Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Weather Control

You Can’t Control the Weather – Or Can You?

Recently the Northeast was promised a blizzard of epic proportions.  There were cities that received up to 36 inches of snow, and some that were disappointed with a mere 9 inches.  I live in an area where 28 inches was predicted and I am happy to say we got only about a foot.  Facebook posts had me laughing about all the people who now want to be meteorologists because they can always be wrong and still keep their well-paying jobs.

As soon as reports of this approaching blizzard came in, my friends around the country were sending me good wishes, hoping that the storm wouldn’t be as bad as the experts predicted.  Think about it, all those well-wishers, wishing the storm away; sending energy to create less of a hazard for us here on the northeast coast.  Many of the people in the predicted storm areas also were hoping it would be bad enough to cancel school or work, but not so bad that we end up without electric and roofs caving in from the heavy snow. 

Some of my spiritual friends believe that weather is the one thing that is easy to control.  Most of us in this field are aware that the chaotic energy of man’s emotions definitely stirs up the chaotic energy of the earth; causing storms, earthquakes and other unwelcome phenomena.  The more we focus on love, peace and tranquility, the more the earth responds with like action.  This is the law of attraction at work at the base level. 

Countless times I have planned events.  I “look” at the day and “see” what the weather is like. Usually what I envision is correct.  When the day arrives, even if great storms are predicted, the weather cooperates with us nine times out of ten to accomplish what we need to.  This happens for retreats and most events.  A recent one that caught me off-guard was Raindrop Therapy that was cancelled because of the rain.  Ha-ha!!!  I knew it would rain by me, but didn’t think to look ahead to the location of the event – where it was more ice than rain.  There were times on retreat when the sun was shining on us and it was raining everywhere else.  There were a few times people said, “sorry the weather was so bad for your weekend away,” and I would wonder what they were talking about. 

You can practice “controlling” the weather.  Which isn’t really controlling at all, but just sort of wishing for a beautiful day, a warmer day, a cooler day, a sunnier day – then see what happens. You can also always ask the angels for some help.  You've got friends in high places.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mercury Retrograde/Mind Stretch

While we are at the mercy of the aspects and earthly vibrations, the angels are not.  If you are having a time of it with this current retrograde, you may want to try this meditation.  It helps when you feel "stuck" and especially if the same old, same old seems to be repeating.  When old patterns return, there is usually something we haven't learned or haven't mastered yet.  The mind stretch meditation can help you expand your thinking to allow new ideas in.  Solutions that have been evading your consciousness may appear.  Thoughts that you were adverse to may seem more appealing.  (The angels are really great at helping us ease those stubborn streaks.)    Any questions?  Email me at

Mind Stretch

Begin by taking 3-5 good deep breaths.  Breathe in as deeply as you can, exhale and push every bit of air out.  When you inhale, fill your lungs to capacity.  When you exhale, release all the air in your lungs.  Exhaling every bit of air helps you release anything you’ve been holding onto energy-wise.  After your 3-5 good deep breaths, begin to breathe normally.  Every breath you take puts you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus.   You are inhaling positive healing energy and releasing all stress and anxiety.  Begin by seeing a bright white light sun over top of your head.  A beam of that sun comes down and goes through you, filling you with white light.   Another beam comes down and surrounds you. The light continues to flow through you and around you with every breath you take, and each breath puts you deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation and focus. 

You realize that you are surrounded by angels.  You feel secure in this knowledge and are happy to have these angels standing by.  You begin to focus on your mind.  With the speed of thought you see your mind as a pliable mass.  The angels that were surrounding you now surround the pliable mass of your mind.  The angels touch your mind on all sides, and begin to pull and stretch your mind.  It grows in all directions as it is stretched, allowing for more and more positive information to fill it.  Every breath you take fills your mind with white light.  Your mind becomes brighter and brighter.  With the speed of thought your mind has been stretched to 10x its size, and has been energized by the angels.

You thank the angels and begin to focus on your brain.  See your brain as a gold energy.  The angels have now gathered around your brain, and they are energizing your brain cells, establishing a direct connection to the realm of heaven for you.  Follow this connection and receive information on what/who/where you are to be.  Let the angels fill you with the gold light of heaven, inserting ideas and notions in your brain, showing you possible successes you were not aware of before.

As the angels stretch your mind and energize your brain, you may have questions – such as “Am I on the right path?”  or “How can this situation reach a peaceful resolution?”  Communicate these questions, one at a time, to the angels.  After you have asked a  question, wait for an answer.  If you do not understand the answer, ask the angels to give you the answer in the simplest form that you will understand.  When you have your answer, thank the angels again for helping expand your mind.  When you have finished communicating, take a deep, deep breath.  Feeling refreshed and renewed, exhale and open your eyes.

 Even if you don't receive a clear message while performing this meditation, your subconscious is working behind the scenes.  Your answers will come.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

New Moon 'Scopes

New Moon AngelScopes™ Jan. 20, 2015

We have a new moon followed by Mercury Retrograde.  Its suggested during Mercury Retrograde to avoid making deals, signing legal papers, and starting anything new because there may be delays.  Also during the retrograde miscommunication is the norm, travel delays can be expected, and your appliances may not work properly.  Mercury is in the sign of Aquarius during this time, meaning new beginnings will definitely be delayed.  Lightning and electrical occurrences may be highlighted during this retrograde.  Changes will be swift.  You may find it harder than usual to stick with your new year resolutions, and you may discover past concerns resurfacing.  Ask your angels to help, and if something from your past reappears, ask to be shown the lesson so you can be done with it this time around.

The angels ask us to focus on our compassion and nurturing talents during this new to full moon phase.  Helping others creates a magical healing vibration, especially when done without thought of compensation in any form.  We are asked to start putting this into practice, as it helps increase our personal light, which heals others as soon as we are within three feet of them. 

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Family takes center stage, and all bonds between blood relatives are strengthened.  Blessed Mother guides you with a loving heart, so you may spread that love as well.  It is a great time for get-togethers and social functions.  You may see relatives you haven’t seen in a while and have wonderful times reminiscing.

Taurus – Juggling many situations at once may be tough for some, but not for you Taurus!  The angels jump in to keep you organized and moving forward.  You are able to keep two specific and separate parts of your life on track with the help of archangels Kamael and Tzadkiel.  If things seem too chaotic go to your Zen place, even if only for a few minutes.  The moments of centering will have you back on track in no time.
Gemini – Changes in how you perceive yourself as well as how you make a living are possible.  Remember you create your world.  The Creator shows you specific positives to help you move forward successfully.  Taking time to meditate or contemplate will bring the answers you seek.

Cancer – You may find yourself re-evaluating a particulare relationship.  Fathers are highlighted for you during this time.  Your guardian angel guides you in the decisions that affect your future.  It’s time to move forward, even if its inch by inch.

Leo – Big change is coming, Leo.  You are going to be very busy and St. Michael is clearing your path.  Things are going as planned, just a little more slowly than you hoped.  Trips and air travel are possible – planning or taking.

Virgo – Your patience is beginning to pay off, Virgo.  Intuition is high during this new to full moon phase, even with the retrograde.  Follow your gut, it trumps all aspects.  St. Raphael heals past hurts so you can progress.  Better beginnings are just around the corner.
Libra – You do love beauty, Libra.  It’s a great time to relax and bask in the love that is all around you in great abundance.  Not feeling it?  Look again, it is there!  St. Raphael feeds feelings of contentment and guides you to happy situations.

Scorpio – The conversation is all about your finances, as you are guided to ways to increase as well as stretch your abundance.  Uriel helps increase your knowledge of saving strategies.  Be ready for some joy.  Communication is straightforward, so pay attention.

Sagittarius – You love it all and want to do it all, but it may be time to slow down for a few moments, Sag.  A little extra rest helps solutions flow easier than ever before.  Your worry meter may be working OT, but Jesus guides you to calmer and more productive activities.  The next few months will be very active, so take a respite now while you can to fuel up on energy.

Capricorn – You are contemplating the meaning of life, and, if single, you are considering changing that area.  Libra helps you find beauty you have overlooked.  Archangel Haniel leads you to what you want, once you make up your mind that it’s what you really desire. 

Aquarius – It’s a thought provoking time as you contemplate where you are, where you’ve been and where you want to go.  The angels see that you are being harder on yourself than usual and ask that you just back away for a bit.  You are on the right path, and there will be some adjustments, but nothing earth-shattering.  Holy Spirit helps you see the big picture, and not just your own view.
Pisces – Family – you love them, they drive you crazy.  St. Gabriel reminds you that patience is a virtue.  Fun times are headed your way once the full moon rolls around. 

FULL MOON – February 3, 2015 6:09pm  ET
Mercury Direct – February 12

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Full Moon Scopes

Full Moon AngelScopes™ Jan. 4, 2014

The angels are reminding us that as we enter this power year we will attract things like relationships, activities and material abundance to ourselves quicker than ever before.  They also remind us that as we think, so we are.  Negative thoughts will not bring a positive result.  You will receive what you asked for, absolutely, but perhaps the delivery is not what you expected.  There are many changes taking place and everyone’s awareness will be heightened throughout 2015.  What we do with that awareness is our free will. 

For all of you who have made resolutions – 21 days to make a change, 42 days to make it stick.  Here’s to 42 days of success that turn into a year of positive change for you!

Ask the angel or entity indicated to help you through this period, especially if there are major decisions to be made.

Aries – Everything you’ve been wanting is so close to coming together now, Aries.  You feel whole, and just “know” you are entering an amazing time.  St. Michael clears blockages to your success, even if you are the blockage.  Things from the past may pop up again, it’s time to complete those tasks and move on.  Happiness is yours if that is your intent.

Taurus – Someone around you lets you know how important you are to them.  Promotions, raises, and increased responsibilities are all in the works. Your ally offers advice both financially and life-wise.  The Creator is steering you towards your destined success.  Clear yourself as often as possible to be open and aware of true golden opportunities.
Gemini – Staying very aware of your surroundings is crucial at this time; as is being in control of yourself at all times.  A Capricorn lends a helping hand.  (Remember, accepting help is as much of a blessing upon the two of you as giving help is.)  Archangel Haniel is working with St. Michael the archangel to bring you to success.  New, more positive attitudes take you far.

Cancer – Work takes precedence over this full to new moon stage and you are fairly happy to be back to your normal routine.  You may be wondering if you have been a fool about something, and you would be right.  (Are you fooling yourself, perhaps?)  Take care of things now before you are truly bamboozled.  St. Michael helps you keep your positive outlook, which helps you come out on top.

Leo – It’s a brand new year, Leo, and you are very ready to face it head on.  You know you’ve made mistakes, but you have forgiven yourself and the others involved.  A trusted friend stays by your side and Archangel Ratziel helps you leave the past behind.  Ratziel is the keeper of the book.  The book is filled with wisdom and knowledge.  Ask him for help when you feel confused.

Virgo – Someone wishes to offer you their heart, but you may not be ready to accept it, Virgo.  Waiting is good advice and if people accuse you of being too picky, make a list of must haves, would likes, and no ways.  (This is good for all you would like to attract to yourself, not just love.)  Blessed Mother lets you know if you are being hard hearted.  If you are feeling rejected, better situations are heading your way mid-month.  Keep the faith!
Libra – Family concerns are top priority as you notice someone struggling, but you aren’t sure how to help.  St. Gabriel helps you send healing gold light wherever it’s needed.  Sometimes the best thing you can do is back away.  Trust your gut when situations arise.  Your soul light is strong through mid-February.

Scorpio – Watch your health, Scorp!  A little too much holiday fun  may be catching up with you.  Take time to rest up.  It’s important that you are your strongest self by month’s end.  Magical opportunities will be heading your way.  St. Raphael and remind you to take care of yourself but only you can actually DO that.  He lends a hand wherever you are feeling stressed.

Sagittarius – There may be many announcements of pregnancy around you during this time, Sag.  You may be considering jumping on that brigade, or at least starting some new projects.  Be ready for gifts disguised as problems during this full to new moon phase.  St. Gabriel is happy to give your messages to others, and will be conversing with you in depth regarding your new beginnings for 2015.  You may want to keep a notebook for your ideas.  Knowing what you truly want is ¾ of the battle.

Capricorn – Bells will be ringing….  Wedding bells, that is.  You may have lots of engagements or may have recently met what will be your life-long mate.  Holy Spirit brings you many blessings during this time, so if you feel an urge to do something you may want to act on it quickly.  Happiness travels from your spirit to your soul. 

Aquarius – New beginnings can’t get here fast enough and you are asked to cool your jets.  Keep your eye on your prize and not on what other peoples goals are or what you think their goals should be.  Staying focused will reap mountains of rewards, but you also must be willing to forgive and forget.  Haniel leads you to success in all things business.
Pisces – There are gifts headed your way, Pisces!  Gifts of joy, love and abundance.  The Holy Trinity (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) are working with and for you.  Staying positive brings a lot of happiness.  Fun days are ahead thru the end of February.  Make the most of them by being your true self.

NEW MOON – January 20, 2015 8:14am  ET