  Take some time to meditate (aka think) about what truly makes you happy.  Perhaps something you never seem to have time for.  Then rearrange your calendar and make it happen.  After all, you are the boss of you.  Your guardian angel brings answers to all your questions, sometimes by speaking through others.  Listen well.

Sagittarius – A wonderful female friend/acquaintance/family member supports your best ideas, encouraging you onward.  If this is a boss, she sees your merit and helps you advance.  Jophiel adds joy to all you do. It’s a time to be careful with spending.  Once the new moon comes around, things flow a bit more freely.

Capricorn – You may feel caged, but the door is open, you just need to walk through it.  A short trip can clear your head and bring solutions you may have missed in the past.  Your guides and angels are sending you many signs of affirmation.  Metatron’s got your back and will help if you ask.  You may hear of a career opportunity.

Aquarius – Put your dancing shoes on, Aquarius – it’s time to celebrate!  Reach for the stars during this full to new moon phase.  Want a new car?  New job?  Different home?  For you, this is truly a time of letting go of the old and embracing the new.  Remember, this is about you – trying to drag someone into this wonderful vibration will only slow down your own progress.  The Creator is patting you on the back and the universe is helping your dreams come true.  Sharing your good fortune with others increases it. 

Pisces – After a whirlwind, things are finally settling down and you feel in control of your life once again.  You are entering a time of success after a period of gathering wisdom and graduating the school of hard knocks.  Archangel Sachiel helps with being in the right place at the right time.  Expect miracles, small and large.

NEW MOON – Sunday, September 13th,  2:41am ET

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Super Moons and Thinning Veils

This weekend marks the fourth of the six Super Moons of 2015.  The first three were the new moons of January, February and March, and the last three will be the full moons of August, September and October.  Every year we have 4-6 super moons.  A super moon is defined by being closest to us in its orbit of the earth during the full or new moon.

The moon carries a strong pull on all living things, and humans being somewhere between 50-75% fluid definitely feel the change.  Like the tides of the oceans, our emotions can change during the full moon.  Saturday’s full moon is in Pisces, pulling the past forward.  We may feel extra nostalgic, maybe a bit weepy, and might want to go back in our lives instead of forwards.  If you decide to rekindle a relationship with an ex during this full moon, it may not last.  You will finish whatever karma is hanging around, but once that’s done, the relationship will once again end.  This isn’t only for romantic relationships; but encompasses friendships and business partnerships as well.  People from your past may reappear.  Past life memory may be stronger during this full moon.

Along with three months of super full moons, we have the thinning veil.  When the veil between heaven and earth (or our dimension and the spiritual dimension) thins each year, we have more spiritual experiences. Generally the veil thins sometime between August and the beginning of November. More people see, hear or feel ghosts around them.  There may be more orbs in photographs.  It’s a time when souls easily enter and exit our plane of existence. 

Many people will describe seeing something out of the corner of their eye.  Some will see a ghost plain as day, blink, and the ghost is gone.  Many hear more songs on the radio that make them think of a deceased loved one.  One of my friend’s parents use a popular Neil Diamond song to get her attention. (I say parents because hers travel together.  I’ve never seen one without the other.)   It’s when the song is not so popular you know it’s a message.  If I hear King of the Road, I know for sure my dad is close by.  Ramblin’ Rose is my Pop.  It’s very rare to hear these songs at all, so when they are on the radio, I know it’s time to pay attention and determine what message my ancestors have for me. 

It’s very interesting the way ghosts will show up.  If someone has a message for you through me, the ghost will appear to me in a way you will understand who they are.  For example, a brother may show up with fishing gear, a dad in his favorite flannel, your boss in a suit.  One person’s mom showed up in a housecoat holding a pocketbook in front of her.  I thought that was odd, but when described, the person knew immediately who the ghost was.  While Jeremy was visiting last week, he told me there was a woman, about 5’2, grey hair and horn rimmed glasses who is helping and guiding me.  I was like, What?  Both my grandmas were tall and my aunt would never show up with grey hair.  Then I realized it was Alice.  Haha, it’s just like her to come in with something humorous.  I do feel her around every so often, and was happy to hear she still liked to hang out.

Sometimes you don’t see or hear, but “feel” or “sense” the ghosts around you when the veil is thin.  The messages are almost always the same:  you are loved, you are not alone, we are here to help. 

While the veil is thin, many will be more attuned to messages.  Just yesterday a realtor told me a story of how she had the strongest urge to turn her car around while on her way to show a home.  She called her clients and asked them to meet her at a different location than previously planned.  What’s interesting about this story is that the realtor is a real thinker.  She weighs and measures every message she receives, but this time she just went with the overwhelming push to change things around. Sure enough, the clients loved the location as well as the home and a deal was made.

Many believe the veil between worlds is thinner than ever before, hence the great spiritual awakening the earth is experiencing.  Now is a time when we can all access the other side, connect with our higher selves, guides, and angels more quickly than any other era.  It’s also a time to be more responsible with accessing that which lies beyond the veil.  Grounding yourself is extremely important.  Pulling white light before and after to keep your energy strong and clear helps. 

To sum it all up – super moons and a thinning veil bring us closer to our emotional and spiritual selves.  It’s a great time to meditate, pay attention to your signs, and keep your attitude of gratitude strong.  Messages from the other side will be flowing regularly, and it is a very good time to have a consult with a trusted medium if you feel the need to do so.  Keep fear at bay if you hear, see or sense something unusual.  It will all slow down by Nov. 3rd when the veil thickens and the super moons are done. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

New Moon AngelScopes™

New Moon AngelScopes™ August 14, 2015

This new moon the angels remind us that we are well protected and can put our fears and worries away.  St. Michael is strong and can help you through or over any obstacles you may encounter.  When you are fearful just call upon your personal angelic army (we all have one) to remove that fear.  Breathe in love and positive energy.  Breathe our negativity, stress, anxiety and fear.

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – You’ve been the strong one and continue to hold your emotions in check as we head towards the full moon.  Ratziel helps bring problem solving wisdom.  A promotion may be on the horizon.

Taurus – A change in finances is indicated, possibly due to a Cancer person around you, a friend or family member.  You can see happiness in the very near future as you plan for the fall.  St. Raphael guides you in decision making, and reminds you that personal health as a priority helps you live happier and longer.
Gemini – It’s time to travel, even if it’s only around town, you’ll be out and about over the next couple of weeks.  Your guardian angel is working with the Ascended Masters to lead you to exactly where you need to be.

Cancer – There is a good chance of separation between you and a loved one or situation.  Discussions may escalate the process you and may want to try and hang on.  Your heart knows what to do, and Padre Pio helps you let go of what doesn’t serve your highest good.

Leo – You are the boss of yourself and hard work gets you exactly where you want to go.  The new moon in Leo activates your motivation, in two areas – work and play.  The Creator assists in every situation. 

Virgo – All work and no play makes Virgo a dull, tired pup.  It’s a good time to take some time to yourself.  Haniel is leading you to success and brings messages as you sleep.  A little self-pampering goes a long way between  now and the full moon, helping you attract exactly what you need.

Libra – New moon means new beginnings.  All around you there are changes occurring and you may feel caught in a whirlwind.  Stay focused on your goals during this time.  Metatron helps make a way where there is none. 

Scorpio – Feeling stuck or caged?  Take a step back, you are more powerful than you realize and can manifest your desires during this new to full moon stage.  A trip to water clears your emotions enough to pull you into balance.  Heavenly messengers are helping you, and the signs around you may be strong.  Kamael helps discern between destructive and constructive choices.

Sagittarius – You are linking in to your higher self, and adjusting your goals to reflect the true you.  It’s a time of introspection as you plan the next phase of your life.  Work has you turning every which way, and the excitement opens doors to future opportunities.  Jesus provides enlightenment to those around you as well as yourself.

Capricorn – Its time to talk things out, and the new moon opens doors and windows to opportunities to speak your mind.  Wear pink whenever possible to bring love in to every situation.  St. Germaine is on hand to guide you.  This is a very good time to Feng Shui your LIFE, especially in areas of relationships. 

Aquarius – A change of plans may be at hand, and your guardian angel helps you be the resourceful person we know you are.  Solutions lie everywhere and it’s no big deal for you to change course a little to make things easier on everyone.  Blessed Mother and Quan Yin energies join to help you get organized.

Pisces – It’s a time of great blessings, Pisces, as you see your wishes being granted on a daily basis.  You may enter what feels like a destined relationship, or commit to an existing one in a new way.  Ask, ask, ask and then keep the momentum going by sharing, sharing, sharing.  Tzadkiel shows you the steps to happiness within.

FULL MOON – Friday, August 29th 2:35pm ET